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Introduction and Investigation into Oil Well Logging Operations (Review)
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ole in all sta Oil well logging, also known as wireline logging, is a method of collecting data from the well environment to determine subterranean physical properties and reservoir parameters. Measurements are collected against depth along the well's length, and many types of wire cabling tools depend on the physical property of interest. Well probes generally has a dynamic respon to changes in rock layers and fluid composition. These probes or well logs are legal documents that record the history of a well during the drilling stages until its completion. Well probes record the physical properties of the well, which must then be interpreted in petrographic terms to obtain the characteristics of the rocks and fluids associated with the well. Many bases on which well probes are depend on obtaining information, and preventing the rocks from responding to stimuli sent by special devices, whether those stimuli are electrical, radioactive, or acoustic. In addition, there are electrically controlled mechanical bases used to measure the diameter of the well, its flow, pressure, perforation, and taking samples. Wireline refers to the technique of using the cable to deliver special equipment to the bottom of the well to repair, evaluation, or equipment recovery. A simple wireline consists of a shiny metal wire (called a slickline) that is very durable for tensile and wear operations. It is of (0.108" or 0.125") diameter. The equipment is installed at the end of the wire. Still, sometimes a braided cable is used from many small steel wires (Braided line), which makes it stronger and heavier than the first type. The information obtained from the logs is considered to assess geological areas based on porosity, permeability, hydrocarbon fluids, and shale ratio.  Well logging uses logs that are much cheaper than core operations and also cheaper than the information obtained from drilling mud. This review aims to pinpoint on the most important logging processes used in oil wells, as well logs have an effective role in all stages of the oil industry.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 03 2022
Journal Name
Archives Of Rheumatology
Association of tumor necrosis factor-alpha promoter region gene polymorphism at positions -308G/A, -857C/T, and -863C/A with etanercept response in Iraqi rheumatoid arthritis patients
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Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the association between polymorphisms in the promoter region of the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) gene at locations -308G/A, -857C/T, and -863C/A with the tendency of being non-responder to etanercept.

Patients and methods: Between October 2020 and August 2021, a total of 80 patients (10 males, 70 females; mean age: 50 years; range, 30 to 72 years) with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) receiving etanercept for at least six months were included. The patients were divided into two groups responders and non-responders, based on their response after six months of continuous treatment. Following polymerase chain reac

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This experiment was conducted to study the effect of injecting hatching eggs into a flock of broiler aged mothers with different concentrations of the alcoholic extract of Moringa oleifera powder on productive performance of broilers during the period of rearing of 35 days. The study included two experiments for a period at 2/10/2021 to 28/11/2021, where eggs were injected into the Mustafa Poultry Hatchery/ Wasit Governorate- Aziziyah District. A 400 hatching eggs of 308 Ross  mothers of modern broilers used at age  of 48  week, eggs of average weight  66 ± 1 g/egg were collected in same day then stored for two days. A quarter of treatments were randomly distributed with 100 eggs for each treatment.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Difficulties toward third level students in the department of Arabic language for both Education for Women College and Ibn Rushd/University of Baghdad for the studying of Arabic language curriculum: Difficulties toward third level students in the department of Arabic language for both Education for Women College and Ibn Rushd/University of Baghdad for the studying of Arabic language curriculum
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The curriculum is amodern science which reflects the social philosophy and
what it needs . It searches for amothod that limits the knowledge that the
indiridual gets in the society and the sorts of the culture that suits the enrironment
in which they live. It also clears for them their history and their great in heritance.
It has a great in flunce in their mental growth ,and it teacher the students new
roles in the thin king ,and training then on what they have learned . According to
there points the problem concentrats on the mostimpotant difficulties which facer
thestudents in studing Arabic langnage text-books
In spite of the great care that the text taker but it is full of subjects and studies

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 25 2012
Journal Name
Synthesis, Characterization And Antibacterial Activities Of Some Metal (ii) Heterocyclic Polyamine Complexes With 6,6'-(1,4-phenylenebis(azanediyl) Bis(2- Amino-6-methyl-6h-1,3-oxazin-4-ol) Ligand.
Synthesis, characterization and Antibacterial activities of some metal (II) heterocyclic polyamine complexes with 6,6'-(1,4-phenylenebis(azanediyl) bis(2-amino-6-methyl-6H-1,3-oxazin-4-ol) ligand.
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Supply Chain Management
The effect of internal training and auditing of auditors on supply chain management: An empirical study in listed companies of Iraqi stock exchange for the period 2012-2015
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Scopus (30)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Coverage of Health Topics in Iraqi Press An analytical Study of Two Newspapers entitled 'al-Sabah and al-Mada' from January 1, 2007 to October 31, 2001
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The current study aims to cover  the health topics  in the Iraqi  journalism ,  to know  the concern 's level  of the Iraqi journalism  when  covering  the health subjects and to know the size of its performance  under the diversity of  visual and audio medias. The researcher has discussed his research by wording it with a set of inquiries   that should be answered via the research and study.  He could have determined that by the following:

What is the concern's level of Iraqi journalism over the health subjects?  What are the forms and press arts that are functionalized by the Iraqi journalism as to get the health message to the republics?  What is t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluating molecular study of the association of Glutathione S – Transferase GST (T1 , M1) genetic polymorphism in Iraqi Arab Femals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Coronary Artery Disease
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Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a major health concern and leading of death in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Glutathione S – Transferase(GST) are known for their broad range of detoxification and in the metabolism of xenobiotics . The role of functional variants of these genes in the development of various disorder is proven. We investigated the possible role of these variants in the development of CAD in T2DM patients. In this case – control study a total of 60 patients (T2DM = 30 ; T2DM – CAD = 30) and 30 controls were included. Serum lipid profiles were measured and DNA was extracted from the blood samples. Multiplex PCR for GSTT1/M1 (present / null) polymorphism, were performed for genotyping of study pa

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of The Effect of Aqueous Extracts of two Plants, Origanum Vulgare L. and Fenugreek Seeds with Anticancer Drug Cis-Platin on the Growth of Cancer Cell Lines
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This study involved the effect of the aqueous extracts of two plants, Origanum vulgare L.(1), Trigonella Foenum Graecum L. (Fenugreek) seeds(2) on the growth of cancer cell lines. Rhabdomyo sarcomas (RD) of human cell line and female intestine cells of Albino mice (L20B) in vitro System. These extracts were compared with the known anticancer drug Cis-platinum(Cis-Pt) as a positive control. The phytochemical tests were used for screening the active compounds in plants. The inhibition activity assay was used as a parameter of the cytotoxic effect of these extracts. Cancer cell lines were treated with four concentrations of Cis-platin, 31.25, 62.5, 125 and 250 ?g/ml for 72 hour exposure time. The same concentrations were used for the other ext

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Spread of Private Education: An Analytical Geographical Study of the Factors of their Appearance, Prevalence and Functional Competence in Baghdad: سيناء عدنان عبد الله, و أريج بهجت أحمد
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يهدف البحث إلى تقييم الكفاءة الوظيفية لمؤسسات التعليم الأهلي في أداء وظيفتها بمستوى عالٍ لتشبع حاجة سكان المدينة الذين فضّلوا التعليم الأهلي على التعليم داخل المؤسسات الحكومية مما أدى إلى انتشارها، وصولا إلى أهم الآثار المترتبة على ذلك الانتشار إذ نافست فيه مؤسسات التعليم الحكومي، بل وتنافست المؤسسات الأهلية فيما بينها لتقديم أفضل خدمة تعليمية للصراع من أجل البقاء، وتهدف أيضا إلى  إظهار الوجه السلبي ا

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Variables (Bias-cut) of Tailoring and their Effect on the Quality of Fitting the Standard Pattern for Large-Shaped Iraqi Ladies: رشا علي صالح , بشرى فاضل صالح التميمي
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The present research is descriptive and analytical by nature; it practically presents the method of implementing the standard pattern in an unconventional way using the bias-cut line. The study aims at investigating the variables of bias-cut and their suitability for fitting large-shaped Iraqi ladies. It also aims at exploring the artistic and innovative features of the bias-cut. Therefore, one needs to understand the rules and basics of clothing and the nature of the body to reach the maximum degree of control.Consequently, the study is to answer the following questions: What is the effectiveness of tailoring on the bias-cut in fitting a standard template of a large-shaped Iraqi ladies? Is it possible to obtain from the offered possibil

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