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The current study was conducted on 504(Ros-308) broiler chicks during the period 28/9/2017-9/11/2018to determine the effect of heat shock in early age and additives such as ginseng in three levels on birds weight and feedconsumption. Results showed that the exposure to high temperature (38-400C) lead to significant decrease (p≤≤≤≤≤0.05 (inaverage body weight at7 day of age and significant decrease in body weight in birds expousured to high temperature inthe periods 2, 4 and 6 hours compared with control (Table 1). Significant decrease in live body weight when exposure to2hr compared with 6hr namely (138.54) and (144.21), respectively while no significant difference between 2 and 4h.Results showed no significant effect in body weight in control group compared with the group that fed on diet containginseng extract with or without vitamins and minerals. Interaction between exposure time and ginseng extract on bodygain weight all ages, the height body gain was noticed in P0G2 at 24days at age (514.78 gm). While, the lowest value wasin P6G0 (275.78) Accumulative body gain was differed significantly P2G2(2514.22 gm) compared with P6G0(2054.45 gm)

Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of the Optical Properties of 3MPA CdTe and 3MPA CdTe/CdSe Quantum Dots at PH 12 in Different Periods of Time
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This research aims to study the optical characteristics of semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) composed of CdTe and CdTe/CdSe core-shell structures. It utilizes the refluxed method to synthesize these nanoscale particles and aims to comprehend the growth process by monitoring their optical properties over varied periods of time and pH 12. Specifically, the optical evolution of these QDs is evaluated using photoluminescence (PL) and ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy. For CdTe QDs, a consistent absorbance and peak intensity increase were observed across the spectrum over time. Conversely, CdTe/CdSe QDs displayed distinctive absorbance and peak intensity variations. These disparities might stem from irregularities in forming selenium (Se) layers a

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Local Satellite Channels in the formation of knowledge and trends of the Iraqi Public Towards Terrorism: A Field Study
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Terrorism is a global phenomenon that engulfs most regions of the world to varying degrees. Media outlets are aware of the many incidents of violence and terrorism that have increased in recent times. The differences between the size of the phenomenon in different societies are the causes and severity of the phenomenon. On the role of local satellite channels in shaping the knowledge and trends of the Iraqi public towards the events of terrorism, in light of the assumptions of reliance on the media. The importance of this study is that it assesses the role of local satellite channels in the formation of knowledge and trends The study seeks to know the extent of exposure of the Iraqi public to local satellite channels, and to reveal the e

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
A Comparative Study of the Frequency of Occurrence of Genetic Skeletal Disorders in Iraq before and after the Second Gulf War, 1991
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BACKGROUND: Genetic skeletal abnormalities are a heterogeneous group of genetic disorders frequently presenting with disproportionate short stature. AIM OF THE STUDY: To give an idea about the frequency of genetic skeletal abnormalities, and to find out whether these disorders are really increasing in the last 16 years or not. METHODS: During the period extending from (Jan, 1st 2003-April, 1st 2007), all cases of genetic skeletal disorders referred to the Genetic Counseling Clinic, Medical City – Baghdad who were born after 1991 were included in this study as the post-war group; the pre-war group, included all cases of skeletal disorders referred prior to 1991 (Jan., 1st 1987-Jan., 1st 1990). The demographic parameters, family history of

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study on the Utilization of Anthracitic Acid as a Reagent for Solvent Extraction of Tellurium Ion (IV)
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A study on solvent extraction of Tellurium with Anthranilic acid in

water has been made. The effect of different parameters such as type of medium, time of equilibration, concentration of metal ion, solvent polarity and effect of anions and  catins distribution  ratio of tellrim (IV) were evaluated. The stoichometric ratio of the extracted species is determined  by using two methods suh as slope analysis and mole ratio method and found to be (M: L) (1:4). The instability constant of complex was calculated as well.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Instructional Program Concerning premarital screening of sexual transmitted disease on Student's Knowledge at Baghdad University
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Objectives: To identify the effectiveness of instructional program concerning premarital screening of sexual transmitted disease on student's knowledge at Baghdad University and examine the relationship between students' knowledge and certain studied variables. And hypothesis for this study; There is a difference in university student’s knowledge toward premarital screening between pre and posttests of instructional program. Methodology: A quasi-experimental design (pretest-posttest approach) was conducted at six colleges and its college of education ibn rushd, college of political science, college of law, college of literatur

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modified BFGS Update (H-Version) Based on the Determinant Property of Inverse of Hessian Matrix for Unconstrained Optimization
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The study presents the modification of the Broyden-Flecher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) update (H-Version) based on the determinant property of inverse of Hessian matrix (second derivative of the objective function), via updating of the vector s ( the difference between the next solution and the current solution), such that the determinant of the next inverse of Hessian matrix is equal to the determinant of the current inverse of Hessian matrix at every iteration. Moreover, the sequence of inverse of Hessian matrix generated by the method would never  approach a near-singular matrix, such that the program would never break before the minimum value of the objective function is obtained. Moreover, the new modification of BFGS update (H-vers

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Evaluation of Low Level Laser Therapy using 785 nm Diode Laser on the Enhancement of Chronic Wound Healing
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Low-intensity laser irradiation has been explored as an alternative, non-invasive method to encourage chronic wounds to heal. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of low level laser therapy (biostimulation) using semiconductor diode laser with wavelength (785 nm) on the enhancement of chronic wound healing. Fifty patients with chronic wounds were selected to be treated with Low Level Laser Therapy. Their ages ranged between 1 to 76 years. The wound sites were distributed in the lower limb, upper limb, trunk , perineum and head (70%,14%,12%,2%,2%, respectively). Application of laser therapy by noncontact method few millimeters from the skin for 15 minutes per one session twice weekly for two months ; ie,16 sessions for each patient. R

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Chronic Effects of Sodium Chloride on the Some Reproductive Parameters of the Crustaceans Daphnia pulex (Crustacea: Claclocera)
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This study included the effect of chronic exposure of different concentrations of sodium chloride on the freshwater Crustacean Daphinea pulex from the order of Cladocera. The concentrations used for the chronic exposure were( 0.1‰, 0.5‰, 1‰, 1.5‰, 2‰ )to investigate the effect on the some reproductive parameter which included mean number of eggs and juveniles produced per female and per clutch,and mean number of clutch per female which decline from (6.0) clutch/female in the control treatment to (3.0) clutch/female in (2‰) concentrations, as well as to investigate the number of females produce the clutches and we found only one female produced six cluthes in the( 2‰) concentration of sodium chlor

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Publication Date
Sun May 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Influence of Anodization Time With The Electrochemical Cell Design on The Fabrication Process of Porous Silicon Nanostructures
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     The influence of anodization time with the electrochemical cell design on the fabrication process of porous silicon (PS) nanostructures based on two electrochemical anodization cells (designed single tank cell and double tank cell) with two anodization times (10 and 30 minutes) was studied. Atomic force Microscopy (AFM) characterization had revealed three types of pores, mesopores, mesopore fill of mesopores, and macropore fill of mesopores were obtained from designed single tank cell with (10 and 30 minutes) of anodization time, whilst for double tank cell has not revealed precise information about the size and type of pores. Pores formation have been further approved by current-voltage (I-V) measurement and pho

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Experimental Analysis for the Influence of Ignition Time on Combustion Characteristics of a Free Piston Engine Linear Generator
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Abstract<p>Free Piston Engine Linear Generator (FPELG) is a modern engine and promising power generation engine. It has many advantages compared to conventional engines such as less friction, few numbers of parts, and high thermal efficiency. The cycle-to-cycle variation one of the big challenges of the FPELG because it is influence on the stability and output power of the engine. Therefore, in this study, the effect of ignition time on combustion characteristics is investigated. The single-cylinder FPELG with spark ignition (SI) combustion type by using compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel type was set to run. LabVIEW is used to run the engine and control of input parameters. All experimental data</p> ... Show More
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