شَهِدَت منطقة الخليج العربي والسَّاحِل العُماني تصاعد مُستوى الحِراك الشعبي، والمُطالبات بتحقيق الاِستقلال التام، وإنهاء الاِلتِزامات والاِرتِباطات الدولـيَّة سواء كانت في إطار الحِماية أو الاِستِشارة أو الصِّداقة، وأصبحت واجِهات ملحوظة من قِبل الفِئات المُـثـقَّـفة في بدايات العقد الثاني من القرن العشرين، وعبَّرت فيها القِوى الوطنيَّة عن حاجاتها في إجراء عملـيَّات التغيير والتحوّل الاِجتِماعي وعلى جميع الصُّعُـد ولا سِيَّما بعد تصاعد الإمكانيَّات الاِقتِصاديَّة بـاِكتِشاف النفط واِستثماره على نطاقٍ واسع والاِنفِتاح على المُستويين الإقليمي والدولي
تعد الرمانسية ثورة فنية وسياسية والجتماعية وايدلوجية ذات أهمية كبيرة، وقد احتلت جزءاً من القرن التاسع عشر وجزءاً أكبر من القرن العشرين في أوربا وبقية العالم، ومازالت تظهر ملامحها في كثير من الاعمال الادبية حتى الآن، مثل الحرية والفردية والديمقراطية والوطنية وكثير من الامور.
The manuscript depictions of the Ilkhanate era in Iran reflect the cultural and artistic dialogue approach that prevailed in that period ,when a movement of openness to literature from different sources occurred, which led to the emergence of new features
The Bajilian had their important part in the first civilian war between
Muslims. Whether they were against the Umayyad caliphate or with it, who
were small in number, but they had their important part in that actions.
The Bajilian who were against the umayyad caliphate had an important
role in the fall of Umayyad monarchy.
The tribe connections between the bajilians were stronger than their
political differences, which had influnces in that time. The bajilians who were
in muawiya palace were a good diffencer for the bajilian who were in the side
of the caliph ali. They managed to be their medicater in the muawiya palace.
There were big efforts giving by others in order to decrease the bajilian
The National trend and employment of Islamic heritage.
This stydy is an attempt to concept The employment of national Trend of Islamic heritage to serve ideological goals .
The research indicates to Arabic sights of heritage and the heritage through the curriculum of the first hational association , especially the first national trend , Arab mobile associate and also Almuthana , Al_Haritha Al_sho clubs .
The research depends on more origin documents and more Iraqi journals.
ٕ ضٞظ٤ق جالْطٌٞز ك٢ جالوخ هى ظٍٜ ً٘ٓ ظٌٜٞ جالوخ جٗٞ٤ُح٢ٗ جُوىْ٣ ، جي ضؼى ٌجكىج ٜٔٓح ُالوخ ذحؾحٚٓٗ جُٔهطِلس ؛ قط٠ أٚركص جُ٘ٞٛ٘ جٍُٓو٣س جُكى٣ػس ٝ جُٔؼحٍٚز ، ال ٌٜ٘ٔ٣ح ضكو٤ن ٖؼ٣ٍطٜح ٝ ٓطؼطٜح وٕٝ جالْطِٜحّ ٖٓ جألْطٌٞز ذ٘حت٤ح أٝ ك٣ٌٍح ، ًُج كوى ض٘حٍٝ جُركع ذىٌٙٝ ضٞظ٤ق جْطٌٞز ٕٖٞٗٔ جُطٌٞجض٤س ، ٢ٛٝ ٖٓ جالْحٍ٤٠ جُط٢ ٝؾىش قٌٟٞج ك٢ جالوخ جُؼح٢ُٔ ٝجُؼر١ٍ .جي ئٕ ضٞظ٤لٜح ك٢ جالوخ ٣ؼطٜ٤ح ذؼىج ٤ٓطحك٣ُ٤وح ٝجنٍ جٓٗح٢ٗ ٣ؿٔغ ك٢
... Show MoreBasically, media studies focused on the important role of the blogs in boosting the democratic process in the Arab States. Blogs also worked on creating an alternative media for the public that maintained freedom of expression. However, media studies ignored the status of the blogs in the social and cultural fields.
The current study tries to tackle the socio-cultural dimensions of the blogs by means of showing how the blogs construct the self. The researcher is going to conduct interviews with the bloggers. He will also carry out a semiotic analysis that may reveal the strategies used by the bloggers. Besides, he tries to identify the realistic and traditional frames in which the social relationships are buil
Arabian Political Regimes: Problems of Policies and Rule; An Introduction to Interpreting (The Arabian Spring) The Arab Region witnessed, since 2011, critical changes overthrew a group of Arab regimes in some of its countries, and the reaction of these changes are still going on up to now. These changes were given lots of justifications and interpretations. The current study tries to concentrate on the most important problems which were due to what was known as (The Arab Spring). The study proposes that the crisis which the countries of the area are exposed to is not spontaneous in many of its aspects. It is totally a crisis of rule and policies. Because it is a reflection of the nature of authority in the Arabian regimes on the one hand
... Show More(Abstract)
A man find himself in front of narrative literal productions when he read the title of this paper that deals with specialist , followers of Arabic literal narration productions through the era of Arabic literature in a period arrived to 1500 years. It is strange to present (Narration art in Arabic heritage) , in addition to (Arabic diwan) . This matter introduces us to come back to the past to inspect Arabic narration production , specially that is called (Artistic narration ) which is full ,variety of purposes and goals.
Le Petit Prince est apparu en 1943 vers la fin de la vie de son auteur. La mondialité qu'a gagnée ce récit le rend un des livres les plus lus et les plus vendus dans le monde. Cette popularité en fait un des classiques de la littérature française.
En effet la littérature française a un impact profond et direct sur la vie intellectuelle et littéraire dans le monde arabe. La circulation des œuvres littéraires écrites en français a bien influencé les lecteurs arabes soit en langue française soit traduites en arabe. Cette réalité est identique lorsqu'on parle de la réception du Petit Prince ; l'œuvre la plus connue dans le monde entier dès son apparition officielle.
... Show MoreCooking was of great importance in the Islamic Arabic culture and the
people of Morocco have shown great interest in this aspect and also in the
variety in the making of food. They used all kinds of meat of and have shown
interest in preserving and distributing it .The people of Morocco used the
additives in their cooking such as salt, saffron and many other kinds to add
special flavor and taste and their cooking a distinctive flavor.
Sweet and pastry, in addition to the drinks, represented another aspect of the
Moroccan kitchen. At that time women were brought as slaves from Sudan
and as a result they brought their experience in the making of sweets and
pastry with them to Morocco, they used sugar, fat, wheat