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New Analytical Methods for Drugs Analysis A Comparative Study
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Four different spectrophotometric methods are used in this study for the determination of Sulfamethoxazole and sulfanilamide drugs in pharmaceutical compounds, synthetic samples, and in their pure forms. The work comprises four chapters which are shown in the following: Chapter One: Includes a brief for Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-VIS) Absorption spectroscopy, antibacterial drugs and sulfonamides with some methods for their determination. The chapter lists two methods for optimization; univariate method and multivariate method. The later includes different types, two of these were mentioned; simplex method and design of experiment method. Chapter Two: Includes reaction of the two studied drugs with sodium nitrite and hydrochloric acid for diazotization reaction followed by coupling with diphenylamine in acidic medium to form, a blue colored azo dye compound which exhibits maximum absorption (λmax) at 530 nm for sulfamethoxazole complex and 531 nm for sulfanilamide complex against the reagent blank and the concentration of these drugs were determined spectrophotometrically. The optimum reaction conditions and other analytical parameters were evaluated. In addition to classical univariate optimization, modified simplex method has been applied in optimization of the variables affecting the color producing reaction. The results show better optical characteristics for calibration curves and statistical data were obtained under optimum conditions obtained by multi simplex optimization, in comparison with those obtained via univariate method for two studied drugs. Beer’s law obeyed in the concentration range of 0.5-12.0 μg.mL-1, 0.5-7.0 μg.mL-1 for sulfamethoxazole and sulfanilamide respectively with molar absorptivity of 4.9617×104 for sulfamethoxazole and 5.9185×104 for sulfanilamide. The detection limits were 0.036 μg.mL-1 and 0.016 µg.mL-1 for the two complexes respectively by simplex method. No interferences from the studied excipients on the determination of these drugs were found therefore, the proposed methods were applied successfully II for the determination of the sulfamethoxazole and sulfanilamide in pharmaceutical compound and in synthetic samples. Chapter Three: Is based on the formation of condensation complexes of each drug with sodium 1,2-naphthoquinon-4-sulfonate as a chromogenic reagent. The absorbance values, for the formed complexes were measured at 460 nm for sulfamethoxazole and 455 nm for sulfanilamide; against reagent blank. Different variables affecting the completion of reaction have been carefully optimized following the classical univariate sequence and design of experiment (DOE) method and the results were obtained under optimum conditions by (DOE) optimization which shows better optical characteristics for calibration curves and statistical data in comparison with those obtained via univariate method for two studied drugs. The calibration graphs are linear in the ranges of (5.0-50.0) µg.mL-1 for sulfamethoxazole and (5.0-30.0) µg.mL-1 for sulfanilamide with detection limit 0.359 µg.mL-1for sulfamethoxazole complex and 0.536 µg.mL-1 for sulfanilamide complex. The molar absorptivity was found to be (7.0918×104 for sulfamethoxazole and (7.0774×104 for sulfanilamide by the design of experiment (DOE) method. Finally no interferences from the studied excipients on the determination of these drugs were found. The proposed methods have been successfully applied for the determination of sulfamethoxazole and sulfanilamide in their pharmaceutical preparation and synthetic samples. Chapter Four: Includes two parts; Derivative spectrophotometry and partial least-squares (PLS). Derivative spectrophotometry is based on the first and second derivative spectra of absorption which has been applied for simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of sulfamethoxazole and sulfanilamide in their mixture in the ultraviolet region. The method offers an advantage of getting rid of the resulting error in the values of absorption because of the presence of each drug with the presence of interferences from the excipients. It was found that the method is able to accurately estimate sulfamethoxazole in the range of (2.0-50.0) μg.mL-1; in mixtures containing III (2.0-30.0) μg.mL-1 of sulfanilamide, as (interferent). The results obtained, with the first derivative measurements, indicate that when the concentration of sulfanilamide is kept constant and the concentration of sulfamethoxazole varied, the peak amplitudes are measured at peak-to-baseline (223, 254,287 nm), peak to peak height between (223- 254 nm), (254-287nm). Moreover, the height at the zero cross of sulfanilamide at (235.62, 258.72 nm), heightto-height of the two zero crosses between (235.62-258.72 nm) and area under peak between (241.95-267.04 nm), (267.04-330 nm) were found to be in proportion to the sulfamethoxazole concentration therefore they are used for the determination of it. The careful inspection of the second derivative spectra obtained for the mentioned mixtures of sulfamethoxazole and sulfanilamide shows that peak to basline is at (239.5, 263.5, 267.75, 301, 215 nm) , height to basline is at zero cross is at (245.86, 271.28 nm) , peak to peak is between (239.5-264.25 nm), (239.5-267.75 nm), (271.28-301 nm), (215-239.5 nm), height to height is at two zero cross (245.86-271.28 nm) in addition to peak area at the interval between (254.12-281 nm), (286.95- 329.5 nm), (221.75-254.12 nm) measurements at specified wavelength could be used to quantify the exact concentration of sulfamethoxazole in presence of sulfanilamide. Sulfanilamide was determined for the range of (2.0-50.0) μg.mL-1; in a mixture containing (2.0-50.0) μg.mL-1 of sulfamethoxazole as (interferent). The procedure gave good results over the studied range of concentration depending on peak-to-baseline at (224, 246, 271 nm), height at zero cross at (241.95, 267.04 nm), peak to peak between (224-246 nm), (246-271 nm), height to height at two zero cross (241.95-271 nm) and area under the peak at (235.62-258.72 nm) measurements were found to be used for the determination of sulfanilamide in the first derivative technique. On other situation, the wavelengths are at 218 nm, 231 nm, 260 nm and 278 nm (peak to base line measurements), and height at two zero cross at 254 nm and 281 nm, and peak to peak measurements between (218-231 nm), (231-260 nm) and (260-278 nm), and height at zero cross at (254, 281 nm), wavelengths at (210-224 nm) , (224-245.84 nm) and (271.28-330 nm) peak area at the interval measurements were used for the estimation of sulfanilamide on second derivative.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Investigation of Using Evaporative Air Cooler for Winter Air-Conditioning in Baghdad
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This paper presents an efficient methodology to design modified evaporative air-cooler for winter air-conditioning in Baghdad city as well as using it for summer air-conditioning by adding a heating process after the humidification process. laboratory tests were performed on a direct evaporative cooler (DEC) followed by passing the air on hot water through heat exchanger placed in the coolers air duct exit. The tests were conducted on the 2nd of December /2011 when the ambient temperature was 8.1°C and the relative humidity was  (68%). The air flow rate is assumed to vary between 0.069 to 0.209 kg/s with constant water flow rate of 0.03 kg/s in the heat exchanger. The performance is reported in terms of effectiveness of DEC, satura

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Power System Stabilizer PSS4B Model for Iraqi National Grid using PSS/E Software
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To damp the low-frequency oscillations which occurred due to the disturbances in the electrical power system, the generators are equipped with Power System Stabilizer (PSS) that provide supplementary feedback stabilizing signals. The low-frequency oscillations in power system are classified as local mode oscillations, intra-area mode oscillation, and interarea mode oscillations. Double input multiband Power system stabilizers (PSSs) were used to damp out low-frequency oscillations in power system. Among dual-input PSSs, PSS4B offers superior transient performance. Power system simulator for engineering (PSS/E) software was adopted to test and evaluate the dynamic performance of PSS4B model on Iraqi national grid. The res

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Machine Learning Techniques for Analyzing Survival Data of Breast Cancer Patients in Baghdad
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The Machine learning methods, which are one of the most important branches of promising artificial intelligence, have great importance in all sciences such as engineering, medical, and also recently involved widely in statistical sciences and its various branches, including analysis of survival, as it can be considered a new branch used to estimate the survival and was parallel with parametric, nonparametric and semi-parametric methods that are widely used to estimate survival in statistical research. In this paper, the estimate of survival based on medical images of patients with breast cancer who receive their treatment in Iraqi hospitals was discussed. Three algorithms for feature extraction were explained: The first principal compone

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is one of recent years multicarrier modulation used in order to combat the Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) introduced by frequency selective mobile radio channel. The circular extension of the data symbol, commonly referred to as cyclic prefix is one of the key elements in an OFDM transmission scheme. This paper study The influence of the cyclic prefix duration on the BER performance of an OFDM-VCPL (Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing - Variable Cyclic Prefix Length) system and the conventional OFDM system with frame 64-QAM modulation is evaluated by means of computer simulation in a multipath fading channel. The adaptation of CP is done with respect to the delay spread estimation

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparison of Bayes' Estimators for the Exponential Reliability Function Under Different Prior Functions
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 In this study, we derived the estimation for Reliability of the Exponential distribution based on the Bayesian approach. In the Bayesian approach, the parameter of the Exponential distribution is assumed to be random variable .We  derived  posterior distribution the parameter of the Exponential distribution under four types priors distributions for the scale parameter of the Exponential distribution is: Inverse Chi-square distribution, Inverted Gamma distribution, improper distribution, Non-informative distribution. And the estimators for Reliability is obtained using the two proposed loss function in this study which is based on the natural logarithm for Reliability function .We used simulation technique, to compare the

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Trade relations between Iraq and selected Arab countries for the period 2003 -2013
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Ping message focused on highlighting the fact commodity trading in Iraq, and increased exposure to world merchandise trade imbalance, which dominate Iraq's foreign trade major commodity is oil, and therefore the inability of Iraq to control financial revenue as a result of the fluctuations in the international market, the shortage of commodity products will lead inevitably to the weakness in the ability of the local market to meet the internal demand and due to the lack of flexible production machine For agricultural, industrial and economic sectors are responding to changes in the domestic or external demand which will open the door to merchandise imports to invade these markets, since the adoption of the Iraq oil exports,

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Conference Of Numerical Analysis And Applied Mathematics Icnaam 2019
Investigate of TiO2 and SnO2 as electron transport layer for perovskite solar cells
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 24 2009
Journal Name
كتاب الوقائع /المؤتمر العلمي الثالث لكلية العلوم جامعة بغداد
Using antibiotics as mutagenic and curing agents for Prodigiosin Production By Serratia marcescens
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The effect of different antibiotics on growth pigment and plasmid curing of Serratia marcescens were studied, S. marcescens was cultured in media containing(16_500)µg/ml of antibiotics, curing mutants unable to produce prodigiosin and lost one plasmid band were obtained of of ampicillin, amoxillin, antibiotics concentrations (64 500) µg/ml metheprim, ultracloxam, azithromycin, cephalexin and erythromycin treated with (350 500) µg/ml of The mutant cells rose- light color and and refampicin revealed S.marcescens inhibited ciprodar and tetracyclin, lincomycin did not lost the plasmid band chlaforan

Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 1st International Informatics And Software Engineering Conference (ubmyk)
Radial Basis Function (RBF) Based on Multistage Autoencoders for Intrusion Detection system (IDS)
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In this paper, RBF-based multistage auto-encoders are used to detect IDS attacks. RBF has numerous applications in various actual life settings. The planned technique involves a two-part multistage auto-encoder and RBF. The multistage auto-encoder is applied to select top and sensitive features from input data. The selected features from the multistage auto-encoder is wired as input to the RBF and the RBF is trained to categorize the input data into two labels: attack or no attack. The experiment was realized using MATLAB2018 on a dataset comprising 175,341 case, each of which involves 42 features and is authenticated using 82,332 case. The developed approach here has been applied for the first time, to the knowledge of the authors, to dete

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 03 2020
Journal Name
Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures
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In this work, chemical spray pyrolysis deposition (CSP) technique was used to prepare a mixed In2O3-CdO thin films with different CdO content (10, 30 and 50)%volume ratio on glass substrates at 150 ᵒC substrate temperature. The surface morphology and structural properties were measured to find the optimum conditions to improve thin films properties for using as photo detector. Current –Time, the sensitivity and response speed vary for each mixture. Samples with 10% vol. CdO content has square pulse response with average rise time nearly 1s and fall time 1s.