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Color-based for tree yield fruits image counting
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Identifying the total number of fruits on trees has long been of interest in agricultural crop estimation work. Yield prediction of fruits in practical environment is one of the hard and significant tasks to obtain better results in crop management system to achieve more productivity with regard to moderate cost. Utilized color vision in machine vision system to identify citrus fruits, and estimated yield information of the citrus grove in-real time. Fruit recognition algorithms based on color features to estimate the number of fruit. In the current research work, some low complexity and efficient image analysis approach was proposed to count yield fruits image in the natural scene. Semi automatic segmentation and yield calculation of fruit based on shape analysis is presented. Color and shape analysis was utilized to segment the images of different fruits like apple, pomegranate obtained under different lighting conditions. First the input sectional tree image was converted from RGB colour space into the colour space transform (i.e., YUV, YIQ, or YCbCr). The resultant image was then applied to the algorithm for fruit segmentation. After it is applied Morphological Operations which is enhanced image then execute Blob counting method which identify the object and count the number of it. Accuracy of this algorithm used in this thesis is 82.21% for images that have been scanned.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
International Mathematical Forum
On mildly-regular space
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In this paper mildly-regular topological space was introduced via the concept of mildly g-open sets. Many properties of mildly - regular space are investigated and the interactions between mildly-regular space and certain types of topological spaces are considered. Also the concept of strong mildly-regular space was introduced and a main theorem on this space was proved.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Science Issues (ijcsi)
Near Rough and Near Exact Subgraphs in Gm-Closure spaces
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The basic concepts of some near open subgraphs, near rough, near exact and near fuzzy graphs are introduced and sufficiently illustrated. The Gm-closure space induced by closure operators is used to generalize the basic rough graph concepts. We introduce the near exactness and near roughness by applying the near concepts to make more accuracy for definability of graphs. We give a new definition for a membership function to find near interior, near boundary and near exterior vertices. Moreover, proved results, examples and counter examples are provided. The Gm-closure structure which suggested in this paper opens up the way for applying rich amount of topological facts and methods in the process of granular computing.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl.
Fibrewise totally perfect mapping
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The main purpose of this paper is to introduce a some concepts in fibrewise totally topological space which are called fibrewise totally mapping, fiberwise totally closed mapping, fibrewise weakly totally closed mapping, fibrewise totlally perfect mapping fibrewise almost totally perfect mapping. Also the concepts as totally adherent point, filter, filter base, totally converges to a subset, totally directed toward a set, totally rigid, totally-H-set, totally Urysohn space, locally totally-QHC totally topological space are introduced and the main concept in this paper is fibrewise totally perfect mapping in totally top

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Coincidence of Fixed Points with Mixed Monotone Property
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The purpose of this paper is to introduce and prove some coupled coincidence fixed point theorems for self mappings satisfying -contractive condition with rational expressions on complete partially ordered metric spaces involving altering distance functions with mixed monotone property of the mapping. Our results improve and unify a multitude of coupled fixed point theorems and generalize some recent results in partially ordered metric space. An example is given to show the validity of our main result. 

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 28 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
أثر المعالم في الفضاء الحضري المعالم (الأبنية) كنواة لتنظيم الفضاء الحضري
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Nano M. and nano IM. sets in nano topological spaces
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studied, and its important properties and relationship with both closed and open Nano sets were investigated. The new Nano sets were linked to the concept of Nano ideal, the development of nano ideal mildly closed set and it has been studied its properties. In addition to the applied aspect of the research, a sample was taken from patients infected with viral hepatitis, and by examining the infected people and using closed and open (nano mildly. and nano ideal mildly) sets, the important symptoms that constitute the core of this dangerous examining the infected people and using closed and open (nano mildly. and nano ideal mildly) sets, the important symptoms that constitute the core of this dangerous disease.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 24 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Securing digital documents using digital watermarking
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     The intellectual property of digital documents has been protected by using many methods of digital watermarking. Digital documents have been so much of advantages over print documents. Digital documents are less expensive and easy to store, transport, and searched compared to traditional print documents.  But it has its owner limitation too. A simple image editor can be used to modify and make a forged document. Digital documents can be tampered easily. In order to utilize the whole benefits of digital document, these limitations have to overcome these limitations by embedding some text, logo sequence that identifies the owner of the document..

In this research LSB  technique  has been used

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Information Technology Competency in Activating of Human Resources Management Practices/ Applied Study in the Informatics and Communications Public Company in Iraq
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This research aims to clarify the role of Information Technology Competency (ITC) with dimensions' (IT Usage, IT Knowledge, and IT Operations) as an independent variable in the activation of Human Resources Management Practices (HRM Practices) as a dependent variable with dimensions' (Training and Development, Recruitment, Job Design, and Performance appraisal). Based on this, the correlation and effect relationships between the independent and dependent variables are determined by formulating two main hypotheses. There are a significant relationship and effect of IT competency with HRM practices within the dimensions. Furthermore, the scope and population of this research are the Informatics and Communications P

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad, College Of Education For Pure Sciences / Ibn Al-haitham, Department Of Mathematics
Some Generalizations by Covering properties
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In this thesis, we introduced the simply* compact spaces which are defined over simply* open set, and study relation between the simply* separation axioms and the compactness were studied and study a new types of functions known as αS^(M* )- irresolte , αS^(M* )- continuous and R S^(M* )- continuous, which are defined between two topological spaces. On the other hand we use the class of soft simply open set to define a new types of separation axioms in soft topological spaces and we introduce the concept of soft simply compactness and study it. We explain and discuss some new concepts in soft topological spaces such as soft simply separated, soft simply disjoint, soft simply division, soft simply limit point and we define soft simply c

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Iraqi Al-khwarizmi
Fibrewise Multi-Compact and Locally Multi- Compact Spaces
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The primary objective of this paper is to introduce a new concept of fibrewise topological spaces on D is named fibrewise multi- topological spaces on D. Also, we entroduce the concepts of multi-proper, fibrewise multi-compact, fibrewise locally multi-compact spaces, Moreover, we study relationships between fibrewise multi-compact (resp., locally multi-compac) space and some fibrewise multi-separation axioms.

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