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Monitoring and controlling the speed and direction of a DC motor through FPGA and comparison of FPGA for speed and performance optimization
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<span lang="EN-US">We are living in the 21<sup>st</sup> century, an era of acquiring necessity in one click. As we, all know that technology is continuously reviving to stay ahead of advancements taking place in this world of making things easier for mankind. Technology has been putting his part in introducing different projects as we have used the field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) development board of low cost and programmable logic done by the new evolvable cyclone software is optimized for specific energy based on Altera Cyclone II (EP2C5T144) through which we can control the speed of any electronic device or any Motor Control IP product targeted for the fan and pump. Altera Cyclone FPGAs’ is a board through which we can monitor the speed and direction of the DC motor. As we know how to make understand, dynamic analog input using an A-to-D convertor and we know how to create pulse width modulation (PWM) output with FPGA. Therefore, by combining these two functions we can create an FPGA DC motor controller. Our paper is divided into three parts: First, all of us will attempt to imitate the issue and can try to look for its answer. Secondly, we will try to verify the solution for real-time. In addition, in the last step, we will verify the solution on the real-time measurements.</span>

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Research In Higher Education
Proposal of a guide for talent evaluation and management based on a qualitative and three-staged approach
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The key objective of the study is to understand the best processes that are currently used in managing talent in Australian higher education (AHE) and design a quantitative measurement of talent management processes (TMPs) for the higher education (HE) sector.


The three qualitative multi-method studies that are commonly used in empirical studies, namely, brainstorming, focus group discussions and semi-structured individual interviews were considered. Twenty-three individuals from six Australian universities parti

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 11 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Well placement optimization: A review
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Optimization of well placement plays a considerable role in the production and maximizing the net present value of the investment of oil field developments. However, the application of the optimization techniques in well placement developments is so complicated because many decision variables, objective functions, and constraints are involved in the well placement optimization case. Furthermore, many computational techniques; conventional and non-conventional, have been utilized to optimize well placement operations. This study displays the advancement of the optimization methods applied in the well placement. Subsequently, the study assorted the applied optimization methods, and it demonstrates the restriction and the range of implementati

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jul 11 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Gas lift optimization: A review
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Optimization of gas lift plays a substantial role in production and maximizing the net present value of the investment of oil field projects. However, the application of the optimization techniques in gas lift project is so complex because many decision variables, objective functions and constraints are involved in the gas lift optimization problem. In addition, many computational ways; traditional and modern, have been employed to optimize gas lift processes. This research aims to present the developing of the optimization techniques applied in the gas lift. Accordingly, the research classifies the applied optimization techniques, and it presents the limitations and the range of applications of each one to get an acceptable level of accura

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Performance Appraisal of Human Resource Management and Its Effect on Achieving the Organizational Success -A Field Search at the Ministry of Oil-
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The present study addressed "Performance Appraisal of Human Resource Management and Its Effect on Achieving the Organizational Success", for the topics of performance appraisal of human resource management and the organizational success gained an increasing interest being relatively important and modern topics which had a great effect on the future of organizations.

The study aimed at revealing the pattern of appraising the performance of human resource management for the study sample, and whether it was qualified to lead the ministry towards the organizational success, for this purpose two main hypotheses were formulated: 1) there is a positive significant correlation between both variables: performanc

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
The role of the forensic accountant in achieving the integration of accounting and legal performance
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 11 2024
Journal Name
Tropical Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Application of Taguchi orthogonal array in optimization of the synthesis and crystallinity of metal organic framework 5 (MOF 5)
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Purpose: To use the L25 Taguchi orthogonal array for optimizing the three main solvothermal parameters that affect the synthesis of metal-organic frameworks-5 (MOF-5). Methods: The L25 Taguchi methodology was used to study various parameters that affect the degree of crystallinity (DOC) of MOF-5. The parameters comprised temperature of synthesis, duration of synthesis, and ratio of the solvent, N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF) to reactants. For each parameter, the volume of DMF was varied while keeping the weight of reactants constant. The weights of 1,4-benzodicarboxylate (BDC) and Zn(NO3)2.6H2O used were 0.390 g and 2.166 g, respectively. For each parameter investigated, five different levels were used. The MOF-5 samples were synthesi

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2022
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Red Monkey Optimization and Genetic Algorithm to Solving Berth Allocation Problems
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In the past two decades, maritime transport traffic has increased, especially in the case of container flow. The BAP (Berth Allocation Problem) (BAP) is a main problem to optimize the port terminals. The current manuscript explains the DBAP problems in a typical arrangement that varies from the conventional separate design station, where each berth can simultaneously accommodate several ships when their entire length is less or equal to length. Be a pier, serve. This problem was then solved by crossing the Red Colobuses Monkey Optimization (RCM) with the Genetic Algorithm (GA). In conclusion, the comparison and the computational experiments are approached to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method contrasted with other

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of PV Solar Energy Generator using MPPT Technique to Control Single Input/Multiple Outputs (DC-DC) Converter
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The paper presents the design of a system consisting of a solar panel with Single Input/Multiple Outputs (DC-DC) Buck Converter by using Simulink dialogue box tools in MATLAB software package for simulation the system. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique depending on Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm is used to control the output power of the converter and increase the efficiency of the system. The characteristics of the MSX-60 PV module is chosen in design of the system, whereas the electrical characteristics (P-V, I-V and P-I curves) for the module are achieved, that is affected by the solar radiation and temperature variations. The proposed design module has been found to be stable for any change in atmospheric tempera

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of HF and HCl Chemical Laser Parameters by using Mathematical Model
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A simplified theoretical comparison of the hydrogen chloride (HCl) and hydrogen fluoride (HF) chemical lasers is presented by using computer program. The program is able to predict quantitative variations of the laser characteristics as a function of rotational and vibrational quantum number. Lasing is assumed to occur in a Fabry-Perot cavity on vibration-rotation transitions between two vibrational levels of hypothetical diatomic molecule. This study include a comprehensive parametric analysis that indicates that the large rotational constant of HF laser in comparison with HCl laser makes it relatively easy to satisfy the partial inversion criterion. The results of this computer program proved their credibility when compared with th

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al-qadisiyah Medical Journal
Comparison between dome and wedge osteotomy in management of hallux valgus deformity
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Background: the condition of hallux valgus is considered as the most common deformities affecting females more than males, characteristically manifested as lateral deviation of the big toe and widening of first and second inter -metatarsal angle with a deformity of second toe in some severe cases. Objective: to make a radiological and clinical assessment of two surgical methods of osteotomy used in treatment of hallux valgu and to compare between them: first one is the distal dome osteotomy, and second one is a distal wedge metatarsal osteotomy. Patients and methods: a total of 36 feet of 28 patients suffer from hallux valgus, with mean age of 50.3 years were included in this study, followed for 6- 30 months ( mean follow-up of 8.8 months).

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