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A Proposed Adaptive Rate Algorithm to Administrate the Video Buffer Occupancy for Smooth Video Streaming

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
مجلة العميد
Portryal of Imam Ali (Peace be upon him) in the Poetry of Ibn Abi Al-Hadeed Al-Mo`atazali : Seventh `Alawiat Poems

For poets to pay a great attention to the Islamic figures and their symbolism in Islam come as a prominent phenomenon in our literature . As there is an impact of them on the brilliant history commemorated by littérateurs . As a matter of fact ، the chronicle of Imam Ali Ibin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) falls in the orbit of the focus Ibn Abi Al-Hadid Al-Mu'tazili steers to in his poems . The current research study is to trace the portrayal of Imam Ali (peace be upon them) in the poetry of Ibn Abi Al-Hadid Al-Mu'tazili ، Seventh Alwiite Poems ، as there is no a study tacking such a conjecture before. In the article there are two axes : the introduction comes as first axis portraying Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) in the wa

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 08 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Effect of Foliar Spray with Yeast Suspension and Foliartal Nutrient Solution on the Mineral Content of Tissue Lime Seedlings Citrus limon L.
Abstract<p>This study was done in green house of college of Agricultural engineering sciences during the season 2019-2020 to study the effect of the foliar spray with yeast suspension, nutrition solution (Foliartal) and their interaction on some leaf nutrients contents of (<italic>citrus limon</italic> L.) lime seedling was produced from the tissue culture lab. Studied factors were three level (0,7 and 10) g.L<sup>-1</sup> and (0,3 and 5) ml.L<sup>-1</sup> of yeast suspension and foliartal nutrient respectively treatments were distributed in Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with two replicates the test LSD used in order to compare between means at 0.05% pro</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Factores lingüísticos y extralingüísticos de la evolución semántica de los términos Linguistic and non-linguistic factors of the semantic evolution of terms

La disciplina sémantica siendo una rama de la lingüística y relacionada con los significados que residen detrás de los vocablos sería muy intereseante ser estudiada y investigada, sobre todo cuando tratamos de penetrarnos dentro de la evolución semántica y los motivos por los que se suceden estos cambios. Pues, es injusto dejar de dar una definición aclaratoria sobre esta disciplina y sus componentes.

El significado de los léxicos que se forma por un conjunto de semas o rasgos significativos mínimos. Sin embargo, no todos esos semas son igualmente intervenidos por los hablantes de una comunidad lingüística, sino que hay algunos de ellos que siempre están presentes, mientras que otros varían. Es decir, el significado

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 25 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Green Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Activity of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles using Aqueous Extract of Beta Vulgaris and the Seed of Abrus precatorius

Development of improved methods for the synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles are of high priority for the advancement of material science and technology. Herein, the biosynthesis of ZnO using hydrahelix of beta vulgaris and the seed of abrus precatorius as an aqueaus extracts adduced respectivily as stablizer and reductant reagent. The support are characterized by spectroscopic methods ( Ft-IR, Uv-vis ).The FTIR confirmed the presence of ZnO band. The Uv-visible showed absorption peak at corresponds to the ZnO nanostructures. X-ray diffraction, scaning electron microscopy (SEM), dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) techniques are taken to investigation the size, structure and composition of synthesised ZnO nanocrystals. The XRD pattern mat

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Publication Date
Mon May 14 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
First Occurrence of Three Species of the Genus Dactylogyrus Diesing , 1850 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) in Iraq from Some Diyala River Fishes , Diyala Province

      Three monogeneans: Dactylogyrus folkmanovae from gills of Chondrostoma regium, D. reinii from gills of Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi and D. robustus from gills of Leuciscus vorax were collected from Diyala River in Diyala Province. The description, measurements and illustrations of these parasites were given.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effects of Inclination and Compounds Angles of Round Holes in Staggered Rows on Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness of Vane Suction side

The aim of this work is oriented to increase film cooling effectiveness value through numerical investigations for flow of Mach number not more than 0.3 around vane surface, to find the effects of inclination and compounds angles of round holes in staggered rows on adiabatic film cooling effectiveness of vane suction side. Multi cylindrical film cooling hole cases were studied with pitch ratio P/d =2 and 3, local blowing ratios M=0.382, 0.77 and 1.14,  inclination angles a=30° and 45°, compound angles β= 0°, 15°, 30° and 45° and local momentum ratios I= 0.084, 0.34 and 0.756  for better cooling process.

            A numerica

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Food and feeding habits of the Indian catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch)) from Tigris river at AI- Kadhimia region, north of Baghdad city

F0od  and  feeding habits  of  Hetropnezt.s!fes ]ossili/}:. (Bloch)  have been  investigated.  Monthly samples (twice a  m()nth}  were   taken during  the period  from  March  2000  to February  20.Ql , using small -

meshed cast net. A total of l9J  ftsh were used to examine the stomach


The analysis   of  stomach contents of H  fo.s-silis in  the- area  of study  revealed   that  fish  were  fed  on  the  bottom, mid ·surface  and surface  &

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochemical & Cellular Archives
Assessment of uric acid in patients of end-stage renal disease with hypertension and diabetic nephropathy and the risk of cardiovascular diseases

The relationship of hyperuricemia to kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension and the risk of cardiovascular diseases remain controversial. The aim of this study is to evaluate the use of uric acid (UA) levels to find the higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients with end stage renal disease that have diabetic nephropathy (DN), nephropathy with hypertension (NH) and patients with both diabetic nephropathy with hypertension (DNH). This study deals with 115 patients with end-stage renal disease under hemodialysis sub-grouped into 35 patients with (DN), 40 patients with (NH), and 40 patients with (DNH). Some biochemical parameters were determined in the serum of all participants such as HbA1c, fasting blood glucose (FBG), UA, urea,

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 02 2020
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.

The results of the current study showed that the liver of H. javanicus appeared as large lobulated organ divided into six distinct lobes, that filled the cranial region and little extended to the middle region of abdominal cavity. On the other hand, liver of S. carolinensis laid against the diaphragm, occupied the cranial region of the abdominal cavity and consisted of five lobes. The liver is surrounded with a thin capsule of dense regular collagenous connective tissue and few numbers of smooth muscles fibers can be seen in the capsule that covered the squirrel liver. The liver parenchyma divided into a large number of interconnected hepatic lobules marked only by the abundant amount of connective tissue bordered the triads, and within the

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Gibberellic Acid and Diammonum Phosphate (DAP) Fertilizer on Some Physiological Characteristices of Lentil’s (Lens Culinaris Mediic) Roots.

 A biological experiment was done in the green house of Biology Department, college of Education (Ibn – AL haitham), Baghdad university, in pots (2Kg size), for growth season 2009, to study the effect of two concentrations of gibberellic acid which was (50) and (100) ppm, and two levels of Diamonium phosphate fertilizer which was(0.16) and (0.32) gm/2kg pot which equal (40) and (80) kg/d, in growth of root of one lentil cultivar (AL- Baraka), upon compeletely randomized design with three replications. The results showed that there was a significant increase in (root’s length, volumes of roots, fresh and dry weights, number of nodules, and the percents of nitrogen and protein), by increasing of gibberellic acid concentr

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