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An experiment was carried out in a field in Husayniyah sub-district of the Holy Karbala Governorate. The research included studying the impact of the plowing depth and soil moisture on some technical indicators when using the disc plow. The 80 hp New Holland tractor was used in this experiment. Two factors were studied, the first factor is the soil moisture (12- 9%), (16-13%) and (20-17%) and the second factor was the depth of tillage (10-13) cm, (15-18) cm and (20-23) cm, which represented the secondary blocks. Bulk density, percentage of slippage and drawing force were studied. The field trials was conducted according to Split blocks in a randomized complete block design in three replicate. Consequences showed (according to the conditions of the experiment) that soil moisture of 17-20% outperformed in obtaining the lowest average bulk density of 1.25 g cm-3 whereas soil moisture of 12-9% recorded the lowest rate of slippage of 8.72% and the lowest rate of the net drawing of 1310.39 (kg.N). The plowing depth of 10-13 cm outperformed in obtaining the lowest average of bulk density of 1.25 g cm-3, the lowest slippage percentage of 7.19%, and the lowest rate of net drawing of 1013.84 (kg. N). The results also showed that soil moisture of 9-12% and plowing depth of 10-13 cm outperformed in obtaining the best interaction in most of the studied traits

Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Schistosomiasis vector control using cucumis melo plantextractswithbioassayexperiment
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he aim of this study is to get a plant extracts to use it as molluscicides to control the snail vector of Schistosomiasis andfinely control the disease. Laboratory study was performed to compare the molluscicidal activity of leaves and stems extractsof Cucumis melo against Bulinus truncatus snail. The snail B. truncatus was exposed to a serial concentrations of leaves andstems extracts (4000ppm, 5000ppm) in this work. Different effects of the extracts to the snail B. truncatus were recorded.These effects includes death, escaping and imbalance of snail behavior. 96hr-LD50 values of leaves extracts were calculatedfor the doses 4000 and 5000ppm as (76 and 37%) respectively while for stems were (105 and 47%) respectively. We found thatthe snail

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Public key system by using isomorphism group
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In this paper we deal with the problem of ciphering and useful from group isomorphism for construct public key cipher system, Where construction 1-EL- Gamal Algorithm. 2- key- exchange Algorithm

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Benford’s Law to detect Financial Fraud
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Fraud Includes acts involving the exercise of deception by multiple parties inside and outside companies in order to obtain economic benefits against the harm to those companies, as they are to commit fraud upon the availability of three factors which represented by the existence of opportunities, motivation, and rationalization. Fraud detecting require necessity of indications the possibility of its existence. Here, Benford’s law can play an important role in direct the light towards the possibility of the existence of financial fraud in the accounting records of the company, which provides the required effort and time for detect fraud and prevent it.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Temporal Video Segmentation Using Optical Flow Estimation
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Shot boundary detection is the process of segmenting a video into basic units known as shots by discovering transition frames between shots. Researches have been conducted to accurately detect the shot boundaries. However, the acceleration of the shot detection process with higher accuracy needs improvement. A new method was introduced in this paper to find out the boundaries of abrupt shots in the video with high accuracy and lower computational cost. The proposed method consists of two stages. First, projection features were used to distinguish non boundary transitions and candidate transitions that may contain abrupt boundary. Only candidate transitions were conserved for next stage. Thus, the speed of shot detection was improved by r

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Future Technologies Conference (ftc) 2018
Using Mouse Dynamics for Continuous User Authentication
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Delays occur commonly in construction projects. Assessing the impact of delay is sometimes a contentious
issue. Several delay analysis methods are available but no one method can be universally used over another in
all situations. The selection of the proper analysis method depends upon a variety of factors including
information available, time of analysis, capabilities of the methodology, and time, funds and effort allocated to the analysis. This paper presents computerized schedule analysis programmed that use daily windows analysis method as it recognized one of the most credible methods, and it is one of the few techniques much more likely to be accepted by courts than any other method. A simple case study has been implement

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
YouTube Keyword Search Engine Using Speech Recognition
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Visual media is a better way to deliver the information than the old way of "reading". For that reason with the wide propagation of multimedia websites, there are large video library’s archives, which came to be a main resource for humans. This research puts its eyes on the existing development in applying classical phrase search methods to a linked vocal transcript and after that it retrieves the video, this an easier way to search any visual media. This system has been implemented using JSP and Java language for searching the speech in the videos

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Copy Move Forgery Detection Using Forensic Images
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     Digital images are open to several manipulations and dropped cost of compact  cameras and mobile phones due to the robust image editing tools. Image credibility is therefore become doubtful, particularly where photos have power, for instance, news reports and insurance claims in a criminal court. Images forensic methods therefore measure the integrity of image  by apply different highly technical methods established in literatures. The present work deals with copy move forgery images of Media Integration and Communication Center Forgery (MICC-F2000) dataset for detecting and revealing the areas that have been tampered portion in the image, the image is sectioned into non overlapping blocks using Simple

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 22 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Evolving Algorithms to Cryptanalysis Nonlinear Cryptosystems
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            In this paper, new method have been investigated using evolving algorithms (EA's) to cryptanalysis one of the nonlinear stream cipher cryptosystems which depends on the Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) unit by using cipher text-only attack. Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) which are used for attacking one of the nonlinear cryptosystems called "shrinking generator" using different lengths of cipher text and different lengths of combined LFSRs. GA and ACO proved their good performance in finding the initial values of the combined LFSRs. This work can be considered as a warning for a stream cipher designer to avoid the weak points, which may be f

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detecting Textual Propaganda Using Machine Learning Techniques
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Social Networking has dominated the whole world by providing a platform of information dissemination. Usually people share information without knowing its truthfulness. Nowadays Social Networks are used for gaining influence in many fields like in elections, advertisements etc. It is not surprising that social media has become a weapon for manipulating sentiments by spreading disinformation.  Propaganda is one of the systematic and deliberate attempts used for influencing people for the political, religious gains. In this research paper, efforts were made to classify Propagandist text from Non-Propagandist text using supervised machine learning algorithms. Data was collected from the news sources from July 2018-August 2018. After annota

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