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تحديد مستويات معيارية للرضا الحركي والذات الجسمية لدى العبي الكرة الطائرة المتقدمين
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أن لعبة الكرة الطائرة هي واحدة من االلعاب الرياضية الجماعية التي طرأت عليها تطورات كبيرة على المستوى المهاري والبدني مما انعكس ذلك على تطور أساليب اللعب والخطط والقوانين التي ساهمت في إعطاء جمالية في أداء الالعبين وزيادة إثارة حماس الجماهير، ولهذا جاءت فكرة الباحثون في كونه يساعد على الكشف عن الرضا الحركي والذات الجسمية والذين يؤثران وبدرجة كبيرة على ممارسة األنشطة الرياضية من أجل تحقيق نتائج رياضية أفضل فضال" عن تحديد الدرجات والمستويات المعيارية التي يستفيد منها العاملون في مجال الكرة الطائرة، فمن خالل تفهم الالعب لمستوى الرضا الحركي والذات الجسمية والذي يؤدي إلى شعور العب الكرة الطائرة باالرتياح والسعادة والدافعية العالية لإلقدام على التدريب وهذا بدوره يؤدي إلى التغلب على كثير من الصعوبات التي تواجه الالعبين عند عملية التدريب والممارسة ويساهم في المثابرة نحو االستمرار في مزاولة األنشطة األمر الذي دفع الباحثون إلى دراسة موضوعا الرضا الحركي والذات الجسمية لمعرفة وتحديد الدرجات والمستويات المعيارية لدى العبي كرة الطائرة المتقدمين. فيهدف البحث الى: التعرف على الرضا الحركي والذات الجسمية لالعبي الكرة الطائرة المتقدمين. واستخالص الدرجات والمستويات المعيارية لمقياسي الرضا الحركي والذات الجسمية. ولتحقيق هذه االهداف أستخدم الباحثون المنهج الوصفي بأسلوب المسحي لمالئمة طبيعة مشكلة البحث. اشتمل مجتمع البحث على العبي اندية النخبة بالكرة الطائرة موزعين على )6( اندية )الشرطة – غاز الجنوب – البحري – البيشمركة – الحبانية- ( العباً الكوفة( والبالغ عددهم )08( العبا، أذ اختار الباحثون )08 يمثلون عينة البحث بالطريقة العمدية ويشكل هذا العدد ما نسبته )%07( من المجتمع االصل، اما الالعبين المتبقين من المجتمع قام الباحثون باستبعادهم ألجراء التجربة االستطالعية عليهم وقسم الباحثون العينة كاالتي: )08( العب تجربة األسس العلمية لمقياسي الرضا الحركي والذات الجسمية، و )08( العبا عينة التجربة الرئيسة فضال عن استخدام الباحثون لمقياسي الرضا الحركي والذات الجسمية لمحمد حسن عالوي وقام الباحثون بالتحقق من صالحية المقاييس ام الباب الرابع فقام الباحثون باستخراج الدرجات والمستويات المعيارية للمقاييس. أذ استنتج الباحث: ان استخدام )7( مستويات معيارية للمقياسين دل على عدم تشتت الدرجات. وتمتع العبي الكرة الطائرة بمستوى جيد من الرضا الحركي ومتوسط من الذات الجسمية. وبعدها أوصى الباحثون بعدة توصيات منها: االهتمام بدراسة متغيرات نفسية أخرى لالعبي الكرة الطائرة. واجراء دراسات اخرى على فعاليات رياضية اخرى

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 12 2024
Journal Name
Mustansiriyah Journal Of Sports Science
The impact of the use of numbered head and brainstorming strategies to learn handspring on the Vault table in artistic gymnastics for Men
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The aim of the study was to identify the use of the strategies of numbered heads and brainstorming in learning handspring on the Vault table in artistic gymnastics for Men for the third grade students in the collage of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, as well as to identify the best group among the three research groups (number of heads numbered,, brainstorming strategies And the traditional style group) to learn the skill under study. Using the experimental method, the research subject included the third grade students in the collage of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Baghdad, and randomly by lot, 12 students were selected for each of the three research groups. The study consisted of the arithmetic mean

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Management by roaming and self-efficacy and their impact on the excellence of hotel service: An applied study
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      This research investigates the type and the significant relationship between roaming management and self-efficacy and its impact on excellence in providing hotel service. To achieve this, the applied approach was adopted through  A questionnaire was designed and developed for the collected data. It has consisted of three parts. The firsts section included nine questions to measure the dimensions of management by roaming. The second section includes nine questions to measure the effectiveness of the two employees. The last section includes   12   questions to measure the excellence of the hotel service. The research sample included  43  employees' responding to this

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Numbness of the Mind Paradigm in Haruki Murakami’s After the Quake and Iraq’s After the Quake
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Haruki Murakami (1949-present) is a contemporary Japanese writer whose works have been translated into fifty languages and won him plenty of Japanese and international awards. His short stories are well constructed in a weird realistic manner and are mixed with elements of surrealism. His novels and short stories fall under the genre of magical realism. One of the major revolving themes that Murakami wrote about was the haunting feeling of emptiness and disconnectedness in a world which seems to care much for materialism and self-interests.

    The paper explores two of Murakami’s short stories in his book After the Quake (2000) and the relevance of their themes and characters to Iraq after the q

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 14 2020
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The Effect of Using the Bybee Strategy(5ES) according to Brain Control Patterns in Learning a Kinetic Series on Floor exercises in Artistic Gymnastics for men
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The aim of this study to identify patterns of cerebral control (right and left) for second grade students in the collage of physical education and sports science of the University of Baghdad, as well as identify the definition of theThe Effect of Using the Bybee Strategy(5ES) according to Brain Control Patterns in Learning a Kinetic Series on Floor exercises in Artistic Gymnastics for menمجلة الرياضة المعاصرةالمجلد 19 العدد 1 عام 2020effect using the (Bybee) strategy (5ES) according to brain control patterns inlearning a Kinetic series on floor exercises In artistic gymnastics for men, andidentify the best combination between the four research groups learn, use Finderexperimental method research sample consi

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الاستقلال عن المجال الإدراكي والإتكال عليه وعلاقته بمستوى الطموح ومفهوم الذات الأكاديمي
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The impedance from the cognitive field and reliance on it, ambition  level, and the academic ego concept are concepts on which too many varied studies had been conducted. The current research aims to the followings:


Measuring the independence from the cognitive field and the reliance on it of the college students and this done for: the whole sample, the equalization among the degrees in accordance to the sex variable (male, female), specialty variable (scientific, humanistic).


Measuring the ambition level of the college students and this done for: the whole sample, the equalization among the degrees in accordance to the sex variable (male, female) and specialty variable (scientific, hum

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Enhancing livelihood through urban intensification
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 The research deals with a modern concept in its applications and the studies it deals with, as the concept of urban densification is one of the most recent sustainable development strategies for cities.

Studies looking at the relationship between condensation and viability show mixed results. This study sheds light on how the built environment of dense urban areas affects the perceived quality of life of the population. How to enhance acceptance of dense life is an important question to investigate.

Adopting the concept of urban densification in city planning policies to be more sustainable and livable is of great importance by achieving efficient use of urban land and limiting urban sprawl, as well as reducing the

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
((The Mediator Role of Self Management on the RelationShip Between Work Stresses and Organizational Alienation))
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   The study aims to test the relationship of work pressure to its dimensions (role conflict, ambiguity of role, workload and nature of work) as an independent variable and its effect on organizational alienation by its dimensions (disability, lack of power, indifference, animosity, social isolation and self-alienation) (Restraint and confidence in negation, initiative, adaptation and living conscience) as a mediator variable, in some faculties of Baghdad University of Science (Medicine and Engineering) and Humanity (Education and Literature). The data was collected on the practical side, which was applied randomly (306) of the teachers and teachers of the colleges (56) items, which included the main research variables

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Predictive Significance of Interleukins 17A and 33 in Risk of Relapsing–Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
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Cytokines are signaling molecules between inflammatory cells that play a significant role in the pathogenesis of a disease. Among these cytokines are interleukins (ILs) 17A and 33, and accordingly, the current case-control study sought to investigate the role of each of the two cytokines in the risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS). Sixty-eight relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) Iraqi patients and twenty healthy individuals (control group) were enrolled. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits were used to determine serum levels of IL-17A and IL-33. Results revealed that IL-17A and IL-33 levels were significantly higher in MS patients than in controls (14.1 ± 4.5 vs. 7.5 ± 3.8 pg/mL; p < 0.001 and 65.3 ± 16

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using the Balanced Performance Approach to Increase the Effectiveness of Strategic Planning in order to Maximize the Job Satisfaction Rates at the Faculties of Bisha University
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Purpose: To use the balanced measurement approach as a strategic link for increasing the effectiveness of strategic planning in the direction of achieving satisfaction rates at Bisha University in Saudi Arabia

Design / methodology / approach –The questionnaire survey was used to collect the data of the study from the faculty members at University of Bisha.

Findings –Prove the assumption that the use of the balanced measurement approach - as a strategic planning tool - leads to maximize the satisfaction rates among faculty members at the University of Bisha.

Research limitations/implications-  adopt effective strategic planning in order to achieve

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Medical service quality, Dimensions the quality of service, satisfaction with medical service
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 the Objective of  study is  to measure the quality of medical service level,  in the  Iraq public hospitals ,presented by  special words ,private hospitals, and compare between them, by knowing the level of recipients satisfaction  of medical service for all dimensions of quality service, and then measuring satisfaction with the quality of medical service as a whole for both of them, which have been prepared in questionnaire form, included two main directions, first to determine the level of satisfaction when, recipients of medical service is not dimensions quality of service in accordance with the Scale Servqual by (Parasurman et .al 1988), consisting of five di

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