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A New Approach in Determining the Criteria of Equations for Morphometric Characteristics of River Basins - Applied Morphometric Study of The Mamaran Basin

This study aimed at some of the criteria used to determine the form of the river basins, and exposed the need to modify some of its limitations. In which, the generalization of the elongation and roundness ratio coefficient criterion was modified, which was set in a range between (0-1). This range goes beyond determining the form of the basin, which gives it an elongated or rounded feature, and the ratio has been modified by making it more detailed and accurate in giving the basin a specific form, not only a general characteristic. So, we reached a standard for each of the basins' forms regarding the results of the elongation and circularity ratios. Thus, circular is (1-0.8), and square is (between 0.8-0.6), the blade or oval form is (0.6-0.4), Triangle is (between 0.4-0.2), Rectangle (0.2-0). The calibration was applied to the basins of area being studied, and proved a great match between the results and reality of these basins. The criterion of the form modulus and the buckling modulus of the basins were also modified according to the results of the study regarding the Mamaran basin and its auxiliary basins.

Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Disclosure and Transparency Criteria In Saudi Banks on The Financial Ratios Indicators

The study aimed to measure the effect of applying the disclosure and transparency standards criteria adopted by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority on improving performance indicators in the Saudi banking sector, by measuring the extent of the impact of the bank's financial indicators represented by liquidity, profitability and return on assets in Saudi banks by applying the criteria of disclosure and transparency, which is one of the Main principles in the list of governance, which was approved by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority. The analytical approach was followed to achieve the goal of the study, as the financial statements of Saudi banks were analyzed during a period of 8-year to test four hypotheses related to measuri

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of brand identity in achieving marketing objectives Applied Study in the International Company for smart card "Key Card"

Each organization has values ​​and objectives, tangible and intangible properties of its products. The reflection of properties on the brand constitutes the identity of the brand that contributes to building the customer's convictions about the products or services provided by any organization and its brand in a positive or negative way. This is reflected in purchasing behavior, which may push forward the progress towards marketing goals or deviation from them. Therefore, the current research came to identify the brand identity, its types and the factors affecting them and how they affect to achieve each of the marketing goals. At a time when

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of target cost technology in reducing product costs: Applied Study in the General Company for Soft Drinks Industry

The Research dealt with the role of the target costs in reducing the cost of products in the General Company for soft drinks. One the modern approaches reduce costs and thus increase the ability and continuity to compete in the market. Where the problem of research in identifying the shortcomings in the traditional method used in the company sample research. Which led to a weak control of the cost and the researcher relied on data and costs of the company. The research recommended that the target cost of the company should be applied to the research sample. Training the employees. In addition, preparing training courses for them. He stressed the need to address obstacles that prevent the existence of an effective cost system. Including t

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science (ijeecs)
A new smart approach of an efficient energy consumption management by using a machine-learning technique

Many consumers of electric power have excesses in their electric power consumptions that exceed the permissible limit by the electrical power distribution stations, and then we proposed a validation approach that works intelligently by applying machine learning (ML) technology to teach electrical consumers how to properly consume without wasting energy expended. The validation approach is one of a large combination of intelligent processes related to energy consumption which is called the efficient energy consumption management (EECM) approaches, and it connected with the internet of things (IoT) technology to be linked to Google Firebase Cloud where a utility center used to check whether the consumption of the efficient energy is s

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Advances In Computing
A New Abnormality Detection Approach for T1-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Brain Slices Using Three Planes

Generally, radiologists analyse the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) by visual inspection to detect and identify the presence of tumour or abnormal tissue in brain MR images. The huge number of such MR images makes this visual interpretation process, not only laborious and expensive but often erroneous. Furthermore, the human eye and brain sensitivity to elucidate such images gets reduced with the increase of number of cases, especially when only some slices contain information of the affected area. Therefore, an automated system for the analysis and classification of MR images is mandatory. In this paper, we propose a new method for abnormality detection from T1-Weighted MRI of human head scans using three planes, including axial plane, co

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Patterns of the Strategic Environment and its Role in Determining Strategies for Dealing with Conflict and Peace Situations


The decision maker needs to understand the strategic environment to be addressed through different means and methods. It is obvious that there is a difference between the three strategic environments (conflict environment, peace environment, post- peace environment) in terms of inputs and strategies to deal with each one of them. There is an urgent need to understand each pattern separately, analyze its inputs, and identify the factors and variables that affect the continuity of this situation (conflict, peace, post-peace). It is not appropriate to identify treatment without diagnosis of the condition, so it is very important to understand the type of strategic environment to be dealt with it.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Upstream Oil And Gas Technology
Integrated approach for non-Darcy flow in hydraulic fractures considering different fracture geometries and reservoir characteristics

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

In this work, the effect of variation of semi-angle of the conical part on the vibration characteristics of cylindrical-conical coupled structure is investigated. The shell is made of polyester resin reinforced by continuous E-glass fibers. The case is analyzed experimentally and numerically for orthotropic shell structures. The experimental program is conducted by exciting the fabricated structure by an impact hammer and monitoring the response using an attached accelerometer for different semi-angles of the conical part.
Software named SIGVIEW is used to perform the signal processing on the acquired signal in order to measure the natural frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes. The numerical investigation is achieved using ANS

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effective Unified Accounting System on the Characteristics Quality of Accounting Information: An Applied Research in Municipality of AL-Najaf City

The system of accounting information role in the success of the economic unit, whether for-profit or non-purposeful, and through the availability of financial reports of information accounting for quality properties in the financial reports, which are the final product of all departments, sections and other parties, including help in strengthen the decisions of the administration and operations of Information economic Unity. The municipalities of economic units, non-profit, which is characterized by certain characteristics, including the multiplicity of activities (service, productivity, construction) and multiple sources of access to resources, so the accounting information system that seeks to provide decision makers with information o

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of incentive legislation in job creativity: An applied study of a sample of Babylon Technical Institute employees

The Incentives legislation aims to raise the efficiency of job performance of all kinds through optimal investment of human resources and their capabilities to raise or increase and production influence and provide distinguished and creative services such as The Incentives Law of Productive Ministries Employees No. 20 of 1993 and instructions issued by ministries and relevant Facilities regarding incentives for their affiliates based on provisions Public Companies Law and the instructions of the Higher Education Fund issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The human element is the most unstable and complex element of production as it is characterized by a set of feelings and emotions that is expresses

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