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Effect of sedimentary source on the properties of sphericity and roundness of feldspar minerals in some soils of the alluvial plain
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This study was conducted on the effect of the sedimentary source (the sediments coming from both the Iraqi-Iranian borderline and the Tigris river) on the optical and textural features, especially sphericity and roundness of feldspar minerals (potassium and plagioclase types) in soils of the southern part of the alluvial plain. Eight pedons were selected to represent the study area, five of them represented sediments coming from the borderline, which included pedons of (Badra, Taj Al-Din, Al-Shihabi, Jassan, and Galati), while two of them represent the sediments of the Tigris River (Essaouira, Al-Dabouni), the pedon of Ali Al-Gharbi was represented the mixing area of sediments of all the floods coming from the borderline and the sediments of the Tigris River. The roundness degree for the particles of potassium feldspar minerals was concentrated between the sub-angular (SA) and well- roundness (WR), as a well- roundness category was in Ali Al-Gharbi pedon and percentage reached 14.Particles of Plagioclase feldspar minerals showed the same pattern in the distribution of roundness categories. The sphericity degree for particles of Potassium Feldspar and Plagioclase minerals were compatible with the distribution of the roundness degree for those particles. The sphericity degree concentrated between the medium sphericity and the high sphericity. © 2021 Ecological Society of India. All rights reserved.

Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal On Interactive Design And Manufacturing (ijidem)
A real-time automated sorting of robotic vision system based on the interactive design approach
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Communications In Computer And Information Science
Enhancing the Performance of Wireless Body Area Network Routing Protocols Based on Collaboratively Evaluated Values
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Wireless Body Area Sensor Network (WBASN) is gaining significant attention due to its applications in smart health offering cost-effective, efficient, ubiquitous, and unobtrusive telemedicine. WBASNs face challenges including interference, Quality of Service, transmit power, and resource constraints. Recognizing these challenges, this paper presents an energy and Quality of Service-aware routing algorithm. The proposed algorithm is based on each node's Collaboratively Evaluated Value (CEV) to select the most suitable cluster head (CH). The Collaborative Value (CV) is derived from three factors, the node's residual energy, the distance vector between nodes and personal device, and the sensor's density in each CH. The CEV algorithm operates i

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Seasonal variation and correlation between the physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of Nile water in selected area in Egypt (Case study): physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of Nile water
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Fresh water resources in terms of water quality is a crucial issue worldwide. In Egypt, the Nile River is the main source of fresh water in the country and monitoring its water quality is a major task on governments and research levels. In the present case study, the physical, chemical and algal distribution in Nile River was monitored over two seasons (winter and summer) in 2019. The aims of the study were to check the seasonal variation among the different water parameters and also to check the correlations between those parameters. Water samples were collected from the Nile in Cairo governorate in EGYPT. The different physiochemical and microbiological properties in water samples were assessed. The studied parameters were included: te

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Development and Validation of a Simple and Sensitive Reverse-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method for the Determination of Ibuprofen in Pharmaceutical Suspensions
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The aim of this work was to develop and validate a rapid and low cost method for estimation of ibuprofen in pharmaceutical suspensions using Reverse-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The proposed method was conducted and validated according to International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) requirements. The chromatographic parameters were as follows: column of octyldecylsilyl C18 with dimensions (150 × 4.6) mm, mobile phase composed of acetonitrile with phosphoric acid with a ratio of 50 to 50 each using isocratic mode, flow rate of 1.5 mL/min and injection volume of 5 μL. The detection was carried out using UV detector at 220 nm. The method was validated and showed short retention time for ibuprofen peak at 7.651 min, wit

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research
Determination of Some Biochemical Parameters of Acromegalic Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
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Background: Because of the disturbance in the pituitary gland, growth hormone (GH) secretion will be increased and, as a result, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) secretion will be increase as well, leading to a chronic and rare disease called acromegaly disease. One of the most serious complications of acromycaly is diabetes. Insulin resistance, which causes diabetes, occurs in the body because of increased growth hormone secretion Objective: The aim of this work is to estimate some biochemical parameters. These parameters were not studied extensively in the literature such as BALP and LOX and the possibility of using LOX as a new biomarker for acromyalgic patients with diabetic. Patients and Methods: The study was performed on (25) mal

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis a nd Characterization of Some New Transition Metal Complexes of Amino Thiadiazole
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New complcxcof        Cu (ll),Ni(ll)  ,Co(ll),  and Zn(ll)  wi th 2- amino-5-p-Fiouro Phenyl 1,3,4-Thiadiazole  have been synthesized  . The  products  were isolated , studied  and characterized by physical measurements, i.e., (Ff -IR) ,UV-Vis and  the melting points were determined .The new Schiff base (L) has been used to prepare some complexes  .The   prepared  complexes  were   identified  and   their tructural geometry were suggested.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Diyala Agricultural Sciences Journal
A Study of Some Biological Aspects of Pacu Piaractus Brachypomus (G. Cuvier, 1818)
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The present study attempts to shed light on some biological aspects and characteristics of Piaractus brachypomus, including some biometrics, phenotypic and feeding pattern that characterizes this species. Besides, the study touches upon the body shape and the Otolith. These fish species have recently been seen frozen in the Iraqi local market. The standard length of fish specimens in this study reach 26.55cm it exceeded the specimens of Pacu fish collected from other studies from other countries, As well the specimens weight was 632gm it exceeded other studies mentioned in this manuscript. As the irregularity in the distribution of teeth rows, especially in the lower jaw was clear in our specimens. The average weight of some skull b

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 11 2006
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Synthesis a nd Characterization of Some New Transition Metal Complexes of Amino Thiadiazole
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New complexes of Cu (ll), Ni (ll), Co (ll), and Zn (ll) wi th 2-amino-5-p-Fiouro Phenyl 1, 3, 4-Thiadiazole have been synthesized. The products were isolated, studied and characterized by physical measurements, ie,(Ff-IR), UV-Vis and the melting points were determined. The new Schiff base (L) has been used to prepare some complexes. The prepared complexes were identified and their structural geometry were suggested

Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Characterization of Metal Dispersion of Some Naphtha Reforming Catalysts by Methylcyclohexane Dehydrogenation Reaction
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The dispersion of supported Pt and Pt–Ir reforming catalysts have been studied, after treatment with oxidative and reducing atmosphere. Methylcyclohexane dehydrogenation reaction in the absence of hydrogen was used as a test reaction. An attempt was made to relate the behavior of the catalysts upon subject to reaction, to the dispersion of the same type of catalysts upon treatment with similar atmosphere and temperatures which appeared in literature. The total conversion of reaction can be explained by a change in metal dispersion. Thus, methylcyclohexane dehydrogenation reaction appears to be a really “structure sensitive” reaction.

      The toluene yield increases as the oxidation temperature i

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Determination of some characteristics of comet’s gases by photometry method for comet Hyakutake
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The present paper focuses on the study of some characteristics of
comets ions by photometry method which represent by CCD camera
which it provide seeing these images in a graded light. From 0-255
when Zero (low a light intensity) and 255 (highlight intensity). These
differences of photonic intensity can be giving us a curve which
appear from any line of this image.
From these equations the focus is concentrating on determine the
temperature distribution, velocity distribution, and intensity number
distribution which is give number of particles per unit volume.
The results explained the interaction near the cometary nucleus
which is mainly affected by the new ions added to the density of the
solar wind, th

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