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Chemical comparison and Trichomes types of Salvia species growing in Anbar Governorate – Iraq

The trichomes and chemical composition of three species of the genus Salvia wild-grown (Salvia lanigera, Salvia spinosa) and cultured (Salvia officinalis) were studied in the Anbar governate, the chemical components of the stem and leaves were studied by Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry(GC-MS), in addition to studying the trichomes of the epidermis in the stem and leaves (upper and lower epidermis) by Light microscope. Important differences appeared to us in the chemical study, where it was found that some compounds were found in species without others, which gives them taxonomic importance, also, the trichomes were important in distinguishing the studied species, the species S. spinosa was distinguished by the presence of glandular trichome with funnel form head on the lower epidermis of the leaves and absence non-glandular multicellular-uniseriate flagellated trichomes. S. officinalis was distinguished by the density of non-glandular multicellular-uniseriate –flagellated trichomes, while S. lanigera was distinguished by non-glandular multicellular-uniseriate –branched trichomes, addition to the presence non-glandular multicellular-uniseriate – straight, curved and glandular trichome with globular head in all studied species.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 19 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
Isolation and characterization of phosphate solubilizing Pseudomonas species and assess its efficacy as plant growth promoter

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Persistence and bifurcation analysis among four species interactions with the influence of competition, predation and harvesting

      In this paper, the interplay among four population species is offered. The system consists of two competitive prey, predator and super predators. The application of the hypothesis of the Sotomayor theorem for local bifurcation around every equilibrium point is adopted. It is detected that the transcritical bifurcation could occur near most of the system's equilibrium points, while saddle-node and pitchfork bifurcation can not be accrued at any of them. Further, the conditions that guarantee the accruing Hopf bifurcation are carried out. Finally, some numerical analysis is illustrated to confirm the analytical results.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
The Journal Of Contemporary Dental Practice
Assessment of Ions released from Three Types of Orthodontic Brackets immersed in Different Mouthwashes: An in vitro Study

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
evaluation of soils baghdad governorate pollution by radioactive elements

Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

This study includes applying chemical tests on cow, sheep and chicken bones including both hallow and flat. The results of chemical tests on bones mentioned the moisture percentage which was between 4.95-7.32 %, and it was noticed the difference in protein percentage among different kinds of bones, The highest protien percentage was 39.62 % in hallow chicken bones and the lowest was in hallow sheep bones 20.31%, at the same time, the highest Ash percentage was in hallow sheep bones48.11% , whereas the highest percentage of fat was in hallow cow bones 30%. The chemical and physical tests were conducted for extracted fat from hallow and flat bones for cows, sheeps and chicken. It was found that peroxide values (PV), and free fatty acids (F

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Creative behavior and its relationship to the administrative leadership of secondary school principals in Al- Karkh/2 district in Baghdad governorate

The importance of research lies in the school administration and that the school is the main cell of the educational system and its ultimate goal, and therefore modern education requires the presence of sophisticated leaders represented in educational administration at various levels. Administrative leaderships and the two researchers' belief that the institution’s ability and success or failure depend on a special type of leader who is highly effective and efficient, directing workers ’behavior towards creativity and achievement in order to achieve the goals of the institution in serving the educational bodies, increasing the effectiveness of leadership and developing the creative behavior of secondary school principals in

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Measurement of radon gas concentration in water and soil samples in AL-Najaf governorate by using nuclear track detector (CR-39)

The radon gas concentration in environmental samples soil and water of selected regions in Al-Najaf governorate was measured by using alpha-emitters registrations which are emitted form radon gas in (CR-39) nuclear track detector. The first part is concerned with the determination of radon gas concentration in soil samples, results of measurements indicate that the highest average radon concentration in soil samples was found in (Al-Moalmen) region which was (100.0±7.0 Bq/m3), while the lowest average radon concentration was found in (Al-Askary) region which was (38.5±4.7 Bq/m3), with an average value of (64.23±14.9 Bq/m3) ,the results show that the radon gas concentrations in soil is below the allowed limit from (ICRP) agency which is (

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The effect of rural building types informing the type of traditional courtyard houses in Sulaimaneyah city.

The types of traditional houses vary from region to region according to physical and non-physical circumstances, and Sulaymaniyah city is characterized by a type of traditional houses that differ significantly from those in most cities and regions neighboring are always different from the general pattern that is prevalent in the region and the Muslim world.


The aim of this research is to study the cause of this difference or distinction in the traditional houses in Sulaimaniyah city, by comparing the most common models in these houses and comparing them with the general models of village houses that originally existed in the region to relaize the convergence and contrast between them. The research was based on a co

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of leukocytes cells types counts in blood from patients with different severities of periodontal diseases

Background: Periodontal diseases are inflammatory disorders caused by the accumulation of oral biofilm and the host response to this accumulation which characterized by exaggerated leukocytes and neutrophils attraction to the sites of inflammation by chemoattractants which are a very important part of the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases. This study aimed to determine and compare the clinical periodontal parameters and the leukocyte cell types in the peripheral blood between patients with gingivitis and periodontitis with different severities compared to healthy controls. Materials and methods: This study included 150 male subjects aged between 35-50 years. They were divided into three groups: gingivitis group (n=30), periodontitis p

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Use of Two Aquatic Snail Species as Bioindicators of Heavy Metals in Tigris River-Baghdad

     Thirty individuals of Bellamya bengalensis and Physella acuta were collected and identified from the Tigris River in Baghdad during the period between October to November 2017. The efficiency of bioaccumulation of the two species as bioindicators for aquatic heavy metal pollution with Cd, Ni, Pb and Cu was investigated. Both snail species had the ability to accumulate heavy metals. The mean of Ni concentration in soft tissues of both snails was 1.53 ppm while the mean concentration of other heavy metals was significantly lower; they reached 0.51 ppm, 0.36 ppm and 0.29 ppm, respectively. While no significant differences between B. bengalensis and  P.acuta were noticed in th

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