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Comparison of Climate Change Impact upon Water Productivity of Winter Wheat in Northern and Southern Regions of Iraq 
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Abstract<p>Maximizing the water productivity for any agricultural system is considered an adaptation to the potential climate change crisis. It is required, especially in arid and semi-arid environments in Iraq. Therefore, this study assessed the potential impact of climate change on the different environments in the Qadissiya and Nineveh provinces. The ensemble of six GCM models employed for the regional climate model of the HCLIM-ALADIN in high-resolution 10*10 km<sup>2</sup> and Aqua-Crop was used to examine the response of water productivity and yield of winter wheat. With and without CO<sub>2 </sub>concentration changing under different water regimes in the near term (2020-2040) and mid-term (2041-2060) related to the reference period (1995-2014). The model was validated in both provinces to indicate good performance of RRMSE (4.54- 7.1) and d, R<sup>2 </sup>( 1- 0.99). The main findings revealed an increase in water productivity, yield production, and transpiration reduction under the CO2-changing scenario and behaved stable under the fixed concentration scenario. The developed schedule enhanced water productivity in both locations. The assessment study examined the resilience of arid and semi-arid agricultural lands under future climate change.</p>
Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
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Effect of Biofertilizer in Organic and Conventional Systems on Growth, Yield and Baking Quality of Hard Red Winter Wheat
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A two-year study (harvest years 2019 and 2020) was conducted to investigate the effect of a commercially available biofertilizer, in combination with variable nitrogen (N) rate, on bread baking quality and agronomic traits in hard winter wheat grown in conventional (CONV) and organic (ORG) farming systems in Kentucky, USA. The hard red winter wheat cultivar ‘Vision 45’ was used with three N rates (44, 89.6 and 134.5 kg/ha as Low, Med and High, respectively) and three biofertilizer spray regimes (no spray, one spray and two sprays). All traits measured were significantly affected by the agricultural production system (CONV or ORG) and N rate, although trends in their interactions were inconsistent between years. In Y2, yield was

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Pollution threatens water quality in the Central Marshes of Southern Iraq
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Water pollution is an issue that can be exacerbated by drought as increased concentrations of unwanted substances are a consequence of lower water levels. Polluted water that flows into natural marshlands leads to the deposition of pollutants in the interior of the marsh. Here we present evidence that the interior of the Central Marsh (CM) in southern Iraq suffers from higher levels of pollution than areas closer to the source of water entering the marsh (the Euphrates River). A 1.7m embankment that halts the flow of the Euphrates is only infrequently breached and so the CM is effectively the terminal destination of the waters (and their associated pollutants and agricultural waste) flowing from the West of Iraq.

A range of water

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The water bodies in the Southern East of Iraq before and after 2018
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This study is concerned with the recent changes that occurred in the last three years (2017-2019) in the marshes region in southern Iraq as a result of the changes in the global climate, the study included all the water bodies in the five governorates that are located in the southern regions of Iraq (Wasit, Maysan, Dhi-Qar, Qadisiyah and Basrah), which represent the marshes lands in Iraq. Scenes of the Landsat 8 satellite are used to create a mosaic to cover the five governorates within a time window with the slightest difference between the date of the scene capture, not to exceed 8 days. The results of calculating the changes in water areas were obtained using the classifier support vector machine, where high accuracy ratios were recorded

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Huwaiza marsh is considered the largest marsh in the southern part of Iraq. It is located between 31° and 31.75° latitude and extends over the Iraqi-Iranian border; but the largest part lies in Iraq. It is located to the east of Tigris River in Messan and Basra governorates.
In this research, the variation of some water quality parameters at different locations of Huwaiza marsh were studied to find out its efficacy in the treatment of the contamination coming from the wastewater outfall of Kahlaa brokendown sewage treatment plant which lies on the Kahlaa River. This rive is the main feeder of Huwaiza marsh. Ten water quality sampling locations were chosen in this marsh. The water samples were taken during 2009 for three months; Janu

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of social phobia upon self-esteem of nursing collegians' in Iraq
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Objective(s): The aim of this study is to assess the impact of social phobia upon self-esteem of nursing
Methodology: A Cross-sectional study is carried out at University of Baghdad, Karkuk, Thi-Qar, and Kufa,
colleges of nursing from Feb 8
, 2011 to Sep. 25th, 2011. A sample of all first class nursing collegians (N=330)
were selected from a probability sample of nursing colleges by dividing Iraq to three geographical areas (South,
North, and Middle Euphrates) in addition to Baghdad. The data were collected through the use of selfadministered
technique as a mean for data collection, by using a questionnaire that consists of three parts:
First part was the socio-demographic data form; the second o

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Plant Disease
First Report of the Cereal Cyst Nematode <i>Heterodera filipjevi</i> on Winter Wheat in Montana
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2019
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The Role of Total Quality in Increasing the Productivity of Wheat and Barley Crops and Reducing Costs Using Modern Irrigation Methods in Iraq
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Most of the world is seeking attention to the agricultural sector, which occupies a distinguished economic center, including Iraq, it is no wonder that the focus is on this sector, especially in developing countries. Descriptive analysis of the sample tables of wheat and barley crops in Iraq showed that adherence to the principles and rules of total quality, including modern irrigation methods (irrigated) has a significant impact in increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving quality compared to traditional irrigation methods, so it became necessary to take agricultural economic units All procedures and means that will help in the application of the rules of total quality to promote the reality of wheat and barley cultivation in I

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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To identify the fungi associated with water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms), an aquatic weed, which presents in Tigris river from Baghdad south ward. Five regions from middle and south of Iraq (Al-Noumanya, Saeid Bin-Jubier, Al-Azizia, Al-Reyfay and Al-Hay) were selected for this study. Twelve fungal species were isolated. Alternaria alternata, Acremonium sp and Cladsporium herbarum, were the most frequently species (91.66 % ,50 % and 25 %) respectively. The fungi Alternaria alternata, Acremonium sp. and Phoma eupyrena were more aggressive to water hyacinth as (91.66%,83,33%, and 75%) in pathogenicity test.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Study of water productivity of wheat and moisture distribution under the influence of center pivot irrigation and different tillage systems for desert soils
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A field experiment was conducted to grow the wheat crop during the fall season 2020 in Karbala province, north of Ain Al-Tamr District in two locations of different textures and parent materials. The first site (calcareous soil) with a sandy loam texture, is located at (44° 40′ 37′) east longitude and (32° 41′ 34′) north latitude, at an altitude of 32 m above sea level, and an area of 20 hectares. As for the second location (gypsum soil) with a loam texture, it is located at a longitude (45° 41′ 39′) east and a latitude (33° 43′ 34′ north) and at an altitude of 33 m above sea level and an area of 20 hectares. To find out the effect of different tillage systems on water productivity and wheat yield under center pivot irri

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mangrove Landscaping As An Adaptation Pattern To Reduce The Impact of Climate Change in Segara Anakan Lagoon, Cilacap Regency Indonesia
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Mangrove landscaping in the Segara Anakan Lagoon (SAL) is an adaptation pattern of mangrove ecosystems to live and grow in unstable areas. This research aimed to develop a mangrove landscape to mitigate the impacts of ocean waves, currents, and inundation due to climate change. The study was conducted in SAL and Cilacap Coast (CC) using the environmental properties and climate change data. The data obtained were analyzed using mapping and trendline analyses. The results showed that mangrove landscaping in Segara Anakan had four zones with Nypa frutican, Rhizophora styllosa, Aegiceras corniculatum, Rhizophora apiculata, Avicennia marina, Sonneratia alba identified as the best adaptation of mangrove species. Climate change give a high impa

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