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Threshold Current Density of Al0.1Ga0.9N/GaN Triple Quantum Well Laser
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Semiconductor laser is used in processing many issues related to the scientific, military, medical, industrial and agricultural fields due to its unique properties such as coherence and high strength where GaN-based components are the most efficient in this field. Current technological developments mention to the strong connection of GaN with sustainable electronic and optoelectronic devices which have high-efficiency. The threshold current density of Al0.1Ga0.9N/GaN triple quantum well laser structure was investigated to determine best values of the parameters affecting the threshold current density that are well width, average thickness of active region, cavity length, reflectivity of cavity mirrors and optical confinement factor. The optimum value of the threshold current density is 2670 A/cm2 was obtained when the well width (w= 2.5 nm), reflectivity of cavity mirrors (R1=0.75, R2=0.9), cavity length (L=2mm), average thickness of active region (d= 11.5 nm), and optical confinement factor ( Γ= 0.034) at room temperature.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 International Conference On Electrical Engineering And Informatics (iceei)
Health Information Exchange: Current Trends, Challenges and Recommendations
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2024
Journal Name
Materials Letters
Determination of third order susceptibility of carbon quantum dots at different concentrations
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The nonlinear refractive (NLR) index and third order susceptibility (X3) of carbon quantum dots (CQDs) have been studied using two laser wavelengths (473 and 532 nm). The z-scan technique was used to examine the nonlinearity. Results showed that all concentrations have negative NLR indices in the order of 10−10 cm2/W at two laser wavelengths. Moreover, the nonlinearity of CQDs was improved by increasing the concentration of CQDs. The highest value of third order susceptibility was found to be 3.32*10−8 (esu) for CQDs with a concentration of 70 mA at 473 nm wavelength.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 07 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Iraqi legislation and its impact in reality The current developmental economist
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The economic problems of external debt were illustrated by the impact of increased external borrowing on the faltering of economic development efforts by the impact of external loans on domestic savings, the balance of payments, their impact on inflation, the growing economic dependency abroad, the loss of national economic decision-making, The rise in the ratio of external debt to GDP, and fiscal deficits in a vicious cycle.

As we are found in the economies of the different states, there are mostly many problems that happen to peoples causing them to be poor and tied, that is when the states resort to borrowing from the national banks and selling the bonds and treasury bonds and claiming donations and gifts and other trials for

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 12 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Correlations of Reservoir Rock Properties from Well Measurements
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 09 2009
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad
Estimation of Reservoir Rock Properties from Well Measurements
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Porosity and permeability are the most difficult properties to determine in subsurface reservoir characterization. The difficulty of estimating them arising from the fact that porosity and permeability may vary significantly over the reservoir volume, and can only be sampled at well location. Secondly, the porosity values are commonly evaluated from the well log data, which are usually available from most wells in the reservoir, but permeability values, which are generally determined from core analysis, are not usually available. The aim of this study is: First, to develop correlations between the core and the well log data which can be used to estimate permeability in uncored wells, these correlations enable to estimate reservoir permeabil

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Potability of Well Water in Falluja City ,Iraq.
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  The Falluja residents had resorted to the underground water as an alternative to the surface waters of the Euphrates river passing near the city, through digging wells inside gardens of Mosques in the city during spring 2005. The present study aims to indicate the quality of these waters and demonstrates the extent of their suitability for drinking . For this purpose, 21 randomly distributed wells were chosen during August 2005. The water characters were measured ; the average values of 21 wells were as follows : Water temp .(22.6C Ù’ â—Œ ) , EC (4,11 msem .\cm ), pH (7.15 ) and concentration of cations : Na (439mg\l) ;K (275mg\l) ; Li (0,28mg\l), Ba (15.2 mg\l) and (133mg\l). These character is ties were compared with the

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Geomechanics Analysis of Well Drilling Instability: A Review
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Wellbore instability is a significant problem faced during drilling operations and causes loss of circulation, caving, stuck pipe, and well kick or blowout. These problems take extra time to treat and increase the Nonproductive Time (NPT). This paper aims to review the factors that influence the stability of wellbores and know the methods that have been reached to reduce them. Based on a current survey, the factors that affect the stability of the wellbore are far-field stress, rock mechanical properties, natural fractures, pore pressure, wellbore trajectory, drilling fluid chemicals, mobile formations, naturally over-pressured shale collapse, mud weight, temperature, and time. Also, the most suitable ways to reduce well

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Optical and structural characteristics of carbon quantum dots manufacturing by electrochemical method
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Electrochemical method was used to prepare carbon quantum dots (CQDs). Size of matter was nature when evaluate via X-ray diffraction (XRD). A distinct peak at 2θ equal to 31.6° and three other small peaks at 38.28°, 56.41° and 66.12° were observed. The measures of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) showed the bonds in the transmittance spectrum are manufactured with carbon nanostructures in view. The first peaks are the O–H stretching vibration bands at (3417 and 2922) cm−1, (C–O–H at 1400, and 1317) cm−1, (C–H), (C=C), (C–O–H), (C=O), and (C–O) bonds at 2850, 1668, 1101, and 1026 cm−1 sequentially. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results presented that the spherical CQDs are in shape and on a

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Introduction and Investigation into Oil Well Logging Operations (Review)
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Oil well logging, also known as wireline logging, is a method of collecting data from the well environment to determine subterranean physical properties and reservoir parameters. Measurements are collected against depth along the well's length, and many types of wire cabling tools depend on the physical property of interest. Well probes generally has a dynamic respon to changes in rock layers and fluid composition. These probes or well logs are legal documents that record the history of a well during the drilling stages until its completion. Well probes record the physical properties of the well, which must then be interpreted in petrographic terms to obtain the characteristics of the rocks and flui

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fracture Analysis for the Triple Junction of Bekhair- Brifca- Zawita, Anticline Northern Iraq
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The aim of the research is to detect the relation between the fracture sets and systems with the stages of folding. The triple junction area of the research comprises the three faced plunges of three anticlines Bekhair, Brifca and Zawita anticline. GEOreint, ver 9.5.0 was used for analyzing and classifying the data collected from the field measurements on 11 stations in proportion to the orthogonal tectonic axes. The age of exposed rocks ranges from Paleocene up to Miocene. The fractures were represented as joints, veins in addition to different types of faults. The Kinematic analysis of the fractures revealed that the stress caused the (ac) and (hko> a) fractures is coincides with the regional compression stress that form the folds w

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