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Mechatronic design and genetic-algorithm-based MIMO fuzzy control of adjustable-stiffness tendon-driven robot finger
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Abstract. This work presents a detailed design of a three-jointed tendon-driven robot finger with a cam/pulleys transmission and joint Variable Stiffness Actuator (VSA). The finger motion configuration is obtained by deriving the cam/pulleys transmission profile as a mathematical solution that is then implemented to achieve contact force isotropy on the phalanges. A VSA is proposed, in which three VSAs are designed to act as a muscle in joint space to provide firm grasping. As a mechatronic approach, a suitable type and number of force sensors and actuators are designed to sense the touch, actuate the finger, and tune the VSAs. The torque of the VSAs is controlled utilizing a designed Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) fuzzy controller. The fuzzy controller input is the force sensors' signals that are used to set the appropriate VSA torque. The fuzzy controller parameters are then tuned using a genetic algorithm as an optimization technique. The objective function of the genetic algorithm is to avoid unbalance torque in the individual joints and to reduce the difference between the values of the supplied VSAs torques. Finally, the operation of the aforementioned finger system is organized through a simple control algorithm. The function of this algorithm is to enable the detection of the unknown object and simultaneously automatically activate the optimized fuzzy controller thus eliminating the necessity of any external control unit.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Advances In Engineering Software
System identification and control of robot manipulator based on fuzzy adaptive differential evolution algorithm
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design Active Filter Based on Genetic Algorithm
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The  lossy-FDNR  based  aclive  fil ter has an  important   property among  many  design  realizations. 'This includes  a significant reduction in component count particularly in the number  of OP-AMP which consumes   power.  However  the·  problem  of  this   type  is the  large component spreads  which affect the fdter performance.

In  this  paper   Genetic   Algorithm   is  applied   to  minimize   the component  spread   (capacitance  and  resistance  p,read). The minimization of these spreads allow the fil

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Minimizing error in robot arm based on design optimization for high stiffness to weight ratio
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In this work the effect of choosing tri-circular tube section had been addressed to minimize the end effector’s error, a comparison had been made between the tri-tube section and the traditional square cross section for a robot arm, the study shows that for the same weight of square section and tri-tube section the error may be reduced by about 33%.

A program had been built up by the use of MathCAD software to calculate the minimum weight of a square section robot arm that could with stand a given pay load and gives a minimum deflection. The second part of the program makes an optimization process for the dimension of the cross section and gives the dimensions of the tri-circular tube cross section that have the same weight of

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Hexapod Robot Static Stability Enhancement using Genetic Algorithm
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Hexapod robot is a flexible mechanical robot with six legs. It has the ability to walk over terrain. The hexapod robot look likes the insect so it has the same gaits. These gaits are tripod, wave and ripple gaits. Hexapod robot needs to stay statically stable at all the times during each gait in order not to fall with three or more legs continuously contacts with the ground. The safety static stability walking is called (the stability margin). In this paper, the forward and inverse kinematics are derived for each hexapod’s leg in order to simulate the hexapod robot model walking using MATLAB R2010a for all gaits and the geometry in order to derive the equations of the sub-constraint workspaces for each

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Fuzzy control of mobile robot in slippery environment
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The problem of independent motion control of mobile robot (МR) in conditions when unforeseen changes of conditions of interaction of wheels with a surface are considered. An example of such changes can be sudden entrance МR a slippery surface. The deployment of an autonomous unmanned ground vehicle for field applications provides the means by which the risk to personnel can be minimized and operational capabilities improved. In rough terrain, it is critical for mobile robots to maintain good wheel traction. Wheel slip could cause the rover to lose control and become trapped. This paper describes the application of fuzzy control to a feedback system within slippery environment. The study is conducted on an example of М

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Cognitive Hybrid Tuning Control Algorithm Design for Nonlinear Path-Tracking Controller for Wheeled Mobile Robot
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This research presents a on-line cognitive tuning control algorithm for the nonlinear controller of path-tracking for dynamic wheeled mobile robot to stabilize and follow a continuous reference path with minimum tracking pose error. The goal of the proposed structure of a hybrid (Bees-PSO) algorithm is to find and tune the values of the control gains of the nonlinear (neural and back-stepping method) controllers as a simple on-line with fast tuning techniques in order to obtain the best torques actions of the wheels for the cart mobile robot from the proposed two controllers. Simulation results (Matlab Package 2012a) show that the nonlinear neural controller with hybrid Bees-PSO cognitive algorithm is m

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Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
On-Line Navigational Problem of a Mobile Robot Using Genetic Algorithm
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Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On-Line Navigational Problem of a Mobile Robot Using Genetic Algorithm
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  Manufacturing systems of the future foresee the use of intelligent vehicles, optimizing and navigating. The navigational problem is an important and challenging problem in the field of robotics. The robots often find themselves in a situation where they must find a trajectory to another position in their environment, subject to constraints posed by obstacles and the capabilities of the robot itself. On-line navigation is a set of algorithms that plans and executes a trajectory at the same time.         The system adopted in this research searches for a robot collision-free trajectory in a dynamic environment in which obstacles can move while the robot was moving toward the target. So, the ro

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Damage Detection and Assessment of Stiffness and Mass Matrices in Curved Simply Supported Beam Using Genetic Algorithm
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In this study, a genetic algorithm (GA) is used to detect damage in curved beam model, stiffness as well as mass matrices of the curved beam elements is formulated using Hamilton's principle. Each node of the curved beam element possesses seven degrees of freedom including the warping degree of freedom. The curved beam element had been derived based on the Kang and Yoo’s thin-walled curved beam theory. The identification of damage is formulated as an optimization problem, binary and continuous genetic algorithms
(BGA, CGA) are used to detect and locate the damage using two objective functions (change in natural frequencies, Modal Assurance Criterion MAC). The results show the objective function based on change in natural frequency i

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Publication Date
Fri May 13 2022
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Fuzzy Luenberger Observer Design for Nonlinear Flexible Joint Robot Manipulator
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The process of controlling a Flexible Joint Robot Manipulator (FJRM) requires additional sensors for measuring the state variables of flexible joints. Therefore, taking the elasticity into account adds a lot of complexity as all the additional sensors must be taken into account during the control process. This paper proposes a nonlinear observer that controls FJRM, without requiring equipment sensors for measuring the states. The nonlinear state equations are derived in detail for the FJRM where nonlinearity, of order three, is considered. The Takagi–Sugeno Fuzzy Model (T-SFM) technique is applied to linearize the FJRM system. The Luenberger observer is designed to estimate the unmeasured states using error correction. The develop

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