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Is Mometasone Effective in Treating Otitis Media with Effusion?
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Otitis media with effusion (OME) is the long-term deposition of mucus in the middle ear cleft. It is the leading cause of childhood hearing loss and a common childhood infection. It can impair communication and life quality. OME's direct and indirect costs are also crucial. Improving OME care is crucial. This study examines intranasal mometasone's efficacy in treating otitis media with effusion. A clinical trial study was conducted during a period from January 2021 to June 2022. It included 80 patients suffering from otitis media with effusion bilaterally (160 ears) who had an intact tympanic membrane and tympanometry type B. These patients were included only if they had a hearing change or loss noted by the parents or by the patient if he or she could complain for three months or more. These patients were split into two groups. Group A had 80 ears (40 patients) who got one puff of mometasone furoate nasal spray in each nostril every day for three months, and Group B had 80 ears (40 patients) who got one puff of seawater nasal spray in each nostril every day for the same period. On the first visit, otoscopic findings were recorded, and all patients had pure-tone audiometry and tympanometry performed. All of the above-mentioned measures were repeated and compared to the records from the first visit at the end of the three months of treatment. After treatment, 75% of ears in Group A changed from type B to type A tympanometry. This was significantly higher than in Group B, where only 15% of ears changed from type B to type A tympanometry. Regarding retraction, 75% of ears in Group A showed no retraction after treatment with mometasone furoate, while in Group B, it was 40%. The average pure-tone audiometry score in Group A improved after therapy. Corticosteroids are effective in the treatment of otitis media with effusion and safer when used as topical intranasal steroids than systemic preparations.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
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Laser Micro- And Nano-scale Processing
Effective working parameters of laser micro-/nano-machining
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Modern emerged technologies impose development and fabrication of miniatur-ized parts and devices in the micro- and nano-scale. Producing micro- and nano-featured structures requires nonconventional machining processes where con-ventional machining processes such as grinding, milling and eroding have failed. New emerging processes, such laser machining processes, are still fraught with almost invincible processes. Micro-/nano-machining are the pro-cesses of producing parts, microsystems or features at a scale of a few microm-eters and less than one hundred nanometers, respectively. Precise cutting and clean material removal accompanied with a negligible heat affected zone (HAZ), which are usually the characteristics of laser ablation, have

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effective Rules for Building and Securing of Blogs
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Blogging is about more than just putting thoughts on a web; it's about connecting with and hearing from anyone who read the work. Many web sites now days help to get a free account to quick post thoughts and photos interact with people, and more. The fastest way to understand blogging is to try it out, but in that case securing the blog is important, by including authentication schemes. In this paper we suggest implications of our research for improving the design and usefulness of blogging systems, and also we divided the blogs depending on the subject and need, which are either to be used in public or only used by small group, so we can suggest different steps for securing the blogs.

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Publication Date
Sat May 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Characterization and Anticancer Activity of Chitosan Schiff Base / PVP Gold Nano Composite in Treating Esophageal Cancer Cell Line
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In the present paper, chitosan Schiff base has been synthesized from chitosan’s reaction with the salicyldehyde. The AuNPs was manufacture by extract of onion peels as a reducing agent. The Au NPs that have been prepared were characterized through the UV-vis spectroscopy, XRD analyses and SEM microscopy. The polymer blends of the chitosan Schiff base / PVP has been prepared through using the approach of solution casting. Chitosan Schiff base / PVP Au nano-composites was prepared. Nano composites and polymer blends have been characterized by FTIR which confirm the formation of Schiff base by revealing a new band of absorption at 1651cm-1 as a result of the (C=N) imine group. SEM, DSC and TGA confirms the thermal stability of the pr

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Characterization and Anticancer Activity of Chitosan Schiff Base / PVP Gold Nano Composite in Treating Esophageal Cancer Cell Line
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In the present paper, chitosan Schiff base has been synthesized from chitosan’s reaction with the salicyldehyde. The AuNPs was manufacture by extract of onion peels as a reducing agent. The Au NPs that have been prepared were characterized through the UV-vis spectroscopy, XRD analyses and SEM microscopy. The polymer blends of the chitosan Schiff base / PVP has been prepared through using the approach of solution casting. Chitosan Schiff base / PVP Au nano-composites was prepared. Nano composites and polymer blends have been characterized by FTIR which confirm the formation of Schiff base by revealing a new band of absorption at 1651cm-1 as a result of the (C=N) imine group. SEM, DSC and TGA confirms the thermal stability of

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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In the present study, radon gas concentration in the shallow groundwater samples of the Abu-Jir region in Anbar governorate was measured by using Rad-7 detector. The highest radon gas level in the samples is up to 9.3 Bq/L, while the lowest level is 2.1 Bq/L, with an average of 6.44±1.8 Bq/L. The annual effective dose is varied from 33.945 μSv/y to 7.66 μSv/y, with an average of 0.145±0.06 μSv/y. Consequently, the radon level in the groundwater studied is lower than the standard recommended value (11 Bq/L) reported by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The potential source of radon is uranium-rich hydrocarbons that are leakage to the surface along the Abu-Jir Fault. This research did not indicate any ris

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer by Forced Convection in Channel with one-sided Semicircular Sections and Filled with Porous Media
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This research presents a numerical study to simulate the heat transfer by forced convection as a result of fluid flow inside channel’s with one-sided semicircular sections and fully filled with porous media. The study assumes that the fluid were Laminar , Steady , Incompressible and inlet Temperature was less than Isotherm temperature of a Semicircular sections .Finite difference techniques were used to present the governing equations (Momentum, Energy and Continuity). Elliptical Grid is Generated using Poisson’s equations . The Algebraic equations were solved numerically by using (LSOR (.This research studied the effect of changing the channel shapes on fluid flow and heat transfer  in two cases ,the first: cha

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Studying the effect of temperature and treating time on some physical properties of carbon black
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Samples prepared by using carbon black as a filler material and phenolic resin as a binder. The samples were pressed in a (3) cm diameter cylindrical die to (250)MPa and treated thermally within temperature range of (600-1000)oC for two and three hours. Physical properties tests were performed, like density, porosity, and X-ray tests. Moreover vicker microhardness and electric resistivity tests were done. From the results, it can be concluded that density was increased while porosity was decreased gradually with increasing temperature and treating time. In microhardness test, it found that more temperature and treating time cause more hardness. Finally the resistivity was decreased in steps with temperature and treating time. It can be c

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Bmc Endocrine Disorders
Dietary caffeine intake is associated with favorable metabolic profile among apparently healthy overweight and obese individuals
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Abstract<sec> <title>Background

Recent studies have revealed some conflicting results about the health effects of caffeine. These studies are inconsistent in terms of design and population and source of consumed caffeine. In the current study, we aimed to evaluate the possible health effects of dietary caffeine intake among overweight and obese individuals.


In this cross-sectional study, 488 apparently healthy individuals with overweight and obesity were participated. Dietary intake was assessed by a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Issues of Media Trials in Iraqi after 2003
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The Supreme Judicial Council decided on July 3, 2003, to set up a court to deal with the issues of publication and media. This court tries to solve the problems of media and publishing in both its civil and penal aspects. The decision of establishing the court represents a new and important step to be taken by the Iraqi Judicial Council for the tremendous development witnessed by media sector in general and press in particular especially after 2003.
This study includes two main axes: the first one deals with the most important crimes of publication in the Iraqi legislations such as the crimes of defamation, libel, insult, indecency, and incitement; the second deals with an analytical survey of the completed cases i.e. the issues tha

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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The aim of the present research is to study the dissolution and transport process of
benzene as a light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) in saturated porous media.
Unidirectional flow at water velocities ranged from 0.90 to 3.60 cm/hr was adopted to study
this process in a three dimensional saturated sand tank (100 cm×40 cm×35 cm). This tank
represents a laboratory-scale aquifer. The aquifer was constructed by packing homogeneous
sand in the rectangular tank. The experimental results were used to characterize the
dissolution behavior of an entrapped nonaqueous phase benzene source in a three dimensional
aquifer model. The time invariant average mass transfer coefficient was determined at each
interstitial velocit

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