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Optimal Field Development Through Infill Drilling for the Main Pay in South Rumaila Oil Field
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Abstract<p>Study of determining the optimal future field development has been done in a sector of South Rumaila oil field/ main pay. The aspects of net present value (economic evaluation) as objective function have been adopted in the present study.</p><p>Many different future prediction cases have been studied to determine the optimal production future scenario. The first future scenario was without water injection and the second and third with 7500 surface bbls/day and 15000 surface bbls/day water injection per well, respectively. At the beginning, the runs have been made to 2028 years, the results showed that the optimal future scenario is continuing without water injection because the cumulative oil production and net present value for this case is higher than from the two another cases, but According to the relationship between net present value and future production time, the abandonment time was estimated before end of December 2014 for all above cases. So, the optimal future scenario was with water injection of 15000 surface bbls/day if the surface injection facilities can handle this rate.</p><p>For achieving the reliable forecasts for these prediction scenarios, a comparison has been made with other modern studies which adopted on the same field.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Comparison of three interpolation methods for the average monthly temperature in the south of Iraqi zone
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This study focuses on evaluating the suitability of three interpolation methods in terms of their accuracy at climate data for some provinces of south of Iraq. Two data sets of maximum and minimum temperature in February 2008 from nine meteorological stations located in the south of Iraq using three interpolation methods. ArcGIS is used to produce the spatially distributed temperature data by using IDW, ordinary kriging, and spline. Four statistical methods are applied to analyze the results obtained from three interpolation methods. These methods are RMSE, RMSE as a percentage of the mean, Model efficiency (E) and Bias, which showed that the ordinary krigingis the best for this data from other methods by the results that have b

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Ournal Of Advanced Research In Dynamical And Control System
Effect of magnetic field on peristaltic transport of bingham plastic fluid
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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Two-dimensional Crystallization of Silica nanospheres using Coplanar DC Electric field
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Abstract:Two-dimensional crystal has been achieved and controlled with the aid of DC electric field applied between two electrodes at 5 millimeters separating distance between them. Sol-gel method has been used to prepared nanosilica particle which used in this work as well as TiO2 nanopaowder. The assembly of the silica particles is due to the interaction between the electrical force, the particles dipole, and the interaction between the particles themselves. When a DC voltage is applied, the particles accumulated and crystallized on the surface between the electrodes. The Light diffraction demonstrates that the hexagonal crystal is always oriented with one axis along the direction of the field. The particles disassemble when the field is

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Calculating heterogeneity of Majnoon Field/Hartha Reservoir using Lorenz Coefficient method
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Abstract<p>One of the principle concepts to understand any hydrocarbon field is the heterogeneity scale; This becomes particularly challenging in supergiant oil fields with medium to low lateral connectivity and carbonate reservoir rocks.</p><p>The main objectives of this study is to quantify the value of the heterogeneity for any well in question, and propagate it to the full reservoir. This is a quite useful specifically prior to conducting detailed water flooding or full field development studies and work, in order to be prepared for a proper design and exploitation requirements that fit with the level of heterogeneity of this formation.</p><jats></jats> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Water Resource And Hydraulic Engineering (jwrhe)
Large Scale Field Physical Model Simulation of Roseires Dam-Break, Sudan
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Physically based modeling approach has been widely developed in recent years for the simulation of dam failure process due to the lack of field data. This paper provides and describes a physically-based model depending on dimensional analysis and hydraulic simulation methods for estimating the maximum water level and the wave propagation time from breaching of field test dams. The field physical model has been constructed in Dabbah city to represent the collapse of the Roseires dam in Sudan. Five cases of a dam failure were studied to simulate water flood conditions by changing initial water height in the reservoir (0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 and 1.5 m respectively).The physical model working under five cases, case 5 had the greatest influence of t

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Publication Date
Sat May 25 2024
Journal Name
Optical And Quantum Electronics
Enhancing plasma jet parameters control by external magnetic field strength variation
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Abstract This research scrutinizes the impact of external magnetic field strength variations on plasma jet parameters to enhance its performance and flexibility. Plasma jets are widely used for their high thermal and kinetic energy in both medical and industrial fields. The study employs optical emission spectroscopy to measure electron temperature, electron density, and plasma frequency in a plasma jet subjected to varying magnetic field strengths (25, 50, 100, 150, and 250 mT). The results indicate that a stronger magnetic field results in higher electron temperature (1.485 to 1.991 eV), electron density (5.405 × 1017 to 7.095 × 1017), and plasma frequency 7.382 × 1012 to 8.253 × 1012 Hz. As well as the research investigates the influ

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Field Study of Novel Storage Tank of Solar Water Heating System
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In this paper thermo-hydrodynamic characteristics were investigated experimentally for a new type shell-helical coiled tube heat exchanger used as a storage tank of closed loop solar water heater system. Triple concentric helical coils were made of copper tubes of (12.5mm OD and 10mm ID) with coils diameter of (207, 152.2, 97mm) for outer, middle and inner coils respectively. The experiments were carried out during a clear sky days of (March and April 2012). The parameters studied in this work are: history of average temperature of shell side of the storage tank, collector heat gain, heat rejected from coils to shell side of the storage tank, collector efficiency, thermal effectiveness of the heat exchanger (storage tank), and pressure d

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Improving Nursing process Performance based on service scheduling dimensions. ( Field research)
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Abstract :

This present paper sheds the light on dimensions of scheduling the service that includes( the easiness of performing the service, willingness , health factors, psychological sides, family matters ,diminishing the time of waiting that improve  performance of nursing process including ( the willingness of performance, the ability to perform  the performance , opportunity of performance) . There is genuine problem in the Iraqi hospitals  lying into the weakness of nursing staffs , no central decision to define and organize schedules. Thus the researcher has chosen  this problem as to be his  title . The research come a to develop  the nursing service

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Two-dimensional Crystallization of Silica nanospheres using Coplanar DC Electric field
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Two-dimensional crystal has been achieved and controlled
with the aid of DC electric field applied between two electrodes at 5
millimeters separating distance between them. Sol-gel method has
been used to prepared nanosilica particle which used in this work as
well as TiO2 nanopaowder. The assembly of the silica particles is
due to the interaction between the electrical force, the particles
dipole, and the interaction between the particles themselves. When a
DC voltage is applied, the particles accumulated and crystallized on
the surface between the electrodes. The Light diffraction
demonstrates that the hexagonal crystal is always oriented with one
axis along the direction of the field. The particles disass

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(The role of strategices to manage the human resources in enhancement the process of knowledge management : Field Search in the Ministry of Transportation)
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The aims of the research is to know the role of strategic to manage the human resources in enhancement the process of knowledge management in the Ministry of Transportation , In addition to the effects occurred on outcomes for both the managers and practitioners .

For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the research , the researchers designed a questionnaire that included (40 Points for collecting the primary data from the sample of the research which contained (51) indiviluals. In light of that, the data was to collect and analyzed and hypotheses were tested by using the (SPSS) Program, and a number of statistical techniques was used to attain the goal of the research such as the means ,  Sta

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