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Monitoring and controlling the speed and direction of a DC motor through FPGA and comparison of FPGA for speed and performance optimization
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<span lang="EN-US">We are living in the 21<sup>st</sup> century, an era of acquiring necessity in one click. As we, all know that technology is continuously reviving to stay ahead of advancements taking place in this world of making things easier for mankind. Technology has been putting his part in introducing different projects as we have used the field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) development board of low cost and programmable logic done by the new evolvable cyclone software is optimized for specific energy based on Altera Cyclone II (EP2C5T144) through which we can control the speed of any electronic device or any Motor Control IP product targeted for the fan and pump. Altera Cyclone FPGAs’ is a board through which we can monitor the speed and direction of the DC motor. As we know how to make understand, dynamic analog input using an A-to-D convertor and we know how to create pulse width modulation (PWM) output with FPGA. Therefore, by combining these two functions we can create an FPGA DC motor controller. Our paper is divided into three parts: First, all of us will attempt to imitate the issue and can try to look for its answer. Secondly, we will try to verify the solution for real-time. In addition, in the last step, we will verify the solution on the real-time measurements.</span>

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comparison Between Two Shape Parameters Estimators for (Burr-XII) Distribution
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This paper deals with defining Burr-XII, and how to obtain its p.d.f., and CDF, since this distribution is one of failure distribution which is compound distribution from two failure models which are Gamma model and weibull model. Some equipment may have many important parts and the probability distributions representing which may be of different types, so found that Burr by its different compound formulas is the best model to be studied, and estimated its parameter to compute the mean time to failure rate. Here Burr-XII rather than other models is consider  because it is used to model a wide variety of phenomena including crop prices, household income, option market price distributions, risk and travel time. It has two shape-parame

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Performance quality of single and ?two stage solar concentrators
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The performance of single and two stage solar concentrator were studied ' " The ratio of the primary to the secondary mirrors diameter is taking to be 0.5, depending on the theoretical calculation for the accumulated energy by the concentrator with ratio between 0.0 to 0.9. The design of the systems were designed and examined by using a ray-tracing program. The efficiency of the single and the two stage concentrators are calculated and compared with and without cooling systems.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of Educational Performance according to Centralization and Decentralization
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The research aims to identify the effect of applying administrative decentralization to an educational performance by assessing educational performance before and after the process of transferring powers from the federal government (the Iraqi Ministry of Education) to local governments (governorates) as well as identifying the appropriate central or decentralized administrative system to advance the educational reality and performance. To achieve the goal of the research, educational data was collected and analyzed, as well as the measurement of educational performance indicators and analysis during two phases, the first represents the stage of applying the central system and spanned between the academic year (2011-2012) and the

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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An experiment was conducted in a greenhouse - research station B - College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, during the fall season of 2018 with the aim of propagating and initially studying the field performance of 18 and 20 potential potato lines derived from Rivera and Arizona cv. after in vitro exposure of nodal segments to different dosages of gamma rays (0, 10, 20, and 30 Gray) and EMS (0, 10, 20, and 30 mM). Each control cultivar and their derived lines were independently cultured in plastic bags according to the RCBD, with three replications. The results showed that the highest plant height and number of leaves were obtained from Arizona derived lines which gave 60.11 cm and 25.30 leaves.plant-1 in

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Job satisfaction and its relation to the effectiveness of performance: Applied research on a sample of employees in the Federal board of supreme Audit
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The research aimed to study the job satisfaction of the staff of the Federal board of supreme Audit and its relation to the effectiveness of their performance, The questionnaire was adopted as a main tool in the collection of data and information from a random sample of (54) employees of the Federal board of supreme Audit. In light of this, the data were collected and analyzed and the hypotheses were tested using the statistical program (SPSS).

The researchers reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which were: (1) the respondents' response to the variables of job satisfaction and the effectiveness of the performance were medium; (2) there was a significant relationship between job satisfaction and performance effe

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Accounting Thought Direction of Fair value on the Relevance: An Applied Study of a Sample of the Listed Banks Listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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In accounting studies, more than one method is used to measure income and balance sheets elements. One of these methods is called the fair value, which use to determine the assets and liabilities ad it includes the benefits or self-satisfaction ability. This paper aims to focus on the importance of fair value as a basis of accounting measurement and its effects to achieve the relevant characteristics by using the equation is used by (Kythreotis) in his research, And Also , Editing this equation depending on the financial data and information of Iraqi Banks as a case.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of social audit in social performance an applied study of the views of a sample of managers and staff of Algerian business organizations
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            This research aims at clarifying the concept of social auditing, which is one of the most important reasons for its emergence is social responsibility accounting and its role in measuring the social performance of enterprises. The study also aimed to know how social auditing has an impact and its role in improving the social performance of business organizations, and the research refers to testing the hypotheses of an impact of social auditing on social performance through a commitment to social responsibility. The research sample consisted of 200 individuals from 20 Algerian business organizations and represented individuals who were researched in managers and em

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Bioequivalence and Pharmacokinetics Comparison of Two Formulations of Extended-Release Pentoxifylline Tablets in Healthy Subjects after Fasting and Fed Conditions
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The pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of a newly developed extended-released (ER) tablet containing 400 mg pentoxifylline as a test product was compared with the reference brand product Trental® 400 mg ER tablet produced by Sanofi-Aventis. Two separate studies were conducted simultaneously. The first study was conducted under fasting condition, whereas, the second study was conducted under fed condition; using the same batches of the test and reference products in both studies. In each study, both products were administered to 32 healthy male adult volunteers applying a single-dose, two-treatment, two-period, two-sequence, randomized crossover design with one-week washout period between dosing. Twenty two blood samples we

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Publication Date
Mon May 17 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine &amp; Toxicology
The Effect of Exercises with a Proposed Device to Improving Some Bio-Kinematic Variables and the Performance of the Arab Round off Skill on Floor Movement Mat Device of the Artistic Gymnastics for Women
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The importance of the research lies in preparing exercises using a proposed device to learn the skill of thehuman wheel on a machine rug of ground movements of the artistic gymnastics. As for the research problem:Through the presence of the two researchers as teachers and observers of this sport in the gymnastics hall,they noticed that there is difficulty in the students’ performance of the skill of the round off on the machineof the mat of ground movements, according to the researchers’ opinion, the reason for this is that skillsare taught with the limited availability of assistive devices, as well as the lack of use of these devices inexercises according to biomechanical variables, although they facilitate the learning process

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2003
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Energy Conversion
Helical motion tubular induction motor
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