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تحقيق نظريات العلاقات العامة في الجامعات العراقية
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ان استعمال الاساليب والنظريات العلمية الحديثة في عمل العلاقات العامة من شأنه ان يجعل عمل ادارات العلاقات العامة نافعاً ومؤثراً نافعاً للمؤسسة ومؤثراً في جمهورها ومحيطها الخارجي وكلما اتسع نشاط المؤسسة وكبر حجمها وامتدت الرقعة الجغرافية التي تنتشر عليها تشكيلات المؤسسة وفروعها كلما كبرت وكثرت التحديات والتهديدات التي تواجه المؤسسة ونشاطها وبذلك تكون الحاجة ماسة الى وجود ادارات متخصصة بالعلاقات العامة تستعمل الاساليب والنظريات العلمية الحديثة في دراسة البيئة المحيطة بالمؤسسة والقيام بأعمال المراقبة وجمع المعلومات عن الجمهور والبيئة المحيطة بالمؤسسة وكذلك تفسير تلك المعلومات وتصنيفها وتبويبها وتقديم المشورة الى ادارة المؤسسة لكي تستفد منها عند صناعة او اتخاذ القرارات ومعالجة المشكلات وكذلك الاستفادة من الفرص المتاحة في المجتمع وهذا ينطبق على الجامعات حيث ان الجامعة جزء من المجتمع يمتد نشاطها ليشمل المجتمع وتقديم الخبرات والخدمات اليه بالاضافة الى اتساع جمهورها من طلبة وتدريسيسين وموظفين ومستفيدين يمثلون مختلف شرائح المجتمع وقد واجهت الباحث عدد من الصعوبات وبخاصة ما يتعلق بقلة المصادر والمراجع التي تتناول النظريات وبخاصة العربية فقد اضطر الباحث الى الاستعانة بالكتب الاجنبية وخاصة ما يتعلق بالاطار النظري ، اما الجانب الميداني فقد وجد الباحث صعوبة في ارجاع الاستمارات من الاشخاص الذين ارسلت اليهم حيث تم ارسال الاستمارات اكثر من مرة ، ولا يفوتني ان اشكر شعبة البريد المركزي في مركز الوزارة حيث كان لها دور كبير في ايصال الاستمارات، وقد تضمنت هذه الدراسة على ثلاث محاور تتناول المحور الاول المقدمة ومنهجية الدراسة في حين تتناول المحور الثاني نظريات العلاقات العامة (اطار نظري) اما المحور الثالث فقد تضمن تحليل نتائج الدراسة الميدانية وتضمنت خاتمة البحث عدد من الاستنتاجات والمقترحات.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Use of Digital Public – Relations in the Work of Iraqi Universities: A Survey Study of the Workers in the Departments of Public Relations
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the digital public relations aim at make the workers getting the necessary information about the governmental institutions where they work and the enveronment surrounding them. it also tries to let the workers get the special knowlege of tthe publich relations and their jobs like the works of planning , arranging the active communication and executive skills needed in their writing , editing , special art skills for designing , production and technological skills to deal with the computer.
the problem of the research includes some questions as :
1- what are the uses achieved by degetal public relations workers at Iraqi universities (Baghdad, Mustansiriya, and Iraqi)
2- what are the tools used to apply digital public relations

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Empowering Public Relations’ Practitioners to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
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The research aims to outline a governmental and societal communicative vision grounded in the principles of sustainable development within Iraqi governmental institutions. This is achieved by public relations practitioners incorporating these concepts and enhancing public awareness of them. Iraqi governmental institutions cannot deviate from the international pattern and societal mood that encompass the goals of sustainable development. The growing international and local interest in environmental issues has influenced governmental stances and actions towards the public.
The research's main problem revolves around addressing a pivotal question: What are the levels of empowerment of public relations practition

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Public relations of Iraqi companies and their role in the marketing of national products
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based on the importance of public relations in companies, I will discussed the issue of public relations and its role in marketing national products, given what these companies represent of great importance in terms of providing products and services to large segments of Iraqi society, which necessitated the need to search and investigate the role and importance of activities that Provides public relations in Iraqi companies in all categories( public, private and mixed).
the study tables and theirinterpretations, results and recommendations, and the studyreachedseveralresults, including the positive and the negative, the positive including the success in marketing the products by the number of companies in the Fairswhere the level of

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of the General Dudget in the Achievement of Sustainable Development: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة للموازنة العامة العراقية
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The traditional method adopted in the preparation of the general budget in Iraq is not consistent with developments in the size specification response and spending and the associated weakness in the size of the amounts earmarked for investment projects which could adversely affect future generations and not to enable them to continue the development, which requires talking to estimate the adoption of style public expenditure in the state budget and reduce waste and extravagant where and invest public revenues of the state in investment projects and preservation of the environment and natural resources in order to ensure the benefit of future generations system, according to the system serves to achieve the overwhelming majority of member

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
مجلة الدراسات المستدامة
الجامعات العراقية ودورها في الثقافة الاسلامية
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يهدف البحث الى قياس مستوى الثقافة الاسلامية لدى الطالب الجامعي العراقي والكشف عن الفروق في المستوى الثقافي الاسلامي بين الذكور والاناث وتحدد البحث بعينة ممثلة 200طالب وطالبة من طالب الجامعات العراقية ( بغداد ، المستنصرية ) للعام الدراسي (2018-2017) ، واعتمد على المنهج الوصفي (اسلوب المسح ) لدراسة الموضوع ، وخرج البحث بعدة استنتاجات منها يعاني طالب الجامعات العراقية ( ذكور واناث ) من ضعف في مستوى الثقافة الاسلامية لد

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Quality of Accounting Education in Iraqi Universities
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The aim of the research is to assess the quality of the university accounting education system in Iraq. The researcher relied on the opinions of a sample of academics specialized in this field by preparing a checklist focusing on a set of axes that would affect the quality of accounting education in the Iraqi environment.

 The most prominent finding of the research is that the quality of accounting education in Iraqi universities is medium and differs from one university to another in some quality components. In addition, the prescribed curricula and study plans applied in the accounting departments do not live up to the required level, as the largest proportion of those curricula are theoretically d

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 22 2024
Journal Name
العلاقات العامة في مجال الرياضة
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في ظل العولمه و التقدم التكنولوجي الهائل و الصراعات الاقتصاديه و تنافس السوق في شتي المجالات اصبح يثق علي عاتق الاداره علي جميع المستويات المؤسسيه و جميع تخصصاتها الحمل الاكبر في مواكبه تلك التغيرات ، وحيث ان نظام التعليم ينتج لنا اجيال يجب ان تواكب تلك التغيرات لتتماشي مع متطلبات السوق الحالي و المستقبلي و نظام التعليم يعد احد اهم الركائز التي تستند عليه الموارد البشريه بالنسبه للدوله و اي مؤسسه ، و من هنا ب

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of public relations in enhancing the quality of governmental service-a Field study in the Iraqi Airlines
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        The research has discussed the public relations as dependent variable of its branch dimensions( confidence , commitment, control and satisfaction ) and the governmental service quality as independent variable of its branch dimensions (response, dependency, emphasis, tangibility and sympathy), and the research problem has represented by weakness of service quality presented to the customers dealing with company, which is observed via  field co-existence of the researcher, where he observe that the quality presented in the company services, are inappropriate with the customers expectations level, also there is weakness of attention and recognition by the

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Public and Private Cloud Computing in developing the Evaluation System of annual employees' performance at Iraqi Universities: A comparative study
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Business organizations are using the technological innovations like cloud computing (CC) as a developmental platform in order to improve the performance of their information systems. In that context, our paper discusses know-how in employing the public and private CC to serve as platforms to develop the evaluation system of annual employees' performance (ESAEP) at Iraqi universities. Therefore, we ask the paper question which is Is it possible to adopt the innovative solutions of ICTs (Like: public and private CC) for finding the developmental vision about management information systems at business organizations?”. In addition, the paper aim

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Diversity of Management Practices of Human Resources and their Impact on Entrepreneurship in Universities: A Field Study in Public Jordanian Universities
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The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of human resource diversity management practices on achieving entrepreneurship in Jordanian public universities. To achieve the aims of the study, a well-designed questionnaire was used for collecting data. The population of the study was (7433) faculty members (including different ranks such as professors, associate professors, assistant professors and lecturers) in Jordanian public universities. The study sample was selected through the use of a random sample, the questionnaire is distributed to a sample (of 400 with the percentage of 5%) selected by using a random sampling (350) copies of the questionnaire were collected, reaching about (87.5%) out of the sum total of the dist

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