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Variation of non-diatomic algae in a martyr monument lake under different climate factors
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Abstract<p>The current study was conducted in the environment of the Martyr Monument Lake in the city center of Baghdad during 2019 to monitor the impact of climatic conditions such as drought, water shortage, high temperatures in the environment of the city and the lack of water flow during the years 2015 to 2018 and their effects on some of the physical and chemical factors of water and the dynamics of the phytoplankton community in the lake environment. Heterogeneity of some studied environmental factors, including air and water temperature, permeability, water depth, pH, DO, BOD5, nutrients, nitrate, NO3, and phosphates were found. The results showed the effect of climate change and the presence of organic pollution in addition to the influence of the nature of sites. Sampling on the studied characteristics, which in turn affected the phytoplankton community. The results showed the fluctuations in the rates of air and water temperature, which were between 17 - 41 ° C and 10 - 32 ° C, respectively, as well as the fluctuation of light transmittance rates and water depth according to the different stations and seasons, as they ranged between 0.12-57.02 cm and 120.5- 289.30cm. The pond water was characterized by being neutral and tilted to alkaline in terms of pH 7.0-9.1. The values of dissolved oxygen and vital oxygen requirement rise in winter and gradually decreased in spring and autumn, and the lowest values in summer were 2.4-15.13 mg / liter 0.4-10.6 mg / liter, respectively. The changes in nitrate values rise in winter and decreased in summer in all locations, where they ranged between 2.2 - 12.4 mg, in contrast to phosphate, it increased in the summer winter 0.0033 - 0.5 mg / liter. The qualitative study of phytoplankton identified 125 species belonging to 46 genera. It belongs to 5 classes in which the class of green algae prevailed with 69 species, followed by blue-green algae (39 species), while Euglenophyta and Pyrrophyta recorded 7 species each, while the Cryptophyta algae recorded only 3 types. The study showed that the decrease in the water level and the fluctuation of temperature led to an increase in blue-green algae in areas of organic pollution in which some species such as Microcystis aeruginosa and Oscillatoria spp. Causing the appearance of unpleasant odors and the secretion of deadly toxins to the aqueous medium.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of some physical factors (Temperature, light intensity) on ability of algae (Scendesmus quadricauda , Chlorella vulgaris) to remove pollutants
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The study included studying some of the optimum environmental conditions(temperature ,light intensity ) on the production of several green algae Scendesmus quadricauda and Chlorella vulgaris in a selected culture and municipal wastewater . The study also included the recording of growth rate ,doubling time and removal of phosphate and nitrate , maximum rate was recorded to the growth with minimum in doubling time and maximum removal rate of nitrogen-nitrate and phosor- phosphate in each selected culture and municipal wastewater in each species of green algae at 25 C? and a light intensity 380 µ E / m2 / s.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Impact Energy of 100Cr6 under low different velocities
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This study has been undertaken to postulate the mechanism of impact test at low velocities. Thin-walled tubes of 100Cr6 were deformed under axial compression. In the present work there are seven velocities (4.429,4.652,5.240,5.600,5.942,6.264, 6.569) m\sec were applied to show how they effect the load, change in length, also the kinetic energy. However, the comparison between the obtained results and the other studies (Alexandar[3] , Abramowicz[4], Ayad[5]) was made the present work and Ayad data show good agreement. Load, change in length, kinetic energy were determined to understand the impact test.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 10 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
A study of qualitative, classification soil algae in some areas from Baghdad, Iraq
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A study of taxonomic quality of soil algae was conducted with some environmental variables in three sites of local gardens (Kadhimiya, Adhamiya and Dora) within the governorate of Baghdad for the period from October 2016 to March 2017. The study identified 28 species belonging to 16 species in which the predominance of blue green algae (18 species) Followed by Bacillarophyta algae (7 species) and three types of Chlorophyta. The study showed an increase in species of Oscillatoria. The results showed no significant differences between sites in temperature, pH and relative humidity, while there were clear differences between sites for salinity and nutrient The study showed a difference of irrigation water quality and use of different fertilize

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Sustainability of Agricultural Productivity of Potato Crop in Desert Soils and Evaluation of Water Productivity Under Drip Irrigation System with Future Climate Changes
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A field experiment was conducted during the spring season 2020 in Karbala proving/ Al-Sharia Distrit, located at latitude N 32° 42' 13.8" and longitude E 43° 54' 36.6" and at an altitude of 27 m above sea level. The experiment included a study of two factors: the first, Irrigation Interval, three treatments were used: irrigation treatment every 2 days, Irrigation treatment every 4 days, and Irrigation treatment every 6 days. The second factor is the addition of soil conditioners, in which four treatments were used: the control treatment without any addition, the treatment of adding bio-organic fertilizers, the treatment of adding water-conserving technology (polymer), and the treatment of adding water-conserving technology + fertilizers O

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Control of Non Isothermal CSTR Using Different Controller Strategies
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In all process industries, the process variables like flow, pressure, level, concentration
and temperature are the main parameters that need to be controlled in both set point
and load changes.
A control system of propylene glycol production in a non isothermal (CSTR) was
developed in this work where the dynamic and control system based on basic mass
and energy balance were carried out.
Inlet concentration and temperature are the two disturbances, while the inlet
volumetric flow rate and the coolant temperature are the two manipulations. The
objective is to maintain constant temperature and concentration within the CSTR.
A dynamic model for non isothermal CSTR is described by a first order plus dead
time (FO

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Different estimation methods of reliability in stress-strength model under chen distribution
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Title Is "The Ways Of Activating Factors Of Non-Investment Economic Growth In The Developing Countries"
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The Results of Theoretical Studies and Experiment of Advanced Economies , Have Been Proven That Investment Expenditure Is Not The Only Factor And The Main Source of Production Growth, But Efficient Using Of The Fixed Assets Is More Important In This Process, All That Depends On Groups of Factors Called The Non-Investment Economic Growth,  That Are Un-bodied Technical Progress With Organizational Nature.

It's Distinguished Features That it has An Influence on The Production Growth Without Any Large Additional Investment Expenditure Or Any Additional Increment in Inputs And That Can Not Be Reached Without Activating The Factors of Non-Investment Economic Growth, Which is Still Affecting Negatively In T

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Non-Linear Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates under General Out-Of-Plane Loading
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The theoretical analysis depends on the Classical Laminated Plate Theory (CLPT) that is based on the Von-K ráman Theory and Kirchhov Hypothesis in the deflection analysis during elastic limit as well as the Hooke's laws of calculation the stresses. New function for boundary condition is used to solve the forth degree of differential equations which depends on variety sources of advanced engineering mathematics. The behavior of composite laminated plates, symmetric and anti-symmetric of cross-ply angle, under out-of-plane loads (uniform distributed loads) with two different boundary conditions are investigated to obtain the central deflection for mid-plane by using the Ritz method. The computer programs is built using Ma

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Epipelic Algae in Hemren Reservoir , Iraq
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The study includes the epipelic algae in Hemren reservoir, for the period between Januarys to October 2000 .The samples were collected from three selected sites at north, middle and south of reservoir. A total of 96 taxa of epipelic algae were identified. The diatoms were the dominated by 82 taxa represented 85.4% of the total identified species, followed by blue-green algae (cyanophyta) of 6.3 taxa (6%), and then green algae (chlorophyta) of 5.2 taxa (5%). One species was recorded for each crysophyta, euglenophyta and pyrrophyta. The seasonal variation for the cell density showed two peaks during spring and autumn seasons. Few species were dominated during the most studied period such as Achnanthes minutissima, Navicula cryptocephala

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Buckling Analysis Of Damaged Composite Plates Under Uniform Or Non-Uniform Compressive Load
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The present study focused mainly on the buckling behavior of composite laminated plates subjected to mechanical loads. Mechanical loads are analyzed by experimental analysis, analytical analysis (for laminates without cutouts) and numerical analysis by finite element method (for laminates with and without cutouts) for different type of loads which could be uniform or non-uniform, uniaxial or biaxial. In addition to many design parameters of the laminates such as aspect ratio, thickness ratio, and lamination angle or the parameters of the cutout such as shape, size, position, direction, and radii rounding) which are changed to studytheir effects on the buckling characteristics with various boundary conditions. Levy method of classical lam

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