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Study the sustain release effect of different polymers used in the formulation of aspirin-rosuvastatin tablets
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of alumina prepared from Iraqi kaolin
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The current research was conducted to report the synthesis of alumina powder from Iraqi kaolin. The kaolin was transformed to metakaolin by calcinations at temperature 800 °C for three hours. Then the calcined kaolin was treated with (1.5 M) from H2SO4 for 6 hours to form Al2(SO4)3.12H2O solution. The precipitate was dried at 80oC for 10 hours and calcinations at different temperatures for two hours. The samples which result was characterized by X–Ray diffraction (XRD) and X–Ray fluorescence (XRF). The results indicate to the crystalline hydrate aluminum sulfate for the sample that be as – synthesis and when calcinations at 600 oC transformed into aluminum sulfate phase. The phases of alumina which we obtain consisted of a gamma a

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 03 2024
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Chemistry And Environment
Molecular study of two medicinal leech species
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he genus Hirudo is an invertebrate animal that got major concerns to human. However, genetics of Hirudo has been unwell considered in Iraq. In order to gain a deeper understanding in the outline of the genetic of Hirudo that were used in alternative medicine clinics, nineteen specimens of Hirudo were obtained. Fourteen of them (H.verbana, n=10; H. orientalis, n=4) were obtained from some different clinics and scientific centres in Baghdad, Iraq between January and March 2022, these specimens were considered as non-local leeches. The other (native isolates) leeches (H. orientalis, n=5) were collected in 2014 from two localities in Erbil, northern Iraq. ITS-2, COI and 12S-rRNA of Hirudo spp were amplified using conventional polymerase chain r

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Using the Image in Teaching Arabic Language Vocabulary to Non-Native Speakers: The Experience of the Arabic Language Institute - King Abdul-Aziz University - as a Model: آمال موسى عباس الإمام
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The study aims to demonstrate the importance of instructional methods in teaching Arabic language as a second language or teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers. The study is in line with the tremendous development in the field of knowledge, especially in the field of technology and communication, and the emergence of many electronic media in education in general and language teaching in particular. It employs an image in teaching vocabulary and presenting the experience of the Arabic Language Institute for Non-Speakers-King Abdul-Aziz University. The study follows the descriptive approach to solve the problem represented by the lack of interest in the educational methods when teaching Arabic as a second language. Accordingl

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"Testing Caldor's Hypothesis to Estimate the Relationship between the Industrial Production and Growth in Gross Domestic Product in Iraq"
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The study aimed to test the hypothesis of Caldor to estimate the relationship between industrial production and GDP growth in Iraq using with Integration Framework  and to determine the causal relationship in the short and long term using the error correction vector model for the period 1990-2016. the results showed a long-term equilibrium relationship between GDP and industrial output, while Ganger causality tests showed a causal relationship in the long run of GDP to output Subliminal thus illustrated the extent of the recession suffered by the industrial sector, which is supposed to be the driving force of the economy and the development and expansion of the productive base of the industry, so this study recommends attent

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reforming the insurance sector and its role in stimulation gross domestic product in Iraq for the period (2014-2018)
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The main purpose of the research is to demonstrate the importance of the insurance sector in the economy through its role in providing security for all economic sectors and thus stimulating the gross domestic product and reducing dependence on the output of the oil sector, which may expose the Iraqi economy to several problems and imbalances, I have found that there is a great weakness in the role of the insurance sector in Iraq at the level of government, companies and individuals, and the reason for this is the lack of policies supporting the insurance sector and the lack of work in the strategy of economic diversity and the decrease of security awareness by individuals so became Developing the sector to ensure the urgent need

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Learning Style for distinguished students and their ordinary mates in the secondary stage in accordance to some variables
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The current problem is summarized in what is called the development failing experience
in comprehencing the studying materials , so the students will feel worry of repeating failure
in he future , so he would seek blind keeping on heart for the studying material bond this isbad due to the forgetting in the future , one side of thesis research problem is that there is
many contradictory researches result in relation to the learning styles which impose the
nessicity to find results lessen this contradiction . the importance of the research is
summarized in the importance of the subject under the study , in that the researcher ( as in
her knowledge ) did not find a thesrs tackling the subject of the distinguished students

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
1st Samarra International Conference For Pure And Applied Sciences (sicps2021): Sicps2021
Analysis the average lattice strain in the crystal direction (hkl) in MgO nanoparticles by using modified Williamson-Hall method
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In this work ,the modified williamos-Hall method was used to analysis the x-ray diffraction lines for powder of magnesium oxide nanoparticles (Mgo) .and for diffraction lines (111),(200),(220),(311) and (222).where by used special programs such as origin pro Lab and Get Data Graph ,to calculate the Full width at half maximum (FWHM) and integral breadth (B) to calculate the area under the curve for each of the lines of diffraction .After that , by using modified Williamson –Hall equations to determin the values of crystallite size (D),lattice strain (ε),stress( σ ) and energy (U) , where was the results are , D=17.639 nm ,ε =0.002205 , σ=0.517 and U=0.000678 respectively. And then using the scherrer method can by calculated the crystal

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Deconstruction Mechanism in Postmodernism Arts and its Role in Teaching the Artistic Tasting for the Learner: نضال ناصر ديوان
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Deconstructionism opened the door wide to multiple readings and restore the reader his authority that he lost in the modernism, thus became more able to decipher the plastic discourse through reconstruction according to what he wants or what the plastic discourse gives him of possibilities beyond consumerism and thus the author has been canceled. The problem of the current research is limited to the following question: does deconstructionism in postmodern arts have a role in teaching the artistic tasting for the learner? The aim of the current research is to reveal the deconstruction work mechanisms in postmodern arts and their role in teaching the artistic tasting for the learner. As for the theoretical framework, the first section focu

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Nutritional Status among a Group of Preschool Children in Relation to Concentration of Selected Elements in Saliva and Caries Severity (A Comparative Study)
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Background: Nutritional status during childhood is very important for individual development and growth. Nutrition has local and systemic effect on the oral health by affecting dental health and salivary composition. This study was aimed to determine effect of iron, sodium and potassium ions in saliva on the nutritional status and to determine the effect of nutritional status on caries severity among preschool children. Material and Methods: The sample consists of 90 children aged 4 and 5 years of both genders, selected from 6 kindergartens in Al-Resafa aspect of Baghdad province. Children classified according to their nutritional status into three groups (normalweight, underweight and overweight). Nutritional status was determined by usi

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Liver Repair in Rabbits Using 532 nm Nd:YAG Laser; In Vivo Study
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The main goal of this in vivo study was to evaluate the effect of 532nm Q-switched Nd: YAG Laser in combination with Human Serum Albumin 20% concentration (as a welding aid) on the liver tissue repair clinically, and histologically. The animals used in this study were 21 male rabbits divided into three main groups: control group (3 rabbits), conventionally treated group (9 rabbits) and Laser treated group (9 rabbits). Each two main groups (conventional and laser treated) consist of three sub-groups depending on the response evaluation at three different periods. The Laser group was treated using 532nm Q-switched Nd: YAG laser after adding human serum albumin immediately on the incised liver’s tissue. The energy of was 460mJ, and 4Hz fr

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