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Assessment of the bypass of obturation materials beyond fractured instruments after using different obturation techniques in simulated curved canals (An in-vitro study)
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This study evaluated the extent to which obturation materials bypass fractured endodontic instruments positioned in the middle and apical thirds of severely curved simulated root canals using different obturation techniques. Sixty resin blocks with simulated root canals were used, each with a 50° curvature, a 6.5 mm radius of curvature, and a length of 16.5 mm, prepared to an ISO #15 diameter and taper. Canals were shaped using ProTaper Universal files (Dentsply Maillefer) attached to an X-smart Plus endo motor (Dentsply), set at 3.5 Ncm torque and 250 rpm, up to size S2 at working length. To simulate fractures, F2 and F3 files were weakened 3 mm from the tip, then twisted to break in the apical and middle sections of the canal, respectively. All samples were sealed with GuttaFlow 2 and divided into three groups (n = 20/group) according to obturation technique: A) single cone, B) lateral condensation with a rotary spreader, and C) softcore obturators. Each group was then divided into two subgroups (n = 10) based on the instrument fracture location (1 = apical, 2 = middle). The linear intrusion of obturation materials through the fractured instruments was measured using ImageJ software and analyzed statistically with ANOVA, Tukey tests, and independent t-tests, with significance set at p<0.05. Material bypass in group B1 (3.27 ± 0.63 mm) was significantly greater than in group A1 (2.39 ± 0.44 mm) and group C1 (2.91 ± 0.77 mm). In group C2, bypass (5.76 ± 0.64 mm) was significantly higher than in group A2 (3.82 ± 0.2 mm) and group B2 (2.27 ± 0.96 mm). Additionally, bypass in group A2 was greater than in group B2, and group B1 had more bypass than B2, while group C2 exceeded C1. The lateral condensation technique with a rotary spreader and softcore obturators increased the bypass of obturation materials through fractured instruments in simulated curved canals. These techniques may thus enhance material flow in endodontic procedures involving instrument fractures.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Possibility of glucose level assessment using the blood of gingival probing and dental socket after tooth extraction
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Background: The association between diabetes and inflammatory dental diseases had been studied extensively for more than 50 years. A large evidence base suggests that diabetes is associated with an increased prevalence, extent and severity of gingivitis and periodontitis and loss of teeth. Many patients do not aware that they are diabetic.Objectives:The aim of the current study was to assess a fast, non-invasive, safe procedure to screen for diabetes and its severity in dental clinics and to assess the change in blood glucose level before and after tooth extraction during periodontalResults: there were no significant differences between the blood samples collected before tooth extraction from finger puncture method (FPB) and the gingival

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Precision Radiation Oncology
Assessment of dose‐volume histogram statistics using three‐dimensional conformal techniques in breast cancer adjuvant radiotherapy treatment
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Breast cancer (BC) is first of the top 10 malignancies in Iraq. Dose‐volume histograms (DVHs) are most commonly used as a plan evaluation tool. This study aimed to assess DVH statistics using three‐dimensional conformal radiotherapies in BC in an adjuvant setting.


A retrospective study of 70 histologically confirmed women diagnosed with BC was reviewed. The study was conducted between November 2020 and May 2021, planning for treatment with adjuvant three‐dimensional conformal radiotherapies. The treatment plan used for each woman was based on an analysis of the volumetric dose, inclu

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 15 2023
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Evaluation of frictional forces between aesthetic brackets and archwires in wet conditions (An in-vitro study)
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Frictional resistance occurs whenever sliding happens, negatively impacting treatment outcomes and duration. It is a clinical challenge and must be dealt with efficiently to achieve the best orthodontic results. Aims of this study: compare and evaluate the static frictional forces under the wet condition to mimic the oral environment produced by using a polycrystalline ceramic bracket, monocrystalline ceramic bracket, 0.014 of an inch nickel-titanium (Rhodium coated archwires, and ilusio aesthetic archwires), and 0.019 x 0.025 of an inch stainless steel (Rhodium coated archwires, and ilusio aesthetic archwires). Ninety-six aesthetic brackets (48 monocrystalline and 48 polycrystalline brackets) were used and stored in different incub

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Soft power employment strategy in foreign affairs (Eygpt after Mubarak Regime : An Analytical study)
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(January 25, 2011) represented a real opportunity to bring about fundamental changes in Egyptian foreign policy and to start a new phase that would cut off all the negative and problematic aspects of Egyptian politics in the period before the revolution. Through the employment of Egypt's huge balance and the role of historical is a civilization rooted in the roots of thousands of years and Islamic reference represented over more than a thousand years the Islamic medium of religion in the start of vision and tools to achieve the Egyptian national interest, and safeguarding Egyptian national security in its comprehensive sense. The research attempts to answer a central question: Is there a role for Egyptian soft power in the Islamic world

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Economic Study of a Wind Energy Project Using Different Sources of Wind Data
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     In this study, a preliminary economic feasibility study of the project of wind power at the site of Al-Shehabi (Wasit-Iraq) was conducted using measured wind data at altitudes of 10, 30, 50 and 52 m per 10 minutes. For the purpose of comparison, data from NASA were used at the same location at 50 m height. The lowest unit cost of electricity from wind energy was found to be 0.028 $/Kwh and 0.0399 $/Kwh by using the standard methodologies of Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) equation and Net Present Value (NPV) procedure, respectively. Furthermore, RETScreen software was used to perform the economic prefeasibility study of a proposed wind farm. The study concludes that this site is economically feasible if a wind fa

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 13 2019
Journal Name
Spe Kuwait Oil & Gas Show And Conference
Optimization of Fracture Parameters for Hydraulic Fractured Horizontal Well in a Heterogeneous Tight Reservoir: An Equivalent Homogeneous Modelling Approach
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Abstract<p>Building numerical reservoir simulation model with a view to model actual case requires enormous amount of data and information. Such modeling and simulation processes normally require lengthy time and different sets of field data and experimental tests that are usually very expensive. In addition, the availability, quality and accessibility of all necessary data are very limited, especially for the green field. The degree of complexities of such modelling increases significantly especially in the case of heterogeneous nature typically inherited in unconventional reservoirs. In this perspective, this study focuses on exploring the possibility of simplifying the numerical simulation pr</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Assessment of bone density after six months from dental implants placement using Computed Tomography
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Background: Determination of local bone mineral density (BMD) immediately after implant insertion play an important role in implant success rate, may offer comprehensive description of the bone, and give enough information to the surgeon prior to implant insertion and at follow up status. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the changes of local bone density in the dental implant recipient sites by using computerized tomography. Material and method: The sample consisted of (20) dental implants recipient sites, bone density assessment was done twice, immediately after implants insertion and after six months. Results: The mean HU of the bone around the implant insertion site, immediately after implant placement was 552.28 HU, and inc

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Electrophoretic Deposition of Nano Al2O3 and AgNO3 on CpTi Dental Implant (An in vitro and in vivo study)
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Background: Even the wide use of dental implants, still there is a proportion of implants are failed due to infection. Much considerable attention has been paid to modify the implant surface. Coating of dental implant with a biocomposite material of suitable properties can improve osseointegration. And this is the main concern of this study. The aim of present study was to evaluate the use of a biocomposite coating of dental implant with (ceramic nano Al2O3 and metalic AgNo3) on the bond strength at bone – implant interface and tissue reaction. Materials and methods: A total number of forty-eight screws, CpTi dental implant used in this study. Half of these screws were coated with a biocomposite material of nano (Al2O3and AgNo3), thi

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Sealing Depth of Q-Switched Nd:YAG 1064nm Laser in the Treatment of Patients with Hypersensitive Teeth: An In Vitro Study
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The purpose of this work was to study the effects of the Nd:YAG laser on exposed dentinal
tubules of human extracted teeth using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Eighty 2.5mm-thick
slices were cut at the cementoenamel junction from 20 extracted human teeth with an electric saw. A
diamond bur was used to remove the cementum layer to expose the dentinal tubules. Each slice was
sectioned into four equal quadrants and the specimens were randomly divided into four groups (A to D ).
Groups B to D were lased for 2 mins using an Nd:YAG laser at 6 pulses per second at energy outputs of
80 , 100 and 120 mJ. Group A served as control. Under SEM observation, nonlased specimens showed
numerous exposed dentinal tubules. SEM o

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of a novel coating material on the microleakage of glass hybrid restoration in primary teeth – An in vitro study
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Background: Glass ionomer restorations are widely employed in the field of pediatric dentistry. There is a constant demand for a durable restoration that remains functional until exfoliation. This study aimed to measure and compare the effect of a novel coating material (EQUIA Forte Coat) on the microleakage of glass hybrid restoration (EQUIA Forte HT) in primary teeth. Material and method: Thirty cavitated (class-II) primary molars were allocated randomly into two groups based on the coat application; uncoated (control) and coated group (experimental). Cavities were prepared by the use of a ceramic bur (CeraBur) and restored with EQUIA Forte HT with or without applying a protective coat (EQUIA Forte Coat). Samples went through the therm

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