In this article, the partially ordered relation is constructed in geodesic spaces by betweeness property, A monotone sequence is generated in the domain of monotone inward mapping, a monotone inward contraction mapping is a monotone Caristi inward mapping is proved, the general fixed points for such mapping is discussed and A mutlivalued version of these results is also introduced.
Czerwi’nski et al. introduced Lucky labeling in 2009 and Akbari et al and A.Nellai Murugan et al studied it further. Czerwi’nski defined Lucky Number of graph as follows: A labeling of vertices of a graph G is called a Lucky labeling if for every pair of adjacent vertices u and v in G where . A graph G may admit any number of lucky labelings. The least integer k for which a graph G has a lucky labeling from the set 1, 2, k is the lucky number of G denoted by η(G). This paper aims to determine the lucky number of Complete graph Kn, Complete bipartite graph Km,n and Complete tripartite graph Kl,m,n. It has also been studied how the lucky number changes whi
... Show MoreIn this research, a new application has been developed for games by using the generalization of the separation axioms in topology, in particular regular, Sg-regular and SSg- regular spaces. The games under study consist of two players and the victory of the second player depends on the strategy and choice of the first player. Many regularity, Sg, SSg regularity theorems have been proven using this type of game, and many results and illustrative examples have been presented
In this paper, we give the concept of N-open set in bitopological spaces, where N is the first letter of the name of one of the authors, then we used this concept to define a new kind of compactness, namely N-compactness and we define the N-continuous function in bitopological spaces. We study some properties of N-compact spaces, and the relationships between this kind and two other known kinds which are S-compactness and pair-wise compactness.
This work, introduces some concepts in bitopological spaces, which are nm-j-ω-converges to a subset, nm-j-ω-directed toward a set, nm-j-ω-closed mappings, nm-j-ω-rigid set, and nm-j-ω-continuous mappings. The mainline idea in this paper is nm-j-ω-perfect mappings in bitopological spaces such that n = 1,2 and m =1,2 n ≠ m. Characterizations concerning these concepts and several theorems are studied, where j = q , δ, a , pre, b, b.
In this thesis, we study the topological structure in graph theory and various related results. Chapter one, contains fundamental concept of topology and basic definitions about near open sets and give an account of uncertainty rough sets theories also, we introduce the concepts of graph theory. Chapter two, deals with main concepts concerning topological structures using mixed degree systems in graph theory, which is M-space by using the mixed degree systems. In addition, the m-derived graphs, m-open graphs, m-closed graphs, m-interior operators, m-closure operators and M-subspace are defined and studied. In chapter three we study supra-approximation spaces using mixed degree systems and primary object in this chapter are two topological
... Show MoreIn this paper, we define the bg**-connected space and study the relation between this space and other kinds of connected spaces .Also we study some types of continuous functions and study the relation among (connected space, b-connected space, bg-connected space and bg**-connected space) under these types of continuous functions.
In the present paper, a simply* compact spaces was introduced it defined over simply*- open set previous knowledge and we study the relation between the simply* separation axioms and the compactness, in addition to introduce a new types of functions known as 𝛼𝑆 𝑀∗ _irresolte , 𝛼𝑆 𝑀∗ __𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑜𝑢𝑠 and 𝑅 𝑆 𝑀∗ _ continuous, which are defined between two topological spaces.
Relation on a set is a simple mathematical model to which many real-life data can be connected. A binary relation on a set can always be represented by a digraph. Topology on a set can be generated by binary relations on the set . In this direction, the study will consider different classical categories of topological spaces whose topology is defined by the binary relations adjacency and reachability on the vertex set of a directed graph. This paper analyses some properties of these topologies and studies the properties of closure and interior of the vertex set of subgraphs of a digraph. Further, some applications of topology generated by digraphs in the study of biological systems are cited.