ريل لسادة الكيسياء َ جؼ البحث الى التعخؼ عمى أثخ استخاتيجية فجػة السعمػمات في التح َى جؼ البحث فقج صيغت الفخضية التي َ تػسط , والتحقق مغ ى ُ جى شلاب الرف الثاني الس َ ل جؼ البحث أعتسج الباحث َ تتعمق بالتحريل ولتحقيق ى ػعتيغ متداويتيغ ُ بي لسجس ِ ي السشيج التجخ ريل الجراسي , تكػنت عيشة البحث مغ َ ) شالب مغ شلاب ٗٛ( ذواتي اختبار بعجي لمتح -ٕٕٕٓالرف الثاني الستػسط في ( متػسصة الذييج خزيخ جاسع العارضي ) لمعاـ الجارسي ( ا ٕٗ) حيث بمغ عجد شلاب السجسػعة التجخيِبية (ٕٕٖٓ َ ) شالب , ٕٗ ) شالب و الزبصة ( ت السجسػعتاف في بعس الستغيخات ( العسخ الدمشي بالذيػر , التحريل الجراسي لمػالجيغ َ وكػفئ , اختبار الحكاء , اختبار السعمػمات الدابقة لسادة الكيسياء ) , تع اعجاد اختبار تحريمي لسادة فقخة مػضػعية مغ نػع الاختيار مغ متعجد , وتع (40)الكيسياء وتألف اختبار التحريل مغ جسػعة الزابصة َ ت الس ُ فق استخاتيجية فجػة السعمػمات ودرس ُ جسػعة التجخيبية عمى و َ تجريذ الس جسػعتي البحث ُ تبار التحريل عمى كلا م ُ نتياء التجخبة شبق اخ ِ تيادية وعشج ا َ خيقة اع َ وفق الص . ابصة َ يبية والز ِ التجخ وقج أضيخت الشتائج ػد فخؽ ُ : الى وج ُ ذ ج مدتػى دلالة َ و دلالة احرائية عش (0.05) جػة َ يجية ف ِ ات ػا عمى وفق استخ ُ بية الحيغ درس ِ ي جسػعة التجخ ُ تػسط درجات شلاب الس َ غ م ِ بي جات شلاب السجسػعة الزابصة الحي درسػا عمى وفق الصخيقة َ السعمػمات وبيغ متػسط در الاعتيادية في الاختبار التحريمي لرالح السجسػعة التجخيبية
يعد الكيمياء من العلوم المهمة التي تدرس في جميع مراحل التعليم الاساسي ومراحل التعليم العالي في كليات (الزراعة ، العلوم ، الصيدلة ، التربية الاساسية ، الطب ، طب الاسنان ، الطب البيطري) لأنها تدخل في الكثير من مفاصل الحياة اليومية وما لها من تأثير في تقدم المجتمعات من الناحية الصناعية والاقتصادية حيث تدخل الكيمياء في الصناعات الغذائية ، والصناعات الدوائية او صناعة الاقمشة والزراعة وتطوير الثروة الحيوانية عن ط
... Show MoreThe organization uses many techniques and methods to ensure that they will succeed and adapted with velocity change in the internal and external environment by decision taking, especially strategic decisions.
Strategic decisions are very important for organization success because it can predict the future and deal with uncertainty, in this circumstances they need accurate and comprehensive information to make effective strategic decision.
To achieve that purpose it must owned successful Strategic Information System ( SIS ) and determined the critical success factors for this system ,which can assisted the worker to focus on the important activities to develop it.
... Show More
Where the accounting system in Iraq is still using many of these accounting practices according to the legal requirements to measure assets and liabilities away from the measurement that results in information representing the economic essence and represent honestly the financial situation and financial performance and future cash flows, and the needs of users of financial reports to useful accounting information adopted The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) represents the true representation of accounting information in accordance with the concept of economic substance, which is the basis for the preparation and development of international accounting standards, and because accounting is part of the
... Show MoreWe have chosen the subject of the research (the letters at Ibn Jinnie in the lexicon of the tongue of the Arabs) in order to know the opinion of Ibn Jinnie in this range of words and compare them with the opinions of scientists who preceded him to know the personality of this linguistic world.
Divine laws are policies that Allah runs his servants, people are different in the accord-ing to the difference of periods .Each period has its kind of conduct and furtune of kindness and their own interest . As every nation has a kind of conduct to be applicable to them even if it will be decay in the rights of the others . For this meaning it would be permitted to meet two prophets in the same period according to the difference of their interest.
The prophecy of Mohamad has been demonstrated and his message was famous according to his miracles and decisive signs. And people from other religions tried to deny his message . As the Christians tried to deny his message by making nobody believe his signs and miracles .
And as the Jews
السياسة في الفلسفة الاسلامية : الفكر السياسي عند الفارابي
وفي الحقيقة وأنا أكتب عن الفكر العمراني عند اليعقوبي وقفت وقفات طويلة أردت منها أن أحدد المجال الذي أبدع فيه اليعقوبي لكي أوسم موضوع بحثي، كأن أقول عنه الجغرافي أو مهندس أو رحالة أو أديب، لكني وجدته جغرافياً طبيعياً وبشرياً ومهندس بناءً عارفاً بمواد البناء وهندسة البناء وهندسة المساحة والطرق والجسور والهندسة المعمارية، لذا وجدته موسوعة لكل ما كان في عصره من العلوم، فضلاً عن كونه مؤرخاً، له مؤلفة المشهور ((
... Show MoreIsmailism is of great importance in Islamic history and Islamic political thought. In different countries of the Muslim world today their presence exists and is active but is confused with mystery and secrecy. The most important characteristic of their political ideology is their dependence on the esoteric exegesis, which they have made an intellectual basis for which their most ideas relate, when they make for everything visible and exposed a hidden matter, not only aware of the esoteric exegesis, which only God knows and entrenched in science, and they mean imams or whoever They are called "(esoteric)" as a result of the Ismaili belief in esoteric interpretation and that everything is apparent inward, as well as they called the ((seven
... Show MoreThis research deals with the study of pathways in terms of the negative effect in proving them
And the fact of this influence among fundamentalists.
The research consists of two subjects and a conclusion.
In the first section, I learned about the terms in the title of the research:
Denial and pathology.
In the second section I reviewed the pathways of illness that affect exile in it
Five: the nodding, the fitting, the sounding, the division, the rotation, the inference
A description of the absence of evidence of non-reference to it. And I figured out how
Negation in it by striking some illustrative examples as fruit
Arising from the effect of negation in proving those routes.
As a result of this research, a
Experts of Psychology and education emphasized that childhood is one of the most important stages in the formation of human personality, and the most influential in his public life, especially the stage in which he lives within his family, which must provide him with the requirements of healthy growth of physical, emotional, moral and social. Emotional-social connection of the child to his family, is especially important in determining the characteristics of his social character, in accordance with the norms and values prevailing in society. This requires the child to be cared for and cared for, and to deal with him in a healthy social manner. So as to achieve positive growth and harmony in the process of social control in internal
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