An analytical study of the crossing and throwing steps and the distances of pulling and extending the arm of elite javelin throwers and their relationship to achieve menthe researcherAbstract : The javelin throw event is one of the distinguished events in athletics, and it requires physical capabilities and special movement capabilities in addition to some physical specifications. Approximate or final throwing phase.The importance of research is highlighted by the continuous interest in sports achievements and the continuation of the process of developing them, and the importance of kinetic analysis in revealing the most important weaknesses of shooters, and the importance of biomechanical variables, especially the last throwing steps, the distance of withdrawal and the extension of the throwing arm during the throwing.The research problem revolved around the importance of identifying some numerical values of the biomechanical variables and their relationship to achievement, focusing on the weaknesses that the Iraqi spear thrower suffers from in the pre-throwing stage of force preparation, and working on analyzing these molecules and applying them to improve technical performance.And the failure to use motor analysis and identify weaknesses with high accuracy, in addition to the lack of interest by the trainers in the characteristics of the values of the biomechanical variables affecting each other in order to program their training programs in order to achieve their goals as quickly as possible and with the least effort.The aim of the research is to identify the most important biomechanical variables related to the stage of preparing the force, which is the speed of the last throwing step and the speed of the penultimate scissor crossing step and the decrease between the speed of these two steps and the distance of pulling and extending the throwing arm and the relationship between these variables with the achievement of the Iraqi elite spear throwers.The researcher used the descriptive approach and correlational relationships in her current study because it is appropriate to the nature of the problem of the study. The research community consisted of elite Iraqi players who are advanced in javelin throwing, and their number is (6) shooters. They took a comprehensive enumeration method. The test was conducted on the research sample in the stadium of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Kufa in preparation for the championship. The Iraqi clubs have the third round, giving each shooter six attempts as in the official races, and the best attempt was taken as an achievement for the analysis, and two analysis cameras (CASIO FH13.5) were used at a speed of 120 frames per second, and the analysis was done with the analysis program (Kenova). After analyzing and discussing the results, the researcher concluded that there is a relationship A direct correlation between the length and speed and the distance of the throwing arm with the achievement and an inverse correlation between the steps and the time of the steps and the difference between the two speeds and the distance of the stretch with the achievement.
تناول البحث موضوع ثلاثية السعادة عند مارتن سليجمان وعند الفلاسفة المسلمين . وتنبين ان هذه الدراسة مفاداها أن نعم .. في الدنيا سعادة ، لكنها موصولة بسعادة الآخرة ، فأهلها هم أهل السعادة الأخروية، ولذا فقد تجد أناسًا حصلوا أسباب السعادة لكنهم لم يذوقوا طعمها ، فمن خلال هذه الحقيقة ، يتبين أن هناك تقارب في وجهات النظر بين الفلاسفة المسلمين ومارتن سيلجمان
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من القضايا المهمة في الفقه الاسلامي قضية الاصلاح الاجتماعي ومنها النظر في المرافق العامة، والالتفات إلى تحمل المسئولية فيها ورعايتها، حتى تتحقق الغاية في منافعها، وحسن الاستفادة منها، ومن المرافق العامة، الطريق العام ــ وهو النافذ ــ فلجميع الخلق أن ينتفع به ، ومنفعتها الأصلية المرور فيه بما لا يضر الآخرين.
وإن من الواجب على جميع المسلمين أ
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Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education
The woman is a entity that hard-to-reach inside here . Despite of her tenderness , she is an entity that preserves many secrets and may expose others she just know these secrets . She has an accurate observation of everything that surrounds of her so she is entrusted with the most important task in the life that care of the children , because here accuracy of the remark , ability to tolerance it is really half of the society and its foundation , from this point of view we find it important to study her poet and what is expressing of her feelings . The researcher chose two consecutive and overlapping times which is complement each of other in many aspects - the Abbasid and the Andalusian era . I
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تعد مسألة الصفات من بواكير المباحث الكلامية التي حظيت باهتمام كبير لدى المتكلمين، إذ شغلت حيزا كبيرا من مصنفاتهم الكلامية. حتى أن بعض الباحثين يرون أن سبب تسمية علم الكلام بهذا الاسم يرجع إلى أن أهم مشكلات هذا العلم هي مسألة الكلام الإلهي الذي هو صفة من صفاته تعالى، مما يعكس أهمية هذه المسألة في علم الكلام. وكان الجعد بن درهم (ت118هـ) من أوائل من أثار قضية الصف
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