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Correlated Hierarchical Autoregressive Models Image Compression
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Knowledge And Information Systems
Multiresolution hierarchical support vector machine for classification of large datasets
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Support vector machine (SVM) is a popular supervised learning algorithm based on margin maximization. It has a high training cost and does not scale well to a large number of data points. We propose a multiresolution algorithm MRH-SVM that trains SVM on a hierarchical data aggregation structure, which also serves as a common data input to other learning algorithms. The proposed algorithm learns SVM models using high-level data aggregates and only visits data aggregates at more detailed levels where support vectors reside. In addition to performance improvements, the algorithm has advantages such as the ability to handle data streams and datasets with imbalanced classes. Experimental results show significant performance improvements in compa

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 14 2020
Journal Name
2020 13th International Conference On Developments In Esystems Engineering (dese)
Anomaly Based Intrusion Detection System Using Hierarchical Classification and Clustering Techniques
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With the rapid development of computers and network technologies, the security of information in the internet becomes compromise and many threats may affect the integrity of such information. Many researches are focused theirs works on providing solution to this threat. Machine learning and data mining are widely used in anomaly-detection schemes to decide whether or not a malicious activity is taking place on a network. In this paper a hierarchical classification for anomaly based intrusion detection system is proposed. Two levels of features selection and classification are used. In the first level, the global feature vector for detection the basic attacks (DoS, U2R, R2L and Probe) is selected. In the second level, four local feature vect

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Compare Prediction by Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model from first order with Exponential Weighted Moving Average
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The prediction process of time series for some time-related phenomena, in particular, the autoregressive integrated moving average(ARIMA) models is one of the important topics in the theory of time series analysis in the applied statistics. Perhaps its importance lies in the basic stages in analyzing of the structure or modeling and the conditions that must be provided in the stochastic process. This paper deals with two methods of predicting the first was a special case of autoregressive integrated moving average which is ARIMA (0,1,1) if the value of the parameter equal to zero, then it is called Random Walk model, the second was the exponential weighted moving average (EWMA). It was implemented in the data of the monthly traff

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
Passport Photo Compression: A Review
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The demand for electronic -passport photo ( frontal facial) images has grown rapidly. It now extends to Electronic Government (E-Gov) applications such as social benefits driver's license, e-passport, and e-visa . With the COVID 19 (coronavirus disease ), facial (formal) images are becoming more widely used and spreading quickly, and are being used to verify an individual's identity, but unfortunately that comes with insignificant details of constant background which leads to huge byte consumption that affects storage space and transmission, where the optimal solution that aims to curtail data size using compression techniques that based on exploiting image redundancy(s) efficiently.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Speech Compression Using Multecirculerletet Transform
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Compressing the speech reduces the data storage requirements, leading to reducing the time of transmitting the digitized speech over long-haul links like internet. To obtain best performance in speech compression, wavelet transforms require filters that combine a number of desirable properties, such as orthogonality and symmetry.The MCT bases functions are derived from GHM bases function using 2D linear convolution .The fast computation algorithm methods introduced here added desirable features to the current transform. We further assess the performance of the MCT in speech compression application. This paper discusses the effect of using DWT and MCT (one and two dimension) on speech compression. DWT and MCT performances in terms of comp

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 International Conference On Automation, Computational And Technology Management (icactm)
Multi-Resolution Hierarchical Structure for Efficient Data Aggregation and Mining of Big Data
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Big data analysis is essential for modern applications in areas such as healthcare, assistive technology, intelligent transportation, environment and climate monitoring. Traditional algorithms in data mining and machine learning do not scale well with data size. Mining and learning from big data need time and memory efficient techniques, albeit the cost of possible loss in accuracy. We have developed a data aggregation structure to summarize data with large number of instances and data generated from multiple data sources. Data are aggregated at multiple resolutions and resolution provides a trade-off between efficiency and accuracy. The structure is built once, updated incrementally, and serves as a common data input for multiple mining an

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
2016 International Conference On Advanced Mechatronic Systems (icamechs)
Hierarchical sliding mode control applied to a single-link flexible joint robot manipulator
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Trajectory tracking and vibration suppression are essential objectives in a flexible joint manipulator control. The flexible joint manipulator is an under-actuated system, in which the number of control actions is less than the degree of freedom to be controlled. It is very challenging to control the underactuated nonlinear system with two degree of freedom. This paper presents a hierarchical sliding mode control (HSMC) for a rotary flexible joint manipulator (RFJM). Firstly, the rotary flexible joint manipulator is modeled by two subsystems. Secondly, the sliding surfaces for both subsystems are constructed. Finally, the control action is designed based on the Lyapunov function. Computer simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Eurasian Journalof History, Geography And Economics
Effect of Oil Prices Fluctuations on Agricultural Gross Domestic Product in Iraq: Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Approach
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The research dealt with the analysis of the relations between the GDP of the agricultural sector in Iraq, oil prices, the exchange rate and the GDP both on the short term and long term. The research adopted data analysis for the period from 1980-2019 using the ARDL model. the results indicate the existence of long-term relationships between oil prices and the prices of each agricultural commodity at a significance level of 5%. Also, oil prices have a negative consequence on agricultural production in Iraq, and the Iraqi economy is a rentier economy that depends mainly on oil as a source of income and budget financing.

Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Banking Entrepreneurial requirements: Models for selected countries: Models for selected countries
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The research aims to identify the requirements of banking Entrepreneurial in Saudi Arabia and Singapore, where banking Entrepreneurial is an important way to lead employees to acquire the experience and knowledge required by the banking environment, so we note the pursuit of the banking management to acquire new technology proactively and distinctively to compete with others through the introduction of modern technologies that help senior management to develop new banking methods adaptable to the surrounding environmental changes. The problem of research highlights the extent to which the requirements of banking Entrepreneurial are applied in Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Singapore and will be addressed through three investigation

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Note on the Hierarchical Model and Power Prior Distribution in Bayesian Quantile Regression
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  In this paper, we investigate the connection between the hierarchical models and the power prior distribution in quantile regression (QReg). Under specific quantile, we develop an expression for the power parameter ( ) to calibrate the power prior distribution for quantile regression to a corresponding hierarchical model. In addition, we estimate the relation between the  and the quantile level via hierarchical model. Our proposed methodology is illustrated with real data example.

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