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A Haptic feedback system based on leap motion controller for prosthetic hand application
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Leap Motion Controller (LMC) is a gesture sensor consists of three infrared light emitters and two infrared stereo cameras as tracking sensors. LMC translates hand movements into graphical data that are used in a variety of applications such as virtual/augmented reality and object movements control. In this work, we intend to control the movements of a prosthetic hand via (LMC) in which fingers are flexed or extended in response to hand movements. This will be carried out by passing in the data from the Leap Motion to a processing unit that processes the raw data by an open-source package (Processing i3) in order to control five servo motors using a micro-controller board. In addition, haptic setup is proposed using force sensors (FSR) and vibro-motors in which the speed of these motors is proportional to the amount of the grasp force exerted by the prosthetic hand. Investigation for optimal placement of the FSRs on a prosthetic hand to obtain convenient haptic feedback has been carried out. The results show the effect of object shape and weight on the obtained response of the FSR and how they influence the locations of the sensors.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Central Asian Journal Of Medical And Natural Science
The Effect of Cronobacter Sakazakii on the Gastro-Intestinal Tract of Newborn Mice
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 13 2020
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering And Technology
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The structural, optical properties of copper oxide thin films ( CuO) thin films which have been prepared by thermal oxidation with exist air once and oxygen another have been studied. Structural analysis results of Cu thin films demonstrate that the single phase of Cu with high a crystalline structure with a preferred orientation (111). X-ray diffraction results confirm the formation of pure (CuO) phase in both methods of preparation. The optical constant are investigated and calculated such as absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient and the dielectric constants for the wavelengths in the range (300-1100) nm.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study the effect of gamma Irradiation on the Superconducting Properties of HgBaSrCa2Cu3O8+δ
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Seasonal Abundance of Adult Fly Species on the Exposed Carcasses in Baghdad City
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Adult of dipterous flies were collected monthly from exposed animals carcasses during the period from February 2006 to January 2007 in Baghdad city. The results obtained showed that flies could be collected all over the year with variation of their population density in different seasons. The majority of the collected species were abundant during Spring and late Autumn (at lowest numbers) . In this investigation, nineteen species confined to four families were collected; these families are: Calliphoridae, Muscidae, Sarcophagidae and Fanniidae. The species Musca domestica Linn .was the most abundant followed by Chrysomya megacephala ( Fabricius ) , while Pollenia sp . and Fannia sp . were the least abundant species.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education,
Effect of mycorrhiza ( Glomus mosseae ) and superphosphate on physiological characters of Hordeum vulgare
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Abstract An experiment was conducted to study the effect of Glomus mosseae and two concentration (21 and 42%) of super phosphate. They used either to be separated or together with inoculation of G. mosseae on physiological characters of Horeum Vulagera . The results showed that all treatment affected significantly especially super phosphate at the above concentration together with G. mosseae. The effects appeared as an increase in plant height , leaves area , dry weight of total plant , stem dry weight , leaves dry weight , tiller’s number , flag leaf area , dry weight of flag and also increased in CGR , RGR , RGR- NAR , LAI . The yield component increased in number of spikes, number of spikelet’s / spike, number of grain / spike, weigh

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Impact of Six Decades of Trauma on the Health of Iraqi People
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Over the course of six decades, Iraq exposed to many events that have affected the Iraqi people from the social, physical and mental aspects. In this study, two groups of people (2369), from Iraq (G1) and the Michigan, United States (U.S) of America (G2) selected to compare the prevalence rate and effects of trauma factors such as mental illness (anxiety, depression and PTS), somatic diseases (heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes), substances abuse (illicit drugs, alcohol and tobacco), and chemicals pollution), and self-rated health among the two groups. The study results reveals a significant different between the two groups in the all indicators for trauma. The study conclude that Iraqi in U.S. (G2) suffer from factors completely dif

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Effect of the activity of Boswellia Carterii extracts on preservation of ground meat
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The study aimed to know the effect of the use alcoholic ethanol extraction of Boswellia Carterii In prolonging the period of preservation cooled ground meat in 4C for 6 days, it has been mixing ground meat with 150,300,450 mg/ml of alcoholic extract Consecutive, Where (0 was the control sample), All samples were stored separately for 0 , 3 , 6 days in Refrigerator temperature 4 C, Conducted by some microbial tests, Results have shown that mixing the ground meat with Boswellia Carterii extraction Led to prolong the storage of meat for 6 days at 4 C .and the Best result came when adding alcoholic ethanol extract of Boswellia Carterii by 450mg/ml Which Equal 0.9 g ,that reducing microbial load more higher than 150&300 mg/ml. All of thes

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment, And Sustainability: Tmrees23fr
Effect of gold nanoparticles synthesis by plasma jet scheme on normal cell lines
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New evidence on nanotechnology has shown interest in the creation and assessment of nanoparticles for cancer treatment. Worldwide, a wide range of tumor-targeted approaches are being developed to reduce side effects and boost the efficacy of cancer therapy. One strategy that shows promise is the use of metallic nanoparticles to increase the radio sensitization of the cancer cells while reducing or maintaining the normal tissue complication probability during radiation therapy. In this study, atmospheric plasma was created using argon gas to create Au NPs using the plasma jet scheme, and their ability to induce apoptosis as an anticancer mechanism was tested. Aqueous gold tetrachloride salts (HAuCl4·3H2O) ere used to produce gold nanopartic

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch
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The present study was designed to shed light on the molecular effects caused by acute myeloid leukemia (AML). It was also aimed to investigate ASXL1 point mutations in newly AML patients as compared to healthy control. The study comprised of 43 AML Iraqi patients and their ages ranged between 16-75 years. It included 23 females and 20 males compared with 20 healthy controls. Results revealed that the extracted DNA from 30 AML patients and amplified by PCR to obtain ASXL1 gene from exon 12 showed larger bands (479). Among forty three patients, two of them displayed point mutations of deletion and substitution, while the others were normal since no mutations were detected. The total of mutations in two mutated patients was 27 mutations, the m

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