Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are composed of mobile nodes communicating through wireless medium, without any fixed centralized infrastructure. Providing quality of service (QoS) support to multimedia streaming applications over MANETs is vital. This paper focuses on QoS support, provided by the stream control transmission protocol (SCTP) and the TCP-friendly rate control (TFRC) protocol to multimedia streaming applications over MANETs. In this study, three QoS parameters were considered jointly: (1) packet delivery ratio (PDR), (2) end-to-end delay, (3) and throughput. Specifically, the authors analyzed and compared the simulated performance of the SCTP and TFRC transport protocols for delivering multimedia streaming over MANETs. Two simulation scenarios were conducted to study the impact of traffic load and node speed (mobility) to their performance. Based on the simulation results, the authors found that the PDR and the end-to-end delay of TFRC are slightly better than those of SCTP in both scenarios. Additionally, the performance of SCTP is significantly better than TFRC in terms of throughput.
Simulated annealing (SA) has been an effective means that can address difficulties related to optimization problems. is now a common discipline for research with several productive applications such as production planning. Due to the fact that aggregate production planning (APP) is one of the most considerable problems in production planning, in this paper, we present multi-objective linear programming model for APP and optimized by . During the course of optimizing for the APP problem, it uncovered that the capability of was inadequate and its performance was substandard, particularly for a sizable controlled problem with many decision variables and plenty of constraints. Since this algorithm works sequentially then the current state wi
... Show MoreA microbubble air flotation technique was used to remove chromium ions from simulated wastewater (e.g. water used for electroplating, textiles, paints and pigments, and tanning leather). Experimental parameters were investigated to analyze the flotation process and determine the removal efficiency. These parameters included the location of the sampling port from the bottom of the column, where the diffuser is located to the top of flotation column (30, 60, and 90 cm), the type of surfactant (anionic, SDS, or cationic, CTAB) and its concentration (5, 10, 15, and 20 mg/L), the pH of the initial solution (3, 5, 7, 9, and 11), the initial contaminant concentration (10, 20, 30, and 40 mg/L), the gas flow rate (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.5 L/mi
... Show MoreOily carwash wastewater is a high organic and chemical wastewater. This paper targeted to investigate a treatment to decrease the water consumption and contaminants in car-washing stations. Electrocoagulation combined with ultrasonic energy (Sono-Electrocoagulation) was suggested so that the carwash wastewater is treated to be reused. The effect of both the voltage and time of treatment on the removal of COD, turbidity, conductivity, and total dissolved solids (TDS) were studied at constant initial pH 7 and electrode distance 2 cm. The results showed the best results of removal COD, turbidity, TDS, and reduce electrical conductivity is when the voltage was 30 V and a treatment time of 90 minutes.
... Show MoreThe presence of heavy metals in the environment is major concern due to their toxicity. In the present study a strong acid cation exchange resin, Amberlite IR 120 was used for the removal of lead, zinc and copper from simulated wastewater. The optimum conditions were determined in a batch system of concentration 100 mg/L, pH range between 1 and 8, contact time between 5 and 120 minutes, and amount of adsorbent was from 0.05 to 0.45 g/100 ml. A constant stirring speed, 180 rpm, was chosen during all of the experiments. The optimum conditions were found to be pH of 4 for copper and lead and pH 6 for zinc, contact time of 60 min and 0.35 g of adsorbent. Three different temperatures (25, 40 and 60°C) were selected to investigate the effect
... Show MoreCatalytic removal of the S-content from thiophene is a central step in efforts aiming to reduce the environmental burdens of transportation fuels. In this contribution, we investigate the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) mechanisms of thiophene (C4H4S) over γ-Mo2N catalyst by means of density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The thiophene molecule preferentially adsorbs in a flat mode over 3-fold fcc nitrogen hollow sites. The HDS mechanism may potentially proceed either unimolecularly (direct desulfurization) or via H-assisted reactions (hydrogenation). Due to a sizable activation barrier required for the first Csingle bondS bond scission of 54.6 kcal/mol, we predict that the direct desulfurization to contribute rather very insignificant
... Show MoreDetermining the aerodynamic characteristics of iced airfoil is an important step in aircraft design. The goal of this work is to study experimentally and numerically an iced airfoil to assess the aerodynamic penalties associated with presence of ice on the airfoil surface. Three iced shapes were tested on NACA 0012 straight wing at zero and non-zero angles of attack, at Reynolds No. equal to (3.36*105). The 2-D steady state continuity and momentum equations have been solved utilizing finite volume method to analyze the turbulent flow over a clean and iced airfoil. The results show that the ice shapes affected the aerodynamic characteristics due to the change in airfoil shape. The experimental results show that the horn iced airfoil
... Show MoreThis study delves into the properties of the associated act V over the monoid S of sinshT. It examines the relationship between faithful, finitely generated, and separated acts, as well as their connections to one-to-one and onto operators. Additionally, the correlation between acts over a monoid and modules over a ring is explored. Specifically, it is established that functions as an act over S if and only if functions as module, where T represents a nilpotent operator. Furthermore, it is proved that when T is onto operator and is finitely generated, is guaranteed to be finite-dimensional. Prove that for any bounded operator the following, is acting over S if and only if is a module where T is a nilpotent operator, is a
... Show Moreالأثر V بالنسبة إلى sinshT و خواصه قد تم دراسته في هذا البحث حيث تم دراسة علاقة الأثر المخلص والاثر المنتهى التولد والاثر المنفصل وربطها بالمؤثرات المتباينة حيث تم بهنة العلاقات التالية ان الاثر اذا وفقط اذا مقاس في حالة كون المؤثر هو عديم القوة وكذلك في حالة كون المؤثر شامل فان الاثر هو منتهي التولد اي ان الغضاء هو منتهي التولد وايضا تم برهن ان الاثر مخلص لكل مؤثر مقيد وك\لك قد تم التحقق من انه لاي مؤثر مقي
... Show MoreMDS code is a linear code that achieves equality in the Singleton bound, and projective MDS (PG-MDS) is MDS code with independents property of any two columns of its generator matrix. In this paper, elementary methods for modifying a PG-MDS code of dimensions 2, 3, as extending and lengthening, in order to find new incomplete PG-MDS codes have been used over . Also, two complete PG-MDS codes over of length and 28 have been found.
The removal of boron from aqueous solution was carried out by electrocoagulation (EC) using magnesium electrodes as anode and stainless steel electrodes as cathode. Several operating parameters on the removal efficiency of boron were investigated, such as initial pH, current density, initial boron ion concentration, NaCl concentration, spacing between electrodes, electrode material, and presence of carbonate concentration. The optimum removal efficiency of 91. 5 % was achieved at a current density of 3 mA/cm² and pH = 7 using (Mg/St. St. ) electrodes, within 45 min of operating time. The concentration of NaCl was o. 1 g/l with a 0.5cm spacing between the electrodes. First and second order rate equation were applied to study adsorp
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