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Wake potential of swift ion in amorphous carbon target
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The wake potential and wake phenomena for swift proton in an amorphous carbon target were studied by utilising various dielectric function formalisms, including the Drude dielectric function, the Drude–Lorentz dielectric function and quantum dielectric function. The Drude model results exhibited a damped oscillatory behaviour in the longitudinal direction behind the projectile; the pattern of these oscillations decreases exponentially in the transverse direction. In addition, the wake potential extends slightly ahead of the projectile which also depends on the proton coordinate and velocity. The effect of electron binding on the wake potential, characterised by the ratio to 0.1, has been studied alongside the Drude–Lorentz dielectric function and quantum dielectric function formalisms; the results evidently show that the wake potential dip depth decreases with more oscillations when the electron density ratio decreases from 10 to 0.1. One of the primary objectives of the present work is to construct a reasonably realistic procedure for simulating the response of target to swift ions by combining an expression for the induced wake potential along with several important dielectric function models; the aim of this research is to reduce computational complexity without sacrificing accuracy. This is regarded as being an efficient strategy in that it creates suitable computer simulation procedures which are relevant to actual solids. After comparing this method with other models, the main differences and similarities have been noted while the end results have proved encouraging.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nanoelectronics And Materials
Wake potential of swift ions in copper target
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We investigate the interaction of proton with a solid target, describing the wake effects by taking fitted parameters with experimental values of energy loss function ELF for copper using the dielectric function of random phase approximation (RPA). The results exhibited a damped oscillatory behavior in the longitudinal direction behind the projectile. In addition, the wake potential becomes asymmetric around the z-axis with proton velocity values higher than Fermi velocity, as well as it depends on the position of projectile in cylindrical coordinates.

Publication Date
Thu Apr 11 2019
Journal Name
Scientific Reports
Small-Molecule Ferroptotic Agents with Potential to Selectively Target Cancer Stem Cells
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Abstract<p>Effective management of advanced cancer requires systemic treatment including small molecules that target unique features of aggressive tumor cells. At the same time, tumors are heterogeneous and current evidence suggests that a subpopulation of tumor cells, called tumor initiating or cancer stem cells, are responsible for metastatic dissemination, tumor relapse and possibly drug resistance. Classical apoptotic drugs are less effective against this critical subpopulation. In the course of generating a library of open-chain epothilones, we discovered a new class of small molecule anticancer agents that has no effect on tubulin but instead kills selected cancer cell lines by harnessing reactive oxygen </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculating the Sputtering Yield of Lithium, Sodium and Krypton Bombarded by Same Target Ion Using TRIM Simulation Program
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Calculations of sputtering yield for Lithium,Sodium and Krypton bombarded by the same own ions are achieved by using TRIM program.The relation of angular dependent of sputtering yield for each ion/target is studied. Also, the dependence of the sputtering yield of target on the energy of the same ion is discussed and plotted graphically. Many researchers applied polynomials function to fit the sputtering data from experimental and simulation programs, however, we suggest to use Ior function for fitting the angular distribution of the sputtering yield. A New data for fitting coefficients of the used ion/target are presented by applying used function for the dependence of the sputtering yield on the ion energy.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Activating Letter of credits under the Swift system in Iraq
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               Documentary credits are considered successful means to reduce imports, especially unnecessary imports that lead to the outflow of foreign currency from the country. However, due to the backwardness of the banking methods, the reintroduction of documentary credits after 2003 did not effectively contribute to reducing import rates. This has had a negative impact on the Iraqi economy and made it vulnerable to external markets. Documentary credits are also considered the best way to ensure payment in international trade, providing independent credit support and sufficient security for exporters and importers against commerci

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Arab Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences
Reliable iterative methods for 1D Swift–Hohenberg equation
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 19 2018
Journal Name
Brazilian Journal Of Physics
The Induced Electron Density Effects of Swift Heavy Ions in Polymethyl Methacrylate
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Inelastic mean free path of swift electrons and stopping power in Ta2O5
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Energy Loss Function (ELF) of 2 5 Ta O derived from optical limit
and extended to the total part of momentum and their energy
excitation region ELF plays an important function in calculating
energy loss of electron in materials. The parameter Inelastic Mean
Free Path (IMFP) is most important in quantitative surface sensitive
electron spectroscopies, defined as the average distance that an
electron with a given energy travels between successive inelastic
collisions. The stopping cross section and single differential crosssection
SDCS are also calculated and gives good agreement with
previous work.

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 18 2023
Journal Name
Asia-pacific Journal Of Chemical Engineering
Facile preparation of dual functions zeolite‐carbon composite for zinc ion removal from aqueous solutions
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Abstract<p>The cost‐effective dual functions zeolite‐carbon composite (DFZCC) was prepared using an eco‐friendly substrate prepared from bio‐waste and an organic adhesive at intermediate conditions. The green synthesis method used in this study ensures that chemically harmless compounds are used to obtain a homogeneous distribution of zeolite over porous carbon. The greenly prepared dual‐function composite was extensively characterized using Fourier transform infrared, X‐ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, N<sub>2</sub> adsorption/desorption isotherms, field emission scanning electron microscope, dispersive analysis by X‐ray, and point of zero charges. DFZCC had a surface area o</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Thermoelectric Power of Amorphous InAs Thin Films
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The thermoelectric power (S) of thermal evaporated a-InAs films

were measured in the temperature rang (303-408) K.

These films were prepared at different thickness (250,350,450) nm and treated at different annealing temperatures (303,373,423,473,523) K.

The behaviour  of the thermoelectric power  studies of these films

as  a  function  of  thickness  and  annealing  temperature  showed  the thermoelectric  power an increasing trend with annealing temperature

,whereas it decreases as the film thickness increases.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The optical constants of amorphous silicon nanostructures
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There is of great importance to know the values of the optical constants of materials due to their relationship with the optical properties and then with their practical applications. For this reason, it was proposed to study the optical constants of amorphous silicon nanostructures (quantum well, quantum wire, and quantum dot) because of their importance in the world of optical applications. In this study, it was adopted the Herve and Vandamme (HV) model of the refractive index because it was found that this model has very good optical properties for almost all semiconductors. Also, it was carried out by applying experimental results for the energy gaps of these three nanostructures, which makes the results of the theoretical calculations

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