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Cancer disease has a complicated pathophysiology and is one of the major causes of death and morbidity. Classical cancer therapies include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy. A typical treatment is chemotherapy, which delivers cytotoxic medications to patients to suppress the uncontrolled growth of cancerous cells. Conventional oral medication has a number of drawbacks, including a lack of selectivity, cytotoxicity, and multi-drug resistance, all of which offer significant obstacles to effective cancer treatment. Multidrug resistance (MDR) remains a major challenge for effective cancer chemotherapeutic interventions. The advent of nanotechnology approach has developed the field of tumor diagnosis and treatment. Cancer nanotechnology enables direct access to tumor cells, resulting in enhanced drug localization and cellular uptake. Since the early 1990’s, several solid lipid nanoparticle (SLN) or SLN-based systems for the delivery of cytotoxic drugs have been manufactured and tested with success. High shear homogenization, microemulsion-based SLN, Supercritical fluid technology, spray drying, and solvent emulsification/evaporation methods can all be used to successfully formulate SLN.There is great potential to enhance cancer chemotherapy by incorporating it into a solid lipid nanoparticle (SLN) drug delivery system. Improving tumor diffusivity, improvement of body distribution, and inhibiting MDR are the main attributes. This type of review article discusses advantages and disadvantages of SLNs, their production techniques, and their potential usage in the treatment of various cancers.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Shielding Properties against Gamma-rays for Epoxy Resin Reinforced by Different materials
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In the present work the Buildup factor for gamma rays were studied in shields from epoxy reinforced by lead powder and by aluminum powder, for NaI(Tl) scintillation detector size ( ×? ), using two radioactive sources (Co-60 and Cs-137). The shields which are used (epoxy reinforced by lead powder with concentration (10-60)% and epoxy reinforced by aluminum powder with concentration (10-50)% by thick (6mm) and epoxy reinforced by lead powder with concentration (50%) with thick (2,4,6,8,10)mm. The experimental results show that: The linear absorption factor and Buildup factor increase with increase the concentration for the powders which used in reinforcement and high for aluminum powder than the lead powder and decrease with inc

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Alpha Tracks Examination for Female Urine Samples who are Suffering from Urinary Tract Infections
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Urine samples had been gathered from females living in Baghdad city. The sample consisted of 30 females who suffered from U.T.I (Urinary tract infections) and 20 healthy females. The type of urine U.T.I was specified by the emergency lab in Al-Kindy hospital, and alpha tracks were determined by the nuclear track detector CR-39. The concentrations of alpha in 30 urine samples taken from females who had U.T.I ranged from 0.327ppm-1.583ppm, with an average of 0.94965 ppm. The maximum value 1.583 ppm is belonging to females with an aged 57 years old. The results of healthy female concentration ranged from 0.022 ppm-0.459ppm with an average of (0.30855ppm). The findings revealed that alpha emitter concentrations differed from woman to woman,

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 25 2021
Journal Name
Caai Transactions On Intelligence Technology
Shoulder girdle recognition using electrophysiological and low frequency anatomical contraction signals for prosthesis control
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
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Two different polyvinyl alcohol/polyvinyl chloride (PVA/PVC) hollow fiber composite nanofiltration membranes were prepared after PVC hollow fiber membranes were coated using dip-coating method with PVA aqueous solution, which was composed of PVA, fatty alcohol polyoxyethylene ether (AEO9), and water [PVA/AEO9/water (4:0.5:95.5) wt%]. Effect of two different PVC hollow fiber immersion times in coating solution were studied. Cross-section, internal and external surfaces of the PVC hollow fibers and PVA/PVC composite nanofiltration membranes structures were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), pure water permeation flux and solutes rejection. It was found that, the coating layer thickness on the outer surface of the 19 wt% P

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use Generalized Pareto Survival Models to Estimation Optimal Survival Time for Myocardial Infarction Patients
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The survival analysis is one of the modern methods of analysis that is based on the fact that the dependent variable represents time until the event concerned in the study. There are many survival models that deal with the impact of explanatory factors on the likelihood of survival, including the models proposed by the world, David Cox, one of the most important and common models of survival, where it consists of two functions, one of which is a parametric function that does not depend on the survival time and the other a nonparametric function that depends on times of survival, which the Cox model is defined as a semi parametric model, The set of parametric models that depend on the time-to-event distribution parameters such as

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Robust Tests for the Mean Difference in Paired Data by Using Bootstrap Resampling Technique
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The paired sample t-test for testing the difference between two means in paired data is not robust against the violation of the normality assumption. In this paper, some alternative robust tests have been suggested by using the bootstrap method in addition to combining the bootstrap method with the W.M test. Monte Carlo simulation experiments were employed to study the performance of the test statistics of each of these three tests depending on type one error rates and the power rates of the test statistics. The three tests have been applied on different sample sizes generated from three distributions represented by Bivariate normal distribution, Bivariate contaminated normal distribution, and the Bivariate Exponential distribution.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Hygienic, natural and geographical significance in AL-Muntadham book for lbn AI-Jouzy
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This study takes its importance in the area of systemic and historical
studies because it stands on presenting such aspects from the systematic
respect and now Ibn AL-Jouzy dealt with the text of this subject and how he
was exact in telling them.
Therefore, this study sheds light on the important aspects of this
method in his book through reading and studying such texts whether they had
direct or indirect relationship with this subject.
This study is not an easy task since it is based on contriving the
intellectual aspects in the methods of lbn AL-Jouzy and how he deals with the
text of this subject in its hygienic, natural and geographical aspects in
constructing a historical method in most scripts, the gen

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Relationship Between the Attitude and Achievement in Mathematics for Intermediate Second Class Students
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Many studies mentioned that there is a decline in the a achievement of intermediate second class students in mathematics  . Parents and mathematics   teachers   had  emphasized   that  .  The  studies   related  this decline to the students weak attitude towards mathematics .

In spite  of the  importance  of this subject  , it has not been given enough attention  in research in our country . This research is an attempt to know  th e relationships  between  the  intermediate  second  class  students  , attitude and their achievement  in mathematics .

Also, to know the statistical sign

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Modified Radial Based Neural Network for Clustering and Routing Optimal Path in Wireless Network
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Several methods have been developed for routing problem in MANETs wireless network, because it considered very important problem in this network ,we suggested proposed method based on modified radial basis function networks RBFN and Kmean++ algorithm. The modification in RBFN for routing operation in order to find the optimal path between source and destination in MANETs clusters. Modified Radial Based Neural Network is very simple, adaptable and efficient method to increase the life time of nodes, packet delivery ratio and the throughput of the network will increase and connection become more useful because the optimal path has the best parameters from other paths including the best bitrate and best life link with minimum delays. The re

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Microgrid Integration Based on Deep Learning NARMA-L2 Controller for Maximum Power Point Tracking
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This paper presents a hybrid energy resources (HER) system consisting of solar PV, storage, and utility grid. It is a challenge in real time to extract maximum power point (MPP) from the PV solar under variations of the irradiance strength.  This work addresses challenges in identifying global MPP, dynamic algorithm behavior, tracking speed, adaptability to changing conditions, and accuracy. Shallow Neural Networks using the deep learning NARMA-L2 controller have been proposed. It is modeled to predict the reference voltage under different irradiance. The dynamic PV solar and nonlinearity have been trained to track the maximum power drawn from the PV solar systems in real time.

Moreover, the proposed controller i

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