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Object tracking using motion flow projection for pan-tilt configuration
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We propose a new object tracking model for two degrees of freedom mechanism. Our model uses a reverse projection from a camera plane to a world plane. Here, the model takes advantage of optic flow technique by re-projecting the flow vectors from the image space into world space. A pan-tilt (PT) mounting system is used to verify the performance of our model and maintain the tracked object within a region of interest (ROI). This system contains two servo motors to enable a webcam rotating along PT axes. The PT rotation angles are estimated based on a rigid transformation of the the optic flow vectors in which an idealized translation matrix followed by two rotational matrices around PT axes are used. Our model was tested and evaluated using different objects with different motions. The results reveal that our model can keep the target object within a certain region in the camera view.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research In Computer Science And Software Engineering
Real Time Motion Detection in Surveillance Camera Using MATLAB
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Surveillance cameras are video cameras used for the purpose of observing an area. They are often connected to a recording device or IP network, and may be watched by a security guard or law enforcement officer. In case of location have less percentage of movement (like home courtyard during night); then we need to check whole recorded video to show where and when that motion occur which are wasting in time. So this paper aims at processing the real time video captured by a Webcam to detect motion in the Scene using MATLAB 2012a, with keeping in mind that camera still recorded which means real time detection. The results show accuracy and efficiency in detecting motion

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Modeling and Filtering for Tracking Maneuvering Targets
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     A new mathematical model describing the motion of manned maneuvering targets is presented. This model is simple to be implemented and closely represents the motion of maneuvering targets. The target maneuver or acceleration is correlated in time. Optimal Kalman filter is used as a tracking filter which results in effective tracker that prevents the loss of track or filter divergency that often occurs with conventional tracking filter when the target performs a moderate or heavy maneuver. Computer simulation studies show that the proposed tracker provides sufficient accuracy.


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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah Journal Of Science
Seasonal Optimum Tilt Angle of Solar Panels for 100 Cities in the World
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Solar energy is the most abundant renewable energy source. This energy can be converted directly into electricity using solar panels. The fixed tilt solar panels are the most practical and the most widely installed throughout the world. Optimum tilt angle calculation has the advantage that it does not use expensive solar trackers. This research calculates the seasonal optimum tilt angle of solar panels for 17 cities in Iraq and 83 cities in 83 countries distributed around the world. Solar Panel Angle Calculator program was used in calculating the optimum tilt angles from vertical. The optimum tilt angle varies between 6° and 112° throughout the year. This angle for winter, spring/ autumn and summer seasons are found to be between

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
3-D Object Recognition using Multi-Wavelet and Neural Network
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This search has introduced the techniques of multi-wavelet transform and neural network for recognition 3-D object from 2-D image using patches. The proposed techniques were tested on database of different patches features and the high energy subband of discrete multi-wavelet transform DMWT (gp) of the patches. The test set has two groups, group (1) which contains images, their (gp) patches and patches features of the same images as a part of that in the data set beside other images, (gp) patches and features, and group (2) which contains the (gp) patches and patches features the same as a part of that in the database but after modification such as rotation, scaling and translation. Recognition by back propagation (BP) neural network as com

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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This search has introduced the techniques of multi-wavelet transform and neural network for recognition 3-D object from 2-D image using patches. The proposed techniques were tested on database of different patches features and the high energy subband of discrete multi-wavelet transform DMWT (gp) of the patches. The test set has two groups, group (1) which contains images, their (gp) patches and patches features of the same images as a part of that in the data set beside other images, (gp) patches and features, and group (2) which contains the (gp) patches and patches features the same as a part of that in the database but after modification such as rotation, scaling and translation. Recognition by back propagation (BP) neural network as

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 10 2022
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Statistics And Operation Research
Continuous wavelet estimation for multivariate fractional Brownian motion
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 In this paper, we propose a method using continuous wavelets to study the multivariate fractional Brownian motion through the deviations of the transformed random process to find an efficient estimate of Hurst exponent using eigenvalue regression of the covariance matrix. The results of simulations experiments shown that the performance of the proposed estimator was efficient in bias but the variance get increase as signal change from short to long memory the MASE increase relatively. The estimation process was made by calculating the eigenvalues for the variance-covariance matrix of Meyer’s continuous wavelet details coefficients.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 10 2022
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Statistics And Operation Research
Continuous wavelet estimation for multivariate fractional Brownian motion
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 In this paper, we propose a method using continuous wavelets to study the multivariate fractional Brownian motion through the deviations of the transformed random process to find an efficient estimate of Hurst exponent using eigenvalue regression of the covariance matrix. The results of simulations experiments shown that the performance of the proposed estimator was efficient in bias but the variance get increase as signal change from short to long memory the MASE increase relatively. The estimation process was made by calculating the eigenvalues for the variance-covariance matrix of Meyer’s continuous wavelet details coefficients.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
Online medical consultation: covid-19 system using software object-oriented approach
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The internet has been a source of medical information, it has been used for online medical consultation (OMC). OMC is now offered by many providers internationally with diverse models and features. In OMC, consultations and treatments are available 24/7. The covid-19 pandemic across-the-board, many people unable to go to hospital or clinic because the spread of the virus. This paper tried to answer two research questions. The first one on how the OMC can help the patients during covid-19 pandemic. A literature review was conducted to answer the first research question. The second one on how to develop system in OMC related to covid-19 pandemic. The system was developed by Visual Studio 2019 using software object-oriented approach. O

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2025
Journal Name
Three-Dimensional Object Recognition Using Orthogonal Polynomials: An Embedded Kernel Approach
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Computer vision seeks to mimic the human visual system and plays an essential role in artificial intelligence. It is based on different signal reprocessing techniques; therefore, developing efficient techniques becomes essential to achieving fast and reliable processing. Various signal preprocessing operations have been used for computer vision, including smoothing techniques, signal analyzing, resizing, sharpening, and enhancement, to reduce reluctant falsifications, segmentation, and image feature improvement. For example, to reduce the noise in a disturbed signal, smoothing kernels can be effectively used. This is achievedby convolving the distributed signal with smoothing kernels. In addition, orthogonal moments (OMs) are a cruc

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Mar 29 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Computational Method for Unsteady Motion of Two-Dimensional Airfoil
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A numerical method is developed for calculation of the wake geometry and aerodynamic forces on two-dimensional airfoil under going an arbitrary unsteady motion in an inviscid incompressible flow (panel method). The method is applied to sudden change in airfoil incidence angle and airfoil oscillations at high reduced frequency. The effect of non-linear wake on the unsteady aerodynamic properties and oscillatory amplitude on wake rollup and aerodynamic forces has been studied. The results of the present method shows good accuracy as compared with flat plate and for unsteady motion with heaving and pitching oscillation the present method also shows good trend with the experimental results taken from published data. The method shows good result

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