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Survey on intrusion detection system based on analysis concept drift: Status and future directions
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Nowadays, internet security is a critical concern; the One of the most difficult study issues in network security is "intrusion detection". Fight against external threats. Intrusion detection is a novel method of securing computers and data networks that are already in use. To boost the efficacy of intrusion detection systems, machine learning and deep learning are widely deployed. While work on intrusion detection systems is already underway, based on data mining and machine learning is effective, it requires to detect intrusions by training static batch classifiers regardless considering the time-varying features of a regular data stream. Real-world problems, on the other hand, rarely fit into models that have such constraints. Furthermore, various uses in the real world, Data distributions in intrusion detection systems, for example, are non-stationary, which produce concept drift over time or non-stationary learning. The word "concept drift" is used to describe the process of changing one's mind about something in an online-supervised learning scenario, the connection between the input data and the target variable changes over time. We define adaptive learning, classify existing concept drift strategies, evaluate the most typical, distinct, and widely used approaches and algorithms, describe adaptive algorithm assessment methodology, and show a collection of examples, all of this is based on the assumption that you have a basic understanding of supervised learning. The survey examines the various aspects of concept drift in a comprehensive manner in order to think about the current fragmented "state-of-the-art". As a result, which intends to give scholars, industry analysts, and practitioners a comprehensive introduction to idea drift adaptability.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Iecon 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference Of The Ieee Industrial Electronics Society
Optimal second order integral sliding mode control for a flexible joint robot manipulator
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The flexible joint robot manipulators provide various benefits, but also present many control challenges such as nonlinearities, strong coupling, vibration, etc. This paper proposes optimal second order integral sliding mode control (OSOISMC) for a single link flexible joint manipulator to achieve robust and smooth performance. Firstly, the integral sliding mode control is designed, which consists of a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) as a nominal control, and switching control. This control guarantees the system robustness for the entire process. Then, a nonsingularterminal sliding surface is added to give a second order integral sliding mode control (SOISMC), which reduces chartering effect and gives the finite time convergence as well. S

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Utilizing a Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Technique (MAF) Via Adaptive Nero Fuzzy(ANFIS)
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An experimental study was conducted for measuring the quality of surface finishing roughness using magnetic abrasive finishing technique (MAF) on brass plate which is very difficult to be polish by a conventional machining process where the cost is high and much more susceptible to surface damage as compared to other materials. Four operation parameters were studied, the gap between the work piece and the electromagnetic inductor, the current that generate the flux, the rotational Spindale speed and amount of abrasive powder size considering constant linear feed movement between machine head and workpiece. Adaptive Neuro fuzzy inference system  (ANFIS) was implemented for evaluation of a serie

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 14 2015
Journal Name
Spe North Africa Technical Conference And Exhibition
Feasibility of Gas Lift to Increase Oil Production in an Iraqi Giant Oil Field
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Abstract<p>Gas lift is one of the artificial lift techniques which it is frequently implemented to raise oil production. Conventionally, the oil wells produce depending on the energy of reservoir pressure and solution gas which declines due to continuous production. Therefore, many oil wells after a certain production time become unable to lift oil to the surface. Thus, the continuity of production requires implementation of gas lift which works to decrease the average fluid density in the tubing by injection gas through the annulus into the tubing. This paper aims to get maximum oil production of an Iraqi giant oil field at optimum injected gas rate. The field is located in south of Iraq and in</p> ... Show More
Scopus (8)
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Aggregation of Accounting information between differentiated accounting systems ( Case Study )
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The purpose of the research is to present a proposed accounting system model for converting and aggregating accounting information within the framework of the differentiated accounting systems, and the research methodology consists of: The research problem is the existence of differentiated and dispersed accounting systems that operate within governmental economic units and at the same time seek to achieve a unified vision and goals for the organization, and the central research hypothesis is the possibility of conducting the process of conversion accounting information from the government accounting system to the unified accounting system, and then aggregate those systems. The research was conducted at the College of Administrat

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Jeder Lernende, der in der Fremdsprache Deutsch kommunizieren möchte, wird sich auch mit der deutschen Aussprache beschäftigen (müssen). Wer eine gute Aussprache hat, wird nicht nur oft und zu Recht bewundert, er hat es auch leichter, die deutsche Sprache zu verstehen, und er wird gut verstanden. Aussprachefehler beeinträchtigen die Kommunikation, sie führen zur Unverständlichkeit von Namen, Wörtern und Äußerungen oder Mißverständnissen, sie bewirken Ermüdung und Konzentrationsverluste und beeinträchtigen die Sprachverarbeitung durch Assoziationen und Emotionen, die beim Hörer entstehen können.’’[1]

Diese vorliegende Forschung befasst sich mit der Wic

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Inventory control by using Fuzzy set theory An Applied Research at the Baghdad Soft Drinks Company
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The production companies in the Iraqi industry environment facing many of the problems related to the management of inventory and control In particular in determining the quantities inventory that should be hold it. Because these companies  adoption on personal experience and some simple mathematical methods which lead to the identification of inappropriate quantities of inventory.

       This research aims to identify the economic quantity of production and purchase for the Pepsi can 330ml and essential components in Baghdad soft drinks Company in an environment dominated by cases of non ensure and High fluctuating as a result of fluctuating demand volumes and costs ass

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Преподаватель ХХi век
Фонограмматическая когниция в русском и арабском языках: основы флективного когнитивного строя
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В статье рассматривается вопрос о связи флективных изменений с мыслительными процессами на материале русского и арабского языков, анализируются семантические, фонетические, морфологические и синтаксические основы фонограмматической когниции. Цель статьи выявление прямой связи между количественным звуковым изменением согласного состава слова и мыслительными процессами, с помощью которых человеческ

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Fuzzy Semimaximal Submodules
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     Let R be a commutative ring with unity and an R-submodule N is called semimaximal if and only if

 the sufficient conditions of F-submodules to be semimaximal .Also the concepts of (simple , semisimple) F- submodules and quotient F- modules are  introduced and given some  properties .

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