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ITor-SDN: Intelligent Tor Networks-Based SDN for Data Forwarding Management

Tor (The Onion Routing) network was designed to enable users to browse the Internet anonymously. It is known for its anonymity and privacy security feature against many agents who desire to observe the area of users or chase users’ browsing conventions. This anonymity stems from the encryption and decryption of Tor traffic. That is, the client’s traffic should be subject to encryption and decryption before the sending and receiving process, which leads to delay and even interruption in data flow. The exchange of cryptographic keys between network devices plays a pivotal and critical role in facilitating secure communication and ensuring the integrity of cryptographic procedures. This essential process is time-consuming, which causes delay and discontinuity of data flow. To overcome delay or interruption problems, we utilized the Software-Defined Network (SDN), Machine Learning (ML), and Blockchain (BC) techniques, which support the Tor network to intelligently speed up exchanging the public key via the proactive processing of the Tor network security management information. Consequently, the combination network (ITor-SDN) keeps data flow continuity to a Tor client. We simulated and emulated the proposed network by using Mininet and Shadow simulations. The findings of the performed analysis illustrate that the proposed network architecture enhances the overall performance metrics, showcasing a remarkable advancement of around 55%. This substantial enhancement is achieved through the seamless execution of the innovative ITor-SDN network combination approach.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 19 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Comparative Study of Ranking Methods for Fuzzy Transportation

There are several methods that are used to solve the traditional transportation problems whose units of supply, demand quantities, and cost transportation are known exactly. These methods obtain basic solution, and develop it to the best solution through a series of consecutive calculations to obtain the optimal solution.
The steps are more complex with fuzzy variables, so this paper presents the disadvantages of solutions of the traditional ways with existence of variables in the fuzzy form.
This paper also presents a comparison between the results that emerged after using different conversion ranking formulas to convert from fuzzy form to crisp form on the same numerical example with a full fuzz

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Emission Spectra for the Isotopic Molecule Lithium Hydride

A study of the emission spectra of isotopic for electronic states has been carried out. The energies of the vibration levels ( =0,1,..25) and the values of spectral lines R(J) and P(J) versus rotational quantum number (J=0,1..25). It was found that were an increase of the value of R(J) with the increase of the values of J was found while the value of P(J) decreases with decreasing of the values of J . It was found that corresponding to R(J) and P(J) the spectral line R(J) increases when the values of m increased.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Graphic Novels : A Privilege For Teachers and Students

There are many ways to communicate a story, one can tell it, sing it, act it, write it, film it and can draw it. Each form of storytelling has its unique characteristics that separate it from the other forms. These distinguishing characteristics of each form does not indicate the superiority of one form over the other, on the contrary, it indicates the human ability to be creative on many levels. As students of literature, only the written form of a story is taken into account. One reason for the negligence of other forms of storytelling might be that singing and filming a story is not related to literature. But there has been a form of storytelling that uses words along with pictures which eventually became a genre of novels called grap

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Java Applet Technology for Design Interference Optical Coating

Java is a high-level , third generation programming language were introduced Javaoptics Open Source Physics (OSP) as a new simulation for design one of the most important interference optical coating called antireflection coating. It is recent developments in deign thin-film coatings. (OSP) shows multiple beam interferences from a parallel dielectric thin film and the evolution of reflection factors. It is simple to use and efficiently also can serve educational purposes. The obtained results have been compared with needle method

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Bayesian Inference for Reliability Function of Gompertz Distribution
Abstract<p>In this paper, some Bayes estimators of the reliability function of Gompertz distribution have been derived based on generalized weighted loss function. In order to get a best understanding of the behaviour of Bayesian estimators, a non-informative prior as well as an informative prior represented by exponential distribution is considered. Monte-Carlo simulation have been employed to compare the performance of different estimates for the reliability function of Gompertz distribution based on Integrated mean squared errors. It was found that Bayes estimators with exponential prior information under the generalized weighted loss function were generally better than the estimators based o</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Oct 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Characterization of (CIGS)/(CdS) Hetrojunction for Solar Cell

The CIGS/CdS p-n junction thin films were fabricated and deposited at room temperature with rate of deposition 5, and 6 nm secG1 , on ITO glass substrates with 1mm thickness by thermal evaporation technique at high vacuum pressure 2×10G5 mbar, with area of 1 cm2 and Aluminum electrode as back contact. The thickness of absorber layer (CIGS) was 1 µm while the thickness of the window layer CdS film was 300 nm. The X-ray Diffraction results have shown that all thin films were polycrystalline with orientation of 112 and 211 for CIGS thin films and 111 for CdS films. The direct energy gaps for CIGS and CdS thin films were 1.85 and 2.4 eV, respectively. Atomic Force Microscopy measurement proves that both films CIGS and CdS films have nanostru

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 10 2022
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Statistics And Operation Research
Continuous wavelet estimation for multivariate fractional Brownian motion

 In this paper, we propose a method using continuous wavelets to study the multivariate fractional Brownian motion through the deviations of the transformed random process to find an efficient estimate of Hurst exponent using eigenvalue regression of the covariance matrix. The results of simulations experiments shown that the performance of the proposed estimator was efficient in bias but the variance get increase as signal change from short to long memory the MASE increase relatively. The estimation process was made by calculating the eigenvalues for the variance-covariance matrix of Meyer’s continuous wavelet details coefficients.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Woman's Quest for Survival: Margret Drabble's The Millstone

This study deals with The Millstone (1965) which is a dramatic depiction of a single
mother heroine in a classic predicament. This novel is considered as representative of the age
in which it was written. The primary theme is her intense preoccupation with questions of
fatalism and will. The work also involves, both explicitly and implicitly, feminist concerns.
Because the central protagonist is a woman and the society in which she lives is depicted,
accurately, as deeply patriarchal and class-bound, the problem of the individual's capacity for
self-determination is inevitably tied to the feminist perspective.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Machine Learning Approach for Facial Image Detection System

     Face detection systems are based on the assumption that each individual has a unique face structure and that computerized face matching is possible using facial symmetry. Face recognition technology has been employed for security purposes in many organizations and businesses throughout the world. This research examines the classifications in machine learning approaches using feature extraction for the facial image detection system. Due to its high level of accuracy and speed, the Viola-Jones method is utilized for facial detection using the MUCT database. The LDA feature extraction method is applied as an input to three algorithms of machine learning approaches, which are the J48, OneR, and JRip classifiers.  The experiment’s

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Developing of bacterial mutagenic assay system for detection

Been Antkhav three isolates of soil classified as follows: Bacillus G3 consists of spores, G12, G27 led Pal NTG treatment to kill part of the cells of the three isolates varying degrees treatment also led to mutations urged resistance to streptomycin and rifampicin and double mutations

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