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Recycled Concrete Aggregate for Medium-Quality Structural Concrete
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This paper reports an evaluation of the properties of medium-quality concrete incorporating recycled coarse aggregate (RCA). Concrete specimens were prepared with various percentages of the RCA (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). The workability, mechanical properties, and durability in terms of abrasion of cured concrete were examined at different ages. The results reveal insignificant differences between the recycled concrete (RC) and reference concrete in terms of the mechanical and durability-related measurements. Meanwhile, the workability of the RC reduced vastly since the replacement of the RCA reached 75% and 100%. The ultrasound pulse velocity (UPV) results greatly depend on the porosity of concrete and the RC exhibited higher porosity than that of the reference concrete, particularly at the transition zone between the RCA and the new paste. Therefore, the sound transmission in the RC required longer times than that in the reference concrete. Moreover, a predictive equation relating the compressive strength to the UPV was developed.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
A Comparison Study between Asymmetrical Castellated Steel Beams Encased by Reactive Powder Concrete with Laced Reinforcement
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The main objectives of this study are to study the enhancement of the load-carrying capacity of Asymmetrical castellated beams with encasement the beams by Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) and lacing reinforcement, the effect of the gap between top and bottom parts of Asymmetrical castellated steel beam at web post, and serviceability of the confined Asymmetrical castellated steel. This study presents two concentrated loads test results for four specimens Asymmetrical castellated beams section encasement by Reactive powder concrete (RPC) with laced reinforcement. The encasement of the Asymmetrical castellated steel beam consists of, flanges unstiffened element height was filled with RPC for each side and laced reinforced which are use

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Bridge Engineering
Torsional Analysis of Multicell Concrete Box Girders Strengthened with CFRP Using a Modified Softened Truss Model
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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conf. Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Fire flame effect on the compressive strength of reactive powder concrete using different methods of cooling
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This research foxed on the effect of fire flame of different burning temperatures (300, 400 and 500)oC on the compressive strength of reactive powder concrete (RPC).The steady state duration of the burning test was (60)min. Local consuming material were used to mixed a RPC of compressive strength around (100) MPa. The tested specimens were reinforced by (3.0) cm hooked end steel fiber of (1100) MPa yield strength. Three steel fiber volume fraction were adopted in this study (0, 1.0and 1.5)% and two cooling process were included, gradual and sudden. It was concluding that increasing burning temperature decreases the residual compressive strength for RPC specimens of(0%) steel fiber volume fraction by (12.16, 19.46&24.49) and (18.20, 27.77 &3

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 29 2018
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Strength and Serviceability of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams with Large Web Openings Created in Shear Spans
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Deep beams are used in wide construction fields such as water tanks, foundations, and girders in multi-story buildings to provide certain areas free of columns. In practice it is quite often occurring to create web opening in deep beams to supply convenient passage of ventilation ducts, cable channels, gas and water pipes. Experimental studies of ten 10 deep beams were carried out, where two of them are control specimens without openings and eight with large web openings in the shear spans. The variables that have been adopted are the ratio of the shear span to the overall depth of the member cross-section, location and dimensions of the opening. Test results showed that there was a decrease in the load carrying capacity of deep bea

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 29 2018
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Strength and Serviceability of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams with Large Web Openings Created in Shear Spans
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Deep beams are used in wide construction fields such as water tanks, foundations, and girders in multi-story buildings to provide certain areas free of columns. In practice it is quite often occurring to create web opening in deep beams to supply convenient passage of ventilation ducts, cable channels, gas and water pipes. Experimental studies of ten 10 deep beams were carried out, where two of them are control specimens without openings and eight with large web openings in the shear spans. The variables that have been adopted are the ratio of the shear span to the overall depth of the member cross-section, location and dimensions of the opening. Test results showed that there was a decrease in the load carrying capacity of deep bea

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical analysis of a concrete foundation under a combination of a dynamic and a seismic load
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Improving in assembling technology has provided machines of higher evaluation with better resistances and managed behavior. This machinery led to remarkably higher dynamic forces and therefore higher stresses. In this paper, a dynamic investigation of rectangular machine diesel and gas engines foundation at the top surface of one-layer dry sand with various states (i.e., loose, medium and dense) was carried out. The dynamic investigation is performed numerically by utilizing limited component programming, PLAXIS 3D. The soil is accepted as flexible totally plastic material submits to Mohr-Coulomb yield basis. A harmonic load is applied at the foundation with amplitude of 10 kPa at a frequency of (10, 15 and 20) HZ and se

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Investigating the Effect of Using Waste Glass on the Properties of Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course Mixture
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The reuse or recycling of waste materials in different aspects of life is served the objective of sustainability and be beneficial to society. In recent years, a wide variety of waste materials were used in pavement construction. One of these materials is glass that generally produces in large quantities and crushed glass can be considered feasible alternative source of aggregate for asphalt mixture production. This study focused on examining the asphalt mixture properties of wearing course using crushed glass as fine aggregates. Fine crushed glass with various percentages by total weight retained on sieve 2.36 mm, 0.3 mm and 0.075 mm was used in the study. The results indicate that mixes containing crushed glass had lower Marshall stabilit

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
The effect of using different fibres on the impact-resistance of slurry infiltrated fibrous concrete (SIFCON)
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Abstract<p>Slurry infiltrated fibrous concrete (SIFCON) is a modern type of fibre reinforced concrete (FRC). It has unique properties; SIFCON is superior in compressive strength, flexural strength, tensile strength, impact resistance, energy absorption and ductility. Because of this superiority in these characteristics, SIFCON was qualified for applications of special structures, which require resisting sudden dynamic loads such as explosions and earthquakes. The main aim of this investigation is to determine the effect of fibre type on the apparent density of SIFCON and on performance under impact load. In this investigation, hook-end steel fibre and polyolefin fibre were used. Purely once and </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 20 2020
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Influence of Cooling Methods on the Behavior of Reactive Powder Concrete Exposed to Fire Flame Effect
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The construction of highly safe and durable buildings that can bear accident damage risks including fire, earthquake, impact, and more, can be considered to be the most important goal in civil engineering technology. An experimental investigation was prepared to study the influence of adding various percentages 0%, 1.0%, and 1.5% of micro steel fiber volume fraction (Vf) to reactive powder concrete (RPC)—whose properties are compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength, and absorbed energy—after the exposure to fire flame of various burning temperatures 300, 400, and 500 °C using gradual-, foam-, and sudden-cooling methods. The outcomes of this research proved that the maximum reduction in mechanical prop

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Case Studies In Construction Materials
Push-out test of waste sawdust-based steel-concrete – Steel composite sections: Experimental and environmental study
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