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Influence of Source of Oil Added to Diet on Egg Quality Traits of Laying Quail
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This experiment was performed to investigate the influence of different oils in the diets of laying quail on their egg quality characteristics. One hundred and twenty 7-wk old Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were allocated to four groups with three replicates containing 10 quail each (30 quail per each treatment group). They were fed for 13 weeks (including one week of adaptation period) on diets containing 3% oil from different sources, viz. either sunflower (T1), linseed (T2), maize (T3), or fish oil (T4). Inclusion the diet of laying quail with fish oil (T4) and maize oil (T2) resulted in significant increase with respect to egg weight, yolk weight, albumen weight, yolk diameter, yolk height, albumen diameter, albumen height, shell thickness and Haugh unit during all periods of experiment and in total means of these parameters. However, the addition of different oil sources used in this experiment to quail diets did not significantly affect total means of shell weight, relative weight of albumen and relative weight of shell, while total means of relative weight of yolk, yolk index and albumen index were higher in the birds receiving diets containing fish (T4) and maize (T2) oil than in other treatments (T1 and T3). The results of this experiment clearly demonstrated that supplementation the laying quail diet with fish and maize oil improved most criteria of egg quality. Therefore, incorporation of fish and maize oil into the diets of Japanese quail may have practical value in manipulating egg quality. © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2011.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect of Compound Exercises on Added Weights on Some Skill Abilities in Youth Soccer Players Aged 17 – 19 Years Old
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The study aimed at designing compound exercises using added weight on some skill abilities in youth soccer players aged (17 – 19) years old. The researcher sued the experimental method on (30) players aged (17 – 19) years old from Al Zawraa Sport Club. The subjects were divided into three groups and the training program was applied for (8) weeks with (3) training sessions per week. The data was collected and treated using proper statistical operations to conclude that compound exercises with weights between improved the subjects compared to the groups that did not use the added weights. Finally, the researchers recommended the necessity of using compound exercises using added weights during training sessions for youth soccer pla

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Integration of Dissolved Analysis and Total Quality Management to reduce costs and improve product quality
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there is a need to use the teardown Technique in a various fields and different motives and used often by economic units as a technique to help other techniques for example, used by some economic units for the analysis of other economic units of products in order to work on the development of products and look for opportunities to improve product quality and avoid product errors competitor or reduce its costs, in addition to the services provided by quality control is used ISO 17025 integration with unassembled analysis to adjust the quality of the product by comparing the pieces produced with designed models that are also the product as a whole compared with the original design

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The influence of lemongrass essential oil addition into heat cured acrylic resin against Candida albicans adhesion
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Background: For decades, the use of naturally accessible materials in treating human disease has been widespread. The goal of this study was to determine the anti-fungal effectiveness /of the lemongrass essential oil (LGEO) versus Candida albicans (C. albicans) adhesion to polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) materials. Material and methods: LGEO's anti-fungal activity was tested against C. albicans adhesion using the following concentration of LGEO in PMMA monomer (2.5 vol. %, 5 vol. % LGEO) selected from the pilot study as the best two effective concentrations. A total of 40 specimens were fabricated for the candida adherence test and were subdivided into four equal groups: negative control 0 vol. % addition, experimental with 2.5 vol. % and

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Histological Study of The Cerebellum In Adult Quail Coturnix coturnix (Linnaeus, 1858)
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 A histological study was conducted to examine the structure of Cerebellum in Coturnix coturnix (Linnaeus). The results showed that the cerebellum is a portion of the Rhombencephalon and Metencephalon lying behind the cerebrum, the surface of the cerebellum contains deep folds and appears spherical in its shape. It represented the dorsal side of metencephalon and surrounded the roof of IV ventricle.          The cerebellum consists of three parts spino cerebellum, cerebro cerebelluum and vestibulo cerebellum; and three lobes anterior lobe, posterior lobe and flocculonodular lobe. The corpus cerebellum (Vermis) consists of nine folds called cerebellar-folia (IX-I) and separated from each other by sulci. &nbsp

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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A field experiment was carried out at University of Baghdad, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences during fall season of 2020 and spring season of 2021. This study was aimed evaluate the effect of the organic fertilizer and boron foliar on the yield of potatoes for processing. The factorial experiment (5*4) within RCBD and three replicates. The organic fertilizer as palm peat at four levels (0, 12, 24 and 36 ton. ha-1) in addition to the chemical fertilizer recommendation treatment. Boron at four Concentrations 0, 100, 150 and 200 mg. L-1 . The results revealed significant different among application of organic fertilizer at the level of 24 ton. ha-1 and the foliar application of boron at a concentration of 100 mg. L-1 in the

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
Anglicism as a source of language neologization
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Одной из активно развивающихся отраслей лексикологии является неология, объект её изучения - новое слово или неологизм. В задачу неологии входит выявление новых слов и новых значений у уже существующих в языке слов, анализ причин и способов их появления, описание факторов, влияющих на появление нового в лексической системе языка, разработка языковой политики в отношении новых номинаций.  Лексикограф

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 14 2015
Journal Name
Spe North Africa Technical Conference And Exhibition
Feasibility of Gas Lift to Increase Oil Production in an Iraqi Giant Oil Field
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Abstract<p>Gas lift is one of the artificial lift techniques which it is frequently implemented to raise oil production. Conventionally, the oil wells produce depending on the energy of reservoir pressure and solution gas which declines due to continuous production. Therefore, many oil wells after a certain production time become unable to lift oil to the surface. Thus, the continuity of production requires implementation of gas lift which works to decrease the average fluid density in the tubing by injection gas through the annulus into the tubing. This paper aims to get maximum oil production of an Iraqi giant oil field at optimum injected gas rate. The field is located in south of Iraq and in</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Review of the Kriging Technique Applications to Groundwater Quality
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Kriging, a geostatistical technique, has been used for many years to evaluate groundwater quality. The best estimation data for unsampled points were determined by using this method depending on measured variables for an area. The groundwater contaminants assessment worldwide was found through many kriging methods. The present paper shows a review of the most known methods of kriging that were used in estimating and mapping the groundwater quality. Indicator kriging, simple kriging, cokriging, ordinary kriging, disjunctive kriging and lognormal kriging are the most used techniques. In addition, the concept of the disjunctive kriging method was explained in this work to be easily understood.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Role of Fasting Mimicking Diet in Farnesoid x Receptor for Suppressing Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition, Cell Cycle Progression, and Viability of Prostate Cancer Cells
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The systemic and resistant nature of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancers (mCRPC) renders it largely incurable even after intensive multimodal therapy. Proliferation, survival, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) are three fundamental events that are deeply linked to carcinogenesis.  Hence, it is necessary to find a new combination of several therapies, targeting those vital mechanisms without causing side effects. Significant research works have shown differential low expression of the metabolic Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) in primary and metastatic prostate cancer suggesting their importance in prostate pathogenesis. Obticholic acid (INT 747), a potent FXR agonist is widely used in primary biliary chola

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The impact of diet program myself with some medicinal herbs in some physiological variables Empirical research on badminton players
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To develop a new basis to reduce the phenomenon of stress, one researcher used relaxation techniques is the use of medicinal herbs sedative which is emphasized by some specialists and researchers because of its direct impact on some of the functions of the body as members have a significant impact on the player from the mental and physical Came the importance of research in the use of medicinal herbs sedative and in particular (Lafracin Black, Plantago Sinani great, Alternen) within the program to soothe the psychological players badminton to get rid of the tension felt by sports by athletic competition through the use of a program to ease the psychological with a range of herbs and both means of calming influence of the nervous system. The

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