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Deep Learning Approach for Oil Pipeline Leakage Detection Using Image-Based Edge Detection Techniques
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Natural gas and oil are one of the mainstays of the global economy. However, many issues surround the pipelines that transport these resources, including aging infrastructure, environmental impacts, and vulnerability to sabotage operations. Such issues can result in leakages in these pipelines, requiring significant effort to detect and pinpoint their locations. The objective of this project is to develop and implement a method for detecting oil spills caused by leaking oil pipelines using aerial images captured by a drone equipped with a Raspberry Pi 4. Using the message queuing telemetry transport Internet of Things (MQTT IoT) protocol, the acquired images and the global positioning system (GPS) coordinates of the images' acquisition are sent to the base station. Using deep learning approaches such as holistically-nested edge detection (HED) and extreme inception (Xception) networks, images are analyzed at the base station to identify contours using dense extreme inception networks for edge detection (DexiNed). This algorithm is capable of finding many contours in images. Moreover, the CIELAB color space (LAB) is employed to locate black-colored contours, which may indicate oil spills. The suggested method involves eliminating smaller contours to calculate the area of larger contours. If the contour's area exceeds a certain threshold, it is classified as a spill; otherwise, it is stored in a database for further review. In the experiments, spill sizes of 1m2, 2m2, and 3m2 were established at three separate test locations. The drone was operated at three different heights (5 m, 10 m, and 15 m) to capture the scenes. The results show that efficient detection can be achieved at a height of 10 meters using the DexiNed algorithm. Statistical comparison with other edge detection methods using basic metrics, such as perimage best threshold (OIS = 0.867), fixed contour threshold (ODS = 0.859), and average precision (AP = 0.905), validates the effectiveness of the DexiNed algorithm in generating thin edge maps and identifying oil slicks. © 2023 Lavoisier. All rights reserved.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 06 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
effect of a training curriculum for the development of some functional variables and the level of achievement in the effectiveness of air rifle shooting
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There are significant differences between the pre and post-tests in favor of the post-test in the tests) stroke volume (S.V), cardiac thrust (C.O.P), left ventricular volume, maximum oxygen consumption Vo2max), which indicates the effect of the proposed training approach.There are significant differences between the pre and post-tests in favor of the post-test in the achievement level test with air rifle shooting for young female shooters, which indicates the effect of the proposed training curriculum.There are no significant differences between the pre and post-tests in the tests (heart rate (HR) before exercise, heart rate (HR) after exercise, systolic blood pressure rate before exercise, systolic blood pressure rate after exercis

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The effect of Tabata exercises on the development of stamina and achievement for female athletes running 100m hurdles under the age of 18 years
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يعد علم التدريب الرياضي الحديث عملية تربوية علمية مبنية على اسس صحيحة هدفها وصول اللاعبين الى التكامل في الاداء الفني وهذا يتم عن طريق التأثير المنظم والدقيق بواسطة استعمال التمارين البدنية التي تحدث تغيرات خاصة في عمل اعضاء واجهزة جسم الرياضي والتي بدورها تؤدي الى رفع كفاءة الاعضاء والاجهزة لتحقيق الانجازات الرياضية العالية ولقد استعملت الباحثتان اسلوب حديث من اساليب التدريب الرياضي من اجل تطوير تحم

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
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Content analysis of the chemistry book for the third intermediate grade according to habits of mind in light of the educational reform project (2061)
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Performance evaluation of small and medium-sized enterprises according to the entrance of the scorecard applied study in company Al fadly for construction industries
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The research Aim is to provide support to small enterprises by providing tools that enable measurement and test their performance and identifying weaknesses and work on them is determined by the problem of searching using traditional assessment methods for small projects with only financial performance measurement standards that do not provide a complete picture of the performance of these projects so use the balanced scorecard the four pillars (financial, customer, learning and growth, and internal processes) and identify deviations and work on them through the use of the outputs of the programme (probe), PROmoting Business Excellence-PROBE), which It is a model of performance evaluation, with which you can deve

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Nature Environment And Pollution Technology
The Kinetic Model for Decolourization of Commercial Direct Blue 2 Azo Dye Aqueous Solution by the Fenton Process and the Effect of Inorganic Salts
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of estimations methods of the entropy function to the random coefficients for two models: the general regression and swamy of the panel data
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In this study, we focused on the random coefficient estimation of the general regression and Swamy models of panel data. By using this type of data, the data give a better chance of obtaining a better method and better indicators. Entropy's methods have been used to estimate random coefficients for the general regression and Swamy of the panel data which were presented in two ways: the first represents the maximum dual Entropy and the second is general maximum Entropy in which a comparison between them have been done by using simulation to choose the optimal methods.

The results have been compared by using mean squares error and mean absolute percentage error to different cases in term of correlation valu

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Effectiveness of conventional phototherapy, intensive phototherapy and exchange transfusion in treating neonatal jaundice at Fatima Al-Zahra Hospital for maternity and children in Baghdad
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Background: Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a common disease in neonates especially in early days of birth that requires a good and successful treatment for reducing the severity and its complications that can produce important and irreversible effects.

Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of conventional phototherapy, intensive phototherapy and exchange transfusion on outcomes of neonatal jaundice at Fatima Al-Zahra Hospital for maternity and child care in Baghdad.

Patients & Methods: A retrospective study was carried out using medical records of neonates with diagnosis of unconjugated jaundice, admitted in the septic neonatal care unit of Fatima Al-Zahra hospital over 6 months period b

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 28 2023
Journal Name
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry A
Tubular Magnetic Shielding Scan (TMSS): A New Technique for Molecular Space Exploration. (i) The Case of Aromaticity of Benzene and [<i>n</i>]Paracyclophanes
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Both traditional and novel techniques were employed in this work for magnetic shielding evaluation to shed new light on the magnetic and aromaticity properties of benzene and 12 [n]paracyclophanes with n = 3–14. Density functional theory (DFT) with the B3LYP functional and all-electron Jorge-ATZP and x2c-TZVPPall-s basis sets was utilized for geometry optimization and magnetic shielding calculations, respectively. Additionally, the 6-311+G(d,p) basis set was incorporated for the purpose of comparing the magnetic shielding results. In addition to traditional evaluations such as NICS/NICSzz-Scan, and 2D-3D σiso(r)/σzz(r) maps, two new techniques were implemented: bendable grids (BGs) and cylindrical grids (CGs) of ghost atoms (Bqs). BGs a

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of budget on the basis of activities in the implementation of competitive strategiesApplied Study in the General Company for Electrical Industries - Tammuz Laboratory
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The Contemporary Business Environment is Surrounded by many quick and continues variable and changes which has an effect on the economic units. These variables and changes like the high competition which need many tools to help them to continue and achieve The critical success. So to achieve this they have many competitive strategies like cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy and focus strategy.

Budget is regarded one of main tools to execute objectives polices and programs of the economic units, beside show how the economic units had execute the available economic resources.

Activity based on budgeting is regarded one of the modern technique in the m

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 09 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
Estimation of the Effect of the Government Expenditure Growth Rate on the Rate of Inflation in the Iraqi Economy for the Period (1991- 2015)
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Government expenditure represents one of the controlling financial policies in the economic affairs and management of the economic cycle in order to achieve price stability, raise the rate of output growth and decrease the level of unemployment. The price stability represents one of the macroeconomic goals that all countries seek without exception, regardless of the economic philosophy adopted by each country; in addition to this is raising the productive capacity and reaching the actual output to the level of the expected output, that is, the level of output related to the natural unemployment rate or what is sometimes called the Non-inflationary unemployment rate. The restriction of government expenditure (G=T+∆B/iP+∆M/P) is

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