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الدور الثقافى للقنوات الفضائية العربية فى تقوية الروح الوطنية والإنتماء للوطن عند طلبة الجامعات العراقية
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مع انتشار الثورة التكنولوجية فى العالم ومع تطور وسائل الإتصالات وشبكات الإنترنت والقنوات الفضائية تحول العالم إلى قرية كونية صغيرة تربطها شبكة اتصالات واحدة عبر الأقمار الصناعية , ومع إزدياد التنافس بين القنوات الفضائية على استقطاب الشباب , من خلال العديد من البرامج الإجتماعية والثقافية والعلمية والترفيهية الموجهه إلى المجتمع وخاصة الشباب بمختلف المراحل العمرية وللحفاظ على الهوية الثقافية والحضارية أصبح التحدي المطروح علينا بشدة في عصر السماوات المفتوحة التي تكتظ بالأقمار الصناعية التي تحمل مئات القنوات التلفزيونية من كل أنحاء العالم بما تنطوي عليه من تأثيرات مختلفة تشكل الفكر والوجدان للشباب على حد السواء، فالإحساس بالخطر يستلزم البحث عن الهوية و الانتماء حتى لا نتعرض للصراع. لقد غيرت تكنولوجيا الاتصال والإعلام الحديثة البيئة التي يعيش فيها شبابنا عن تلك التي كانت منذ زمن، فإذا كانت هذه الوسائل غيرت من أسلوب حياتنا وانتقالنا ووقت فراغنا وعلاقاتنا مع الأسرة والأصدقاء فكيف سيكون للأجيال الجديدة التي ستعيش في بيئة من الوسائل المعلوماتية الأكثر تطورا بما لا يقاس بحاضرنا، وماذا سيحدث للخصوصيات والهويات المميزة بالصيغة التي نفكر فيها اليوم , ومن هنا نجد أن القنوات العربية تلعب دورا رئيسيا فى تقوية الروح الوطنية للشباب

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Transformational Leadership Dimensions and Its Role in the Rationalization of Banking Decisions: An Exploratory Esearch of the Views of A Sample of the Officials In the Iraqi Private Banks
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The current research aims to find out the role of transformational leadership in decision-making wise, to cope with the decline in some of the banking performance indicators as a result of the absence of the modern concept of the leadership of those so-called B (Transformational Leadership) and preventing benefit from the advantages in the banks, and I test the research on a sample of the Iraqi private banks through applied to a sample (77) Mdermvud and Associate Director and Advisor to the Chairman of the Department, the distributors (7) banks, and used the head of the questionnaire as a tool to collect data and information. For the purpose of access to the results, the research sought to test two hypotheses two main hypotheses sub pop

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the leader in empowering workers Application study in a sample of Iraqi telecom companies - Asia-Cell model
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Leadership has now become a process for applying methods and techniques that make the Organization at the top of its competitive pyramid a greater market share. Leadership has become a focus for all leaders and managers، and leaders and managers are increasingly seeking to develop their skills and leadership skills. The research started with a clear problem of specific questions to ensure that the general objective of the research is to describe the characteristics of the leader and to clarify the dimensions of empowering the workers and to highlight the role of the leader in empowering the workers. The study examines the relation between the role of the leader in

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تقويم أداء لجنة التدقيق في القطاع المصرفي العراقي ـــ أنموذج مقترح: بحث تطبيقي في عينة من المصارف العراقية
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The audit committees are considered to be one of the most important committees because of the role they play in supervising and monitoring the process of formation of the financial statements and correction of the internal supervising system also strengthening the independency of the internal and external audit. Matters which increases the efficiency and integrity of the financial statements which reflects positively on competence of board of directors and then enhance the position of the company through increasing the trust of the users of the financial statement within the company. 

Therefore, this research deals with the evaluation of the performance of the audit committees in Iraqi banks according to the local rules and

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تحليل العلاقة بين تحسين الأداء المالي للمصارف و جذب الودائع: بحث تطبيقي في عينة من المصارف العراقية الخاصة
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The banking performance and deposits attraction are considered to be of great importance in banks management, also the banking  performance is one of the indications that measure the ability of satisfying and full fill the banks  goals and the range of approach and move away from those goals, Also there are some important factors that affects on deposits, such as financial performance ,The aim of the research is to measure and analyses the banking performance and showing its effective impact and its relation in attracting deposits.

For the satisfaction of the research goals a smple was selected from the Iraqi banks which represented in five private banks were their data been analyzed between the periods 2009 to 2013 ,th

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of the Banking Capital on Finance Fixed Assets of the Bank: An Applied Study on a Sample of Iraqi Private Banks
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To the Banks capital several uses, including the protection of deposits and this was approved by the Basel Committee, And Finance long-term investments which intended to investment in fixed assets that are essential to the continuation of banking activity, Fixed assets not financed from the funds of the deposit, but the owner equity do this jop. the current research tries to prove the effect of banks capital on fixed assets for a sample of iraqi private banks (bank of baghdad and Iraqi middle east Investment bank), for the period from 2011 until 2014. The research concluded that the capital of bank of baghdad affect on his total fixed assets by (84%), and the capital of Iraqi middle east Investment bank affect on his total fixed assets b

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of transformational leadership in achieving administrative creativity: Search exploratory sample of the views of officials in the office Iraqi Ministry of Education
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Testing the current research and effect correlation between Transformational leadership variable manufacturing and variable administrative creativity, as it represented the research problem the extent of the role of transformational leadership in achieving administrative creativity in the office of the Iraqi Ministry of Education, it has been used questionnaire as a tool for data collection, as is the distribution (32) for the sample of the research, which was selected intentional and as director general and assistant general manager and director and deputy director and head of the Division, and represented the premise of the major search existence of liaison and the impact of significantly between transformational leadership and achieve

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection of applying the requirement of IFRS 9 regards impairment of Banks loans on earning management in Iraqi Banks
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Impairment of financial assets defined according to IFRS 9 as the difference between all contractual cash flows that are due to an entity in accordance with the contract and all the cash flows that the entity expects to receive, the entity should estimates all the cash flows through looking to the contract terms during the life time period of the assets or for shorter period if possible, the cash flow should include the amounts of selling any collateral taken or any other enhancement. On the other hand, the Central bank of Iraq guidelines regards impairment differ from the IFRS 9 that’s does not consider the collateral value on calculating the impairment that’s effects on the net profit through recognizing exaggerated loss an

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Adopting IPSASs and its impact on the quality of financial reporting and performance evaluation in Iraqi government units
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     Performance evaluation is of great importance in all countries of the world, because it has a prominent and effective role in determining the efficiency and effectiveness of the optimal use of available resources, which are rare and important in achieving the desired objectives. With the continued growth of public spending and the limited resources, the State seeks to achieve its objectives through its units with minimal expenditure or deficit, rationality and wastefulness in the spending. In many countries, particularly developing countries, reforms are made in the public sector to achieve that goal through the adoption of IPSAS, which is reflected in the developmen

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic leadership according to the outstanding banking performance analystical study on private banks
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This research aimd to analyze the role of strategic entreprenenial on according to the external performance of a sample of Iraqi private banks, namely, (National Islamic Bank, Iraqi Ahli Bank, Baghdad Bank , Middle East Iraqi Investment Bank) has launched research in fundamental problem stems from the question seeking his response to the characterization of the problem which is improve banking performance through strategic entreprenenial and to achieve the goal of the research was to prepare a questionnaire included a number of questions about the independent research and approved variables accounting for the independent variable strategic entreprenenial and included four dimensions (entreprenenial culture), entreprenenial leader

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Influence of Organizational Power on the Achievement of Entrepreneurship for Business Organizations An Analytical Study of the Views of a Sample of Managers in the Iraqi Ministry of Education
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This research aims to study the influence of organizational power on the achievement of entrepreneurship for business organizations. It is an analytical study of the views of a sample of managers in the Iraqi Ministry of Education. The research highlights the contribution that can be made from the knowledge of the theory of business organizations in achieving organizational success. The organizational power of the organization contributes to achieving entrepreneurship in the business environment and achieving a competitive position in the work environment. The research dealt with two variables: the first is the independent variable, the organizational power in its dimensions (Expend Power, Structural Power, Prestige Power). And t

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