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Optimization of chemical oxygen demand removal from petroleum refinery wastewater by electrocoagulation using tubular electrochemical reactor with a novel design
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Aqueous Extract Cyperus rotundus Tubers as Antioxidant on Liver and Kidney Functions in Albino Males Rats Exposed to Cadmium Chloride Toxic
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          The experiment was conducted in two stages: first stage: determination of the most effective dose of Cyperus rotundus tubers aquatic extract in male rats for 5 days, which was concentrated as (200 mg/kg body weight). The second stage was designed to observe and test the protective effects of C. rotundus tubers aquatic extract in the liver and kidney functions of male rats exposed to cadmium chloride poisoning (5 mg/kg bw) for 30 days. The animals were divided into (4) groups within each group (5) animals weighted (200-220g). The results of oral dose of cadmium chloride showed a significant increase of (P˂0.05) in the activity of both enzymes Alanine aminotransferas

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Experimental Study to The Effect of Applying Stressing Force on Etched Polarization Maintaining Fiber as Hybrid Fabry-Perot /Mach-Zehnder inline fiber interferometer
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Abstract: The increased interest in developing new photonic devices that can support high data rates, high sensitivity and fast processing capabilities for all optical communications, motivates a pre stage pulse compressor research. The pre-stage research was based on cascading single mode fiber and polarization maintaining fiber to get pulse compression with compression factor of 1.105. The demand for obtaining more précised photonic devices; this work experimentally studied the behavior of Polarization maintaining fiber PMF that is sandwiched between two cascaded singe mode fiber SMF and fiber Bragg gratings FBG. Therefore; the introduced interferometer performed hybrid interference of both Mach-Zehnder

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Combining Video Lectures and Kolb Experiential Learning on EFL Student-Teachers’ Ability to Teach Communicative Coursebook and their Teaching Competencies
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Communicative-based textbooks are developed and disseminated throughout the country.
However, it is difficult for teachers who themselves have learnt English through the traditional
approaches to suddenly be familiar with CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) principles
and teach communicatively. Therefore, many teachers remain somewhat confused about what
exactly CLT is and others familiar with CLT but unable to achieve communicative classroom
teaching. Consequently, those teachers need to be introduced to the CLT principles and they need
training in how to put CLT principles into practice. Accordingly, this study aims to find out the
effect of combining video lectures and Kolb experiential learning on EFL student-t

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of the Inter-Particle Expectation Values for Inter and Outer Shell: Khalil H. Al-Bayati|Ban H. Al-Asaad|Baidaa S. H.
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In this research the Inter-Particle Expectation Values have been studied for atomics Helium (He) and Beryllium (Be) also for He-like ions, Be-like ions (Li-1, B+1? Li+1, Be+2, B+3) by using Hartree-Fock wave functions, We compared the results to some ions which have the same atomic number from each group with atomic number, We compared the results with published calculations to the last studied .

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Publication Date
Sat May 11 2024
Journal Name
Tech Hub Journal
The prevailing leadership Patterns and personal traits and their relationship to innovative thinking of female physical education teachers in middle schools in Baghdad
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Teachers play a critical role in planning, organizing, coordinating, monitoring, and instructing, hence the topic of leadership styles receives a lot of attention. As a result, the physical education school is regarded as the most significant component of the educational process because it has the ability to weave together the teaching and educational skills, attitudes, and capacities that its students develop. Fits into their identities through her relationship with them. Teachers play a critical role in planning, organizing, coordinating, monitoring, and instructing, hence the topic of leadership styles receives a lot of attention. As a result, the physical education school is regarded the most significant aspect in the educational proces

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 17 2021
Journal Name
Academic Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies
Employees Retention Strategy and its Impact on Organizational Memory: An Exploratory Research for the opinion of Faculty Members at Private Colleges on Baghdad
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The research aims to determine the impact of employees’ retention strategy on organizational memory. This research is historical, descriptive, and analytical. The sample consists of 158 faculty members in five private colleges in Baghdad. The technique used to analyze the data is SEM (Structural Equation Modeling), and SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). The research concludes that the employees retaining strategy plays a vital role in retaining employees and hence maintains organizational memory. The findings and recommendations of this research assure the administrations of private colleges that employees retention strategy play a vital role in retaining its employee and hence maintains organizational memory. T

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Innovative Systems Design And Engineering
Water And Alcohol Extraction Of Thyme Plant (Thymus Vulgaris) And Activity Study Against Bacteria, Tumors And Used As Anti-Oxidant In Margarine Manufacture
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Isolation had been done for active substances from Thyme plant (Thymus Vulgaris) such as volatile oils, Saponins and Tannins. The percentage in form was (21.1%),(59.2%),( 9.7%) respectively. Also a study of anti-bacterial activity of extracts from Thyme using two types of pathogenic bacteria Escherichia Coli and aurous Staphylococcus showed the ability of inhibition for all different extracts by vary inhibition diameters for different active substances, concentrations and bacteria. One type of cancer cellular line used to study the effect of Thyme extracts on the growth of cells in the laboratory and thus know the specifications of extracts as anti-tumor, (L20B) cell line have been used which is mice Transformed cell Line. The possibility o

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 15 2019
Journal Name
Route Educational & Social Science Journal
The effect of the 4-H model on self-regulated learning and life skills for female chemistry students in the second intermediate year
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of International Monetary Fund in Planning monetary policy for Developing the Iraqi economy: An Applied Research for the Period (2004-2013)
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The developing countries, like our country Iraq suffer from deep comprehensive structural crisis, manifestations and a clear imbalance between the demand and the supply sides. The overall imbalance in the external balance. As a consequence, this caused the accumulation of foreign debts or failure in the implementation of economic development programs. The countries which are forced to resort to the International Monitoring Funds, and the World Bank for assistance and to express an opinion on policies that include restrictions controls that belong to the monetary, and fiscal side group, imposed on the economies crisis, as a condition for returning to normal which called reform programs. The organize of the events of radical changes in the

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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The plastic dimension of the balcony scene in the movie (Romeo and Juliet) and its relationship to the movie and theatrical original text
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This research deals with one scene from the movie Romeo and Juliet, which is the balcony scene, due to the importance of this scene in the formation of the construction of the subsequent events of the movie.

The first chapter contained the methodological framework of the research, where the research problem was identified in how Zeffirelli dealt with the balcony scene in the play Romeo and Juliet and enriched it in the cinematic language with a comparison with the original text of the scene. In the balcony scene with comparative parts between the film and the text and the limits of the research that was limited to the film Zeffirelli and the translated text by Munis Taha Hussein.

The second chapter contained the theoretic

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