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Study of rheological and mechanical properties of bitumen blended with two alpha phases of polyamide
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The effect of D phase polyamide (PA6)on the rheological properties, Young Modulus and the thermal expansion coefficient of two blends groups (bitumen-polyamide) were tested. The first group was for bitumen-PA6 blends and the second group for bitumen blended with polymer resulted from the crystallization of PA6-formic acid solution in water(PAFW).The obtained results proved that adding both types of polyamide has led to a rise in toughness and softening point temperature while the penetration Index approached -3 after adding the polyamide. So, all these changes make bitumen-polyamide blends more suitable for use in hot climate regions. The blends properties were explained according to the reaction that takes place between the polyamide and the epoxy present in the bitumen at temperatures exceeding 200 ° C. However, these changes were more pronounced for mixtures that contained PAFW due to their porous morphological structure, which increased the reaction and made the blends more miscibility even when the addition ratio reached to4%. In the case of PA6, when its ratio in bitumen increased by more than 1%, the unreacted portion of this polymer with epoxy would be mere filler in the mixtures and it did not appear to have a pronounced effect on the properties of bitumen.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modified Vegetation Detection Index Using Different-Spectral Signature
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The Normalization Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), for many years, was widely used in remote sensing for the detection of vegetation land cover. This index uses red channel radiances (i.e., 0.66 μm reflectance) and near-IR channel (i.e., 0.86 μm reflectance). In the heavy chlorophyll absorption area, the red channel is located, while in the high reflectance plateau of vegetation canopies, the Near-IR channel is situated. Senses of channels (Red & Near- IR) read variance depths over vegetation canopies. In the present study, a further index for vegetation identification is proposed. The normalized difference vegetation shortwave index (NDVSI) is defined as the difference between the cubic bands of Near- IR and Shortwave infrared

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Earned Value Method in Project Control Applied research
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   There is no doubt that the project control function is very important for administration, so the project Management depends on to monitor and control the project. The project control integrated to the planning which is the base of the administration functions; planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Without project control cannot be insure to fulfill the plan of the project by the budget and specified time. The project management apply many methods of control to achieve the goals of project which are cost, time, and required specifications. Earned Value Management one of control methods that used in the project by international companies.

Earned Value Method is used in the project o

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Suitable Investment environment For business sector in Iraq
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        Investment Bases directly and closely to an environment characterized by political, social and economic stability, and through a range of policies and institutions and economic laws that affect investor confidence and convince him directing investments to country without the other, where inter conditions and circumstances affecting the trends of capital and settle in, and political situation of the country and what is characterized of stability or disorder as well as economic conditions that are affected by what is distinguishes the country from geographic and demographic characteristics are reflected on availability of production elements and country's infrastructure.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 10 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determining the optimum conditions for bioemulsifier produced by Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae isolated from Vicia faba root nodules
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The tested isolate of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae was isolated from root nodules of vicia faba plant from Baghdad ,the isolated bacteria was examined for bioemulsifier production when growing in mineral salt medium that containing 1% sunflower oil as sole carbon source . Rhizobium isolate was able to produce bioemulsifier with initial emulsification index E24% was 38%. Many of physical and nutritional cultural conditions for optimum emulsifier production was examined including : pH , temperature ,incubation period ,carbon and nitrogen source. The maximum bioemulsifier production form Rhizobium isolate was 64.5% when bacteria growing in mineral salt medium with pH 9 ,incubated at temperature 30 ºC , incubation period was 10 days ,

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A secure Search over Distributed Data
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In recent years, due to the economic benefits and technical advances of cloud
computing, huge amounts of data have been outsourced in the cloud. To protect the
privacy of their sensitive data, data owners have to encrypt their data prior
outsourcing it to the untrusted cloud servers. To facilitate searching over encrypted
data, several approaches have been provided. However, the majority of these
approaches handle Boolean search but not ranked search; a widely accepted
technique in the current information retrieval (IR) systems to retrieve only the top–k
relevant files. In this paper, propose a distributed secure ranked search scheme over
the encrypted cloud servers. Such scheme allows for the authorized user to

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 29 2022
Journal Name
Current Trends In Geotechnical Engineering And Construction
Identify the Critical Risk Factors at the Tendering Phase in Iraq
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Risk factors can be considered unique in construction projects, especially in tendering phase. This research is directed to recognize and evaluate the importance of critical risk factors in the tendering phase related to Iraq’s construction project. As a rule, construction projects are impacted by risk factors throughout the project life cycle; without identifying and allocating these risk factors, the project cannot succeed. In this paper, the open and closed questionnaires are used to categorize the critical risk factors in tendering phase. Research aims to recognize the factors that influence the success of tendering phase, to determine the correct response to the risk’s factors in this research article, (IBM, SPSS, V23) package has

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Climatic Quality Index Determination for Iraq Using Meteorological Stations Data
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The drought is a globally phenomenon, its influence will convert large parts of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region into hot dry deserts under the expectations of the climate change scenarios. Climate limitations, soil erosion affected by weather properties such as unequally and limited rainfall; temperature changing and wind, unsuitable irrigation techniques, excessive grazing, agricultural expansion against to the natural habitats, extensively clearance of natural vegetation, and soil salinity had all contributed to land degradation, reduced water supplies, and limited agricultural production in Iraq. It is estimated that nearly 54.3 % of Iraq's area is threatened by desertification problems.
In this research, for Iraq the Cl

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 29 2022
Journal Name
Current Trends In Geotechnical Engineering And Construction
Identify the Critical Risk Factors at the Tendering Phase in Iraq
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Risk factors can be considered unique in construction projects, especially in tendering phase. This research is directed to recognize and evaluate the importance of critical risk factors in the tendering phase related to Iraq’s construction project. As a rule, construction projects are impacted by risk factors throughout the project life cycle; without identifying and allocating these risk factors, the project cannot succeed. In this paper, the open and closed questionnaires are used to categorize the critical risk factors in tendering phase. Research aims to recognize the factors that influence the success of tendering phase, to determine the correct response to the risk’s factors in this research article, (IBM, SPSS, V23) package has

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Backpropagation to Predict Drought Factor in Keetch-Byram Drought Index
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Forest fires continue to rise during the dry season and they are difficult to stop. In this case, high temperatures in the dry season can cause an increase in drought index that could potentially burn the forest every time. Thus, the government should conduct surveillance throughout the dry season. Continuous surveillance without the focus on a particular time becomes ineffective and inefficient because of preventive measures carried out without the knowledge of potential fire risk. Based on the Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI), formulation of Drought Factor is used just for calculating the drought today based on current weather conditions, and yesterday's drought index. However, to find out the factors of drought a day after, the data

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Refractive index sensor based on a solid-core photonic crystal fiber interferometer
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Photonic crystal fiber interferometers are widely used for sensing applications. In this work, solid core-Photonic crystal fiber based on Mach-Zehnder modal interferometer for sensing refractive index was presented. The general structure of sensor applied by splicing short lengths of PCF in both sides with conventional single mode fiber (SMF-28). To apply modal interferometer theory; collapsing technique based on fusion splicing used to excite higher order modes (LP01 and LP11). Laser diode (1550 nm) has been used as a pump light source. Where a high sensitive optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) was used to monitor and record the transmitted. The experimental work shows that the interference spectrum of Photonic crystal fiber interferometer

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