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Fast discrimination of fake video manipulation
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<span>Deepfakes have become possible using artificial intelligence techniques, replacing one person’s face with another person’s face (primarily a public figure), making the latter do or say things he would not have done. Therefore, contributing to a solution for video credibility has become a critical goal that we will address in this paper. Our work exploits the visible artifacts (blur inconsistencies) which are generated by the manipulation process. We analyze focus quality and its ability to detect these artifacts. Focus measure operators in this paper include image Laplacian and image gradient groups, which are very fast to compute and do not need a large dataset for training. The results showed that i) the Laplacian group operators, as a value, may be lower or higher in the fake video than its value in the real video, depending on the quality of the fake video, so we cannot use them for deepfake detection and ii) the gradient-based measure (GRA7) decreases its value in the fake video in all cases, whether the fake video is of high or low quality and can help detect deepfake.</span>

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
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A survey on video compression fast block matching algorithms
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
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Ieee Access
Fast Temporal Video Segmentation Based on Krawtchouk-Tchebichef Moments
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
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2019 International Joint Conference On Neural Networks (ijcnn)
A Fast Feature Extraction Algorithm for Image and Video Processing
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2023
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Iraqi Geological Journal
Discrimination Reef and Non-Reef Environments, Using REE Geochemistry
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This research aims to distinguish the reef environment from the non-reef environment. The Oligocene-Miocene-succussion in western Iraq was selected as a case study, represented by the reefal limestone facies of the Anah Formation (Late Oligocene) deposited in reef-back reef environments, dolomitic limestone of the Euphrates Formation (Early Miocene) deposited in open sea environments, and gypsiferous marly limestone of the Fatha Formation (Middle Miocene) deposited in a lagoonal environment. The content of the rare earth elements (REEs) (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Er, Ho, Tm, Yb, Lu, and Y) in reef facies appear to be much lower than of those in the non-reef facies. The open sea facies have a low content of REEs due to bein

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
English Personal Pronouns as a Manipulation Strategy in Political Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis
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Manipulation is a discursive concept which plays a key role in political discourse by which politicians can impose some impact on their recipients through using linguistic features, most prominent of which are personal pronouns (Van Dijk, 1995). The aim of this study is to investigate how politicians utilize the personal pronouns, namely; We and I and their possessive forms as a tool of manipulating the audience's mind based on Van Dijk's  "ideological square" which shows positive-self representation and negative-other representation (Van Dijk,1998:p.69). To this end, American President Donald Trump's 2020 State of the Union speech was chosen to be the data of analysis. Only (8)

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2023
Journal Name
2023 3rd International Conference On Intelligent Cybernetics Technology &amp; Applications (icicyta)
GPT-4 versus Bard and Bing: LLMs for Fake Image Detection
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The recent emergence of sophisticated Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4, Bard, and Bing has revolutionized the domain of scientific inquiry, particularly in the realm of large pre-trained vision-language models. This pivotal transformation is driving new frontiers in various fields, including image processing and digital media verification. In the heart of this evolution, our research focuses on the rapidly growing area of image authenticity verification, a field gaining immense relevance in the digital era. The study is specifically geared towards addressing the emerging challenge of distinguishing between authentic images and deep fakes – a task that has become critically important in a world increasingly reliant on digital med

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
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Baghdad Science Journal
An Effective Hybrid Deep Neural Network for Arabic Fake News Detection
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Recently, the phenomenon of the spread of fake news or misinformation in most fields has taken on a wide resonance in societies. Combating this phenomenon and detecting misleading information manually is rather boring, takes a long time, and impractical. It is therefore necessary to rely on the fields of artificial intelligence to solve this problem. As such, this study aims to use deep learning techniques to detect Arabic fake news based on Arabic dataset called the AraNews dataset. This dataset contains news articles covering multiple fields such as politics, economy, culture, sports and others. A Hybrid Deep Neural Network has been proposed to improve accuracy. This network focuses on the properties of both the Text-Convolution Neural

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 26 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
Video Copyright Protection
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Illegal distribution of digital data is a common danger in the film industry, especially with the rapid spread of the Internet, where it is now possible to easily distribute pirated copies of digital video on a global scale. The Watermarking system inserts invisible signs to the video content without changing the content itself. The aim of this paper is to build an invisible video watermarking system with high imperceptibility. Firstly, the watermark is confused by using the Arnold transform and then dividing into equal, non-overlapping blocks. Each block is then embedded in a specific frame using the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), where the HL band is used for this purpose. Regarding the method of selecting the host frames, the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
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Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing
Developing a Video Buffer Framework for Video Streaming in Cellular Networks
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This work proposes a new video buffer framework (VBF) to acquire a favorable quality of experience (QoE) for video streaming in cellular networks. The proposed framework consists of three main parts: client selection algorithm, categorization method, and distribution mechanism. The client selection algorithm was named independent client selection algorithm (ICSA), which is proposed to select the best clients who have less interfering effects on video quality and recognize the clients’ urgency based on buffer occupancy level. In the categorization method, each frame in the video buffer is given a specific number for better estimation of the playout outage probability, so it can efficiently handle so many frames from different video

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Multidimensional Contingency Coefficient to Discrimination Arabic Poems for Sample of Poets
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The purpose of this paper to discriminate between the poetic poems of each poet depending on the characteristics and attribute of the Arabic letters. Four categories used for the Arabic letters, letters frequency have been included in a multidimensional contingency table and each dimension has two or more levels, then contingency coefficient calculated.

The paper sample consists of six poets from different historical ages, and each poet has five poems. The method was programmed using the MATLAB program, the efficiency of the proposed method is 53% for the whole sample, and between 90% and 95% for each poet's poems.


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