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Monitoring and controlling the speed and direction of a DC motor through FPGA and comparison of FPGA for speed and performance optimization
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<span lang="EN-US">We are living in the 21<sup>st</sup> century, an era of acquiring necessity in one click. As we, all know that technology is continuously reviving to stay ahead of advancements taking place in this world of making things easier for mankind. Technology has been putting his part in introducing different projects as we have used the field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) development board of low cost and programmable logic done by the new evolvable cyclone software is optimized for specific energy based on Altera Cyclone II (EP2C5T144) through which we can control the speed of any electronic device or any Motor Control IP product targeted for the fan and pump. Altera Cyclone FPGAs’ is a board through which we can monitor the speed and direction of the DC motor. As we know how to make understand, dynamic analog input using an A-to-D convertor and we know how to create pulse width modulation (PWM) output with FPGA. Therefore, by combining these two functions we can create an FPGA DC motor controller. Our paper is divided into three parts: First, all of us will attempt to imitate the issue and can try to look for its answer. Secondly, we will try to verify the solution for real-time. In addition, in the last step, we will verify the solution on the real-time measurements.</span>

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
EEG Motor-Imagery BCI System Based on Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT) and cubic SVM
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Abstract<p>Communication of the human brain with the surroundings became reality by using Brain- Computer Interface (BCI) based mechanism. Electroencephalography (EEG) being the non-invasive method has become popular for interaction with the brain. Traditionally, the devices were used for clinical applications to detect various brain diseases but with the advancement in technologies, companies like Emotiv, NeuoSky are coming up with low cost, easily portable EEG based consumer graded devices that can be used in various application domains like gaming, education etc as these devices are comfortable to wear also. This paper reviews the fields where the EEG has shown its impact and the way it has p</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 24 2023
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Comparison of the effects of Methotrexate and Etanercept on RANKL and OPG as Bone Metabolism Biomarkers in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune diseasecharacterized by chronic inflammationthat affects joints and cartilage. Bone complications such asRA-relatedosteoporosis are one of the most extra-articular manifestations. Many inflammatory mediators are released during RA disease pathophysiology; these mediators stimulate osteoclast genesis of bone by direct effects on RANKL and OPG. The study aimedto measure RANKL, OPG in RA patients treated with Etanercept only and other groups treated with Methotrexate onlyat baseline and after three months to evaluate bone state. An observational case-control prospective study was done on 30 RA patients who received MTX, 30 RA patients who received ETN, and 30 healthy,age-matched control groups. The

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Using remote sensing techniques to monitoring and evaluate the water cover in AL_Razzaza lake: Iraq at deferent periods
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Multi-spectral satellite images of the Landsat satellite by the tow sensitive Thematic Mapper (TM) and Thematic Mapper Enhancement (ETM+), which covered the study area located south east of Iraq. In this research; used the sixth thermal spectral band (Thermal Band) for study the water cover in the AlRazzaza Lake located within the province of Karbala. We intended to study the cover a case of the study area, used satellite images showing the status of region during the period from 1990 to 2001 and 2007. From this study we conclude that cover the water of the study area change in sequence case to decrease during these years.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Using remote sensing techniques to monitoring and evaluate the water cover in AL_Razzaza lake: Iraq at deferent periods
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Multi-spectral satellite images of the Landsat satellite by the tow sensitive Thematic Mapper (TM) and Thematic Mapper Enhancement (ETM+), which covered the study area located south east of Iraq. In this research; used the sixth thermal spectral band (Thermal Band) for study the water cover in the Al-Razzaza Lake located within the province of Karbala. We intended to study the cover a case of the study area, used satellite images showing the status of region during the period from 1990 to 2001 and 2007. From this study we conclude that cover the water of the study area change in sequence case to decrease during these years.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Performance Appraisal and its impact on behavioral and Attitudinal work outcomes Analytical research of the views of a sample of teaching staff at Colleges of the University of Fallujah
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The current research aims to know the extent of the impact of performance evaluation in its dimensions as an explanatory variable in the behavioural and attitudinal work outputs with its dimensions as a response variable in order to reach appropriate solutions through which the University of Fallujah seeks to achieve its goal in the process of diagnosing the axes of strength and to benefit from them in the process of strengthening the status and sobriety of the academic position of the professor and the researcher relied on The descriptive and analytical approach in carrying out this study, and data was collected from university professors, including leaders, heads of departments and divisions, who numbered (97) teachers. And fie

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Jordan Journal Of Biological Sciences
Comparison of the Folate and Homocysteine Levels with A80G -RFC1 Gene Polymorphism between the Sample of Iraqi Children with and without Down Syndrome
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Many international studies indicated that the polymorphisms of some genes disturbed the folate homocysteine (Hcy) metabolism and increased the vulnerability to Down syndrome (DS). We aimed to measure the serum levels of folate and Hcy in DS children and compare the levels with age and sex-matched apparently normal healthy children. We also aimed to study the A80G polymorphism of the gene reduced folate carrier (RFC1) in the DS children as a risk factor. Forty children with DS (24 were boys, and 16 were girls) with the age range between 5-13 years, and 26 normal healthy children (16 boys and ten girls) were included in this study. The results show that the highest genotype in the control group was AG (53.85%) followed by AA and GG (30.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jul 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison Study of Adsorption of Lead and Methylene Blue on Zeolite, Activated Carbon and Their Composite Materials
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In this study, composite materials consisting of Activated Carbon (AC) and Zeolite were prepared for application in the removal of methylene blue and lead from an aqueous solution. The optimum synthesis method involves the use of metakaolinization and zeolitization, in the presence of activated carbon from kaolin, to form Zeolite. First, Kaolin was thermally activated into amorphous kaolin (metakaolinization); then the resultant metakaolin was attacked by alkaline, transforming it into crystalline zeolite (zeolitization). Using nitrogen adsorption and SEM techniques, the examination and characterization of composite materials confirmed the presence of a homogenous distribution of Zeolite throughout the activated carbon.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparison Of Oral Health Status And Behavior between First And Fifth Years Of Al-Mustansiriyah Dental Students
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Background:Periodontal diseases and dental caries are the most common oral diseases, but they can be adequately prevented by adopting a specific health behavior and plaque control.The study was carried out to determine and compare oral health status; it included both caries experience, gingival health and oral hygiene behavior betweenfirst and fifth yearsof Al-Mustansiriyahdental students. Materials and methods: Total sample of the study consisted of 50 students at first year (25 males, 25 females)and 60 students at fifth year (30 males, 30 females). Plaque andgingival indices,dental caries indices (DMFS and DMFT) wererecorded to evaluateoral health status for each student. Further questionnaires were given to evaluate different oral hyg

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences
A reliable iterative method for solving the epidemic model and the prey and predator problems
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In the present article, we implement the new iterative method proposed by Daftardar-Gejji and Jafari (NIM) [V. Daftardar-Gejji, H. Jafari, An iterative method for solving nonlinear functional equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 316 (2006) 753-763] to solve two problems; the first one is the problem of spread of a non-fatal disease in a population which is assumed to have constant size over the period of the epidemic, and the other one is the problem of the prey and predator. The results demonstrate that the method has many merits such as being derivative-free, overcome the difficulty arising in calculating Adomian polynomials to handle the nonlinear terms in Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM), does not require to calculate Lagrange multiplier a

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The auditor's qualifications and their role in the quality of professional performance
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The aim of the research is to clarify the requirements of the qualification of the external auditor in Iraq and the extent of their impact on the quality of the professional performance of the audit process. The research was based on analyzing the results of the questionnaire prepared for the impact of qualifications on the quality of professional performance. The researcher has reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that a highly qualified and unethical auditor has a greater negative impact on the quality of professional performance than those with low qualifications. The most important recommendations of the research were the need to pay

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