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A New Approach in Determining the Criteria of Equations for Morphometric Characteristics of River Basins - Applied Morphometric Study of The Mamaran Basin
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This study aimed at some of the criteria used to determine the form of the river basins, and exposed the need to modify some of its limitations. In which, the generalization of the elongation and roundness ratio coefficient criterion was modified, which was set in a range between (0-1). This range goes beyond determining the form of the basin, which gives it an elongated or rounded feature, and the ratio has been modified by making it more detailed and accurate in giving the basin a specific form, not only a general characteristic. So, we reached a standard for each of the basins' forms regarding the results of the elongation and circularity ratios. Thus, circular is (1-0.8), and square is (between 0.8-0.6), the blade or oval form is (0.6-0.4), Triangle is (between 0.4-0.2), Rectangle (0.2-0). The calibration was applied to the basins of area being studied, and proved a great match between the results and reality of these basins. The criterion of the form modulus and the buckling modulus of the basins were also modified according to the results of the study regarding the Mamaran basin and its auxiliary basins.

Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Existential Psychological Crisis Among Battered Women to Non-Battered Women in the Republic of Yemen
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The research deals with a very important issue that affects women, an important segment of the society. This is because women are the basis of the family and the pillar of the society. Thus, the aim of the research is to examine the level and dimensions of the emotional and existential psychological crisis at the sample of the study. It further aims to investigate the statistical significant difference at the level of (0.05) regarding the feeling of the existential psychological crisis among battered and non-battered women. To reveal the objectives of the study, the researcher applied the existential psychological crisis scale to a sample of (72) women, divided into two groups: (35) battered women, who have been chosen purposefully. Thos

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effective administrative leadership in the implementation of public policies: Analytical look at the Baghdad Provincial Council
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      The current research aims to find out the role of administrative leadership in the implementation of public policies and their effectiveness and their ability to do so, As well as analysis and testing of influence and correlations between research variables, The researcher has the descriptive and analytical approach, And several tools used to gather information consisted of personal interviews and field visits, While distributed questionnaire tool that consists of (35) items on a sample consisting of (147) individuals formed of staff of the Baghdad Provincial Council.

The research was based on a set of assum

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Meta Gene
Association between the rs2234671 polymorphism and the risk of recurrent urinary tract infections in Iraqi women
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A case-control study was designed to find out the association between rs2234671 polymorphism of cxcr1 and rUTI in a sample of Iraqi women by polymerase chain reaction- sequence-specific primer (PCR-SSP) method. The current findings revealed that the genotype GC (OR= 7.86, 95% CI = 2.82-21.87, P= 7.7 × 10-5) and the C allele (OR= 3.93, 95% CI = 1.97 - 7.83, P = 9.8×10-5) are significantly associated with rUTI. However, the genotype GG played as a protective factor (OR= 0.12, 95% CI = 10.05 - 0.34, P = 4.0 ×10-5). Depending on these findings, the genotype GC is significantly associated with rUTI.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Auditing the accounts of research and exploration stage in accordance with the financial reporting standard (6)
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The oil and gas production industry is considered the most important industries in the modern world because of its large relative significance among the group of energy recourses required for the world, where the natural resources represent the oil and natural gas fields, phosphate, gold, coal, forests and others. The most important advantage of the natural resources is its need for huge financial investments for a relatively long period of time from the beginning of the work until the start of extracting natural resources. Also, there are numerous cases where the natural source is not feasible exploited economically and is not discovered until after the passage of a long period of time from the start of work and paying relatively high a

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Sustainability Science And Management
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In this paper, customers’ expectations are continually shifting due to the business environment’s growing competition and substantial changes. As a result, organisations no longer viewed it as a static objective but as an ever-evolving aim. From this vantage point, the research has explored the accounting literature in search of novel approaches to addressing the strategic dimensions of quality, cost and time. Getting them to respond positively to the customer’s requests also requires recognising their needs and controlling their impact on these dimensions. With the removal of operations that do not contribute any value to the product’s value chain and a reduction in manufacturing costs through continuous improvement, the ou

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The construction of Investment Portfolios in the Iraq Stock Exchange: Market Timing Vs. an Efficient Selection
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         Uncertainty, the deeply-rooted fact that surrounding the investment environment, especially the stock market which just prices have taken a specific trend until they moved to another one for its up or down. This means that the volatility characteristic of financial market requires the rational investor an argument led towards the adoption of planned acts to gain greater benefit in the goal of wealth maximizing. There is no possibility to achieve this goal without the burden of uncertainty and the risk of systematic fluctuations of investment returns in the financial market after the facts of  efficient diversification have pro

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Publication Date
Thu May 12 2016
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Probing the Role of Active Site Water in the Sesquiterpene Cyclization Reaction Catalyzed by Aristolochene Synthase
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of the tax pilot phase strategy and its impact on the tax price in Iraq
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The research aims to identify the tax policy strategy adopted in Iraq after the change of the tax system in 2003 and beyond, and then make a comparison of the two strategies on corporate data whether they are charged with progressive tax rates and after the change of the system as the tax rates became fixed, and then indicate the changes In the tax proceeds, and knowing the imensions of the approved tax policy, is it a tax reform strategy or a strategy to attract investments.The research started from the problem of exposure of the Iraqi tax system to several changes, as this led to a reflection on the technical organization of taxes, in terms of the tax rate.The descriptive analytical approach was chosen to study the actual reality of th

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 13 2021
Journal Name
Latin American Journal Of Pharmacy
The Experience with Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Al-Basra, Iraq: Predictors of the disease severity
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SUMMARY. The objectives of the present study were to assess the possible predictors of COVID-19 severity and duration of hospitalization and to identify the possible correlation between patient parameters, disease severity and duration of hospitalization. The study included retrospective medical record extraction of previous coron avirus COVID-19 patients in Basra hospitals, Iraq from March 1st and May 31st, 2020. The information of the participants was investigated anonymously. All the patients’ characteristics, treatments, vital signs and laboratory tests (hematological, renal and liver function tests) were collected. The analysis was conducted using the SPSS (version 22, USA). Spearman correlation was used to measure the relations

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of improved forests in Iraq and their impact on the economic and social future
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عانت الغابات في العراق قصوراً واضحاً في مجال إشباع حاجة السكان لمنتجاتها الرئيسية المتمثلة بالأخشاب ومنتجاتها الثانوية المتمثلة بالأغصان والأوراق والنباتات الطبيعية والحيوانات البرية ونواتجها الأخرى، مما يتطلب التفكير بمحاولة إيجاد سبل جديدة لحل هذه المشكلة الاقتصادية المرتبطة بعنصريها الحاجة للأخشاب والأموال المخصصة لتطويرها عموماً.

لقد دمرت مساحات كبيرة من الغابات وحرقت وقطعت من

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