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الـوزير محمد بن علي بن خلف ابو غالب الملقب بـ ( فـــخـر الــمـلك ) ( ت 407 هـ - 1016 م ) دراسة تأريخية
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ــد ً الوزيرالـــوزيــرمحمد بن علي بن خلف ابو غالب الملقب بـ (فـــخـر الــمـلك )(407هـ-1016م)من الشخصيات المهمة،ية البويهية ، المثيراء الامارواعظم وزرالجدل ، وهذا ما سنوضحهفي البحث .ي كون والده ِ كان صيرفيا ً فلادة ونشأة الوزير فخر الملك في بيئة عنيت بالجانب الأدارأسهمت وٌي ديوان مدينة واسط ، أثرِاتهفي صقل قدرالإالع ِ دارية ، فضلا ً عن صفاتهقلية ،ة البويهية علىاء الأماروالشخصية التي جعلته ُ يكون رمز وزرلكل ةارالأطلاق ، إذ ولي َ منصب الوزمن الاميربهاء الدولة ابي نصر بن عضد الدولة البويهي(379-403هـ/989-1012ِم) وولدهالأمير سلطان الدولة ابو شجاع بن عضد الدولة البويهي(403–415ه/1012-1024م)ات، ليثبت قدرة من الزمن .أدارية ، وسياسية جعلته ُ مهيب الجانب ، وافر الحرمة لفترلم تكن نهاية الوزير اعلاه مهيبة كحياتهعان ما، بل سرقبض عليه الأمير سلطان الدولة، وأخذ بحبسهِ، وقتله،والمثير فياء تلك النهاية المأساوالأمر هو صمت المصادر التأريخية عن الأسباب والدوافع التي وقفت ورة البويهيةاء الأمارية لأعظم وزر

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
مبنى القافية واثره الاسلوبي في ديوان (الجداول) لايليا ابو ماضي
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 22 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الإمام علي الهادي(ع) دراسة تحليلية في السيرة والمنهج
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God bestowed upon the Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) knowledge and wisdom, in addition to give them virtue as long as it was not given to anyone from the worlds. knowledge have been enriched from them that cause pride.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
Journal Name
Experimentation in the works of the artist Muhammad Al-Kinani" an anaylytical study"
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The problem of the tagged research (experimentation in the works of the artist Muhammad al-Kinani is an analytical study) dealt with the nature of the concept of experimentation and its work in the works of Muhammad al-Kinani. Which adopts the removal of the concept of style and artistic style and takes the experience away from the pattern of repetition The importance of the research comes through the identification of the materials founding the artistic work. The current research benefits the specialists in the field of arts from the students of studies with a new and renewed formulation of creativity. The research objectives shed light on the contemporary experiences of the artist Muhammad Al-Kinani and its importance in benefiting res

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
The narrative and dramatic construction between the vision of the script and the director: بان جبار خلف
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  The relationship between the vision of the scenario and the director is represented in the second search for new mechanisms and possibilities that possess the direct effect and synonyms of the vision of the scenario, so he works on investing them in achieving his ideas and visions with more effectiveness and flexibility to achieve creative potentials, without resorting to the installations and expressive structures themselves that have exhausted their meaning, and lost their luster due to Its prevalence and familiarity on the one hand, and its activation on the other hand to achieve modernity at the level of aromas, after the director takes a method or approach that has privacy and exclusivity, and based on the foregoing, getting

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Dramatic Structure Transformations in the Iraqi Feature Film: بان جبار خلف
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The research topic (The dramatic structure transformations in the Iraqi Feature Film) studies the dramatic structure and its transformations in the Iraqi feature film. The research determined the research problem and the need for it in addition to the aims and the limits of the study as well as its importance. The theoretical framework consists of the following themes: the dramatic transformations mechanism and dramatic data in the Iraq film 1957-2003 then the dramatic values transformations and the performance contradictions in the Iraqi film.
The research, after concluding the theoretical framework, came up with a number of indicators of the theoretical framework that have been used as a tool to analyze the sample. The research proc

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The artistic treatment of the expatriate character in the fictional film: آسيا جبار خلف
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Although cinema is moving towards art, it has dealt with the character since the beginning of the discovery of cinematic art in films such as (Doctor Caligari's cabin) and most German expressive films in the third decade of the twentieth century, but the interest of cinema is growing in the estranged human personality, meaning that this character It lives by its alienation from the environment and society that surrounds it, because our present days have witnessed on the material and moral level more social breakdowns such as wars and disasters, and the sharp contradiction in the social and economic level of people themselves or between different societies, or between the individual and his community, and new social relations have increas

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of initial credit ratingAnnouncement of bonds on stock prices: An analytical study in the Abu Dhabi Securities Market
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The purpose of the research is to investigate the response of stock prices of companies that issued debt instruments (bonds) listed on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange for information content from the Moody's first credit rating announcements for the period 1 January 2005 - 30 May 2017. The study methodology was used to verify the existence of this response by the market and the Market efficiency of the Semi-strong shape.  The research focused on testing the impact of the initial announcement.The research showed that there is an influential information content to announce credit ratings in stock prices, with different responses between negative and positive. It was also found that the industrial sectors sample research separately d

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Historical description of Ghazuti (al-Khandaq and Banu Qurayza) Hegira 5 - AD 626
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Research Summary


Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad al-Mustafa, his family, his companions, and those who follow his gift until the Day of Judgment.

As for the dimension: This is a historical description of my conquest (Al-Khandaq and Ba

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
مجلة التراث العلمي العربي
التنبيه على ما في تحقيق محمد علي الصابوني لـ ( فتح الرحمن بكشف ما يلتبس في القرآن ) من تغيير وسقط ووهم وتحريف
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(فتح الرحمن بكشف ما يلتبس في القرآن ) لزكريا الأنصاري (ت 926 هـ ) مصنَّف مهم تبارت فيه علوم العربية لفكّ ما يثيره ظاهر آيات قرآنية من لبس لدى المتلقي ، فكان للبلاغة السطوة في ذلك ، ولأهميته طبع طبعات كثيرة ، خمس منها بتحقيق محمد علي الصابوني ، وهو التحقيق المهمين الشائع ، غيرأنه لم يستوفِ الأسلوب العلمي في اخراج النصوص، إذ بدت فيه مزالق كثيرة بينَ تغيير وسقط ووهم وتحريف وتصحيف ودمج مما استنهض فكرة هذا البحث ، للتنب

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Geographical distribution of the potato crop in the district of Abo – Ghraib, 2005- 2011
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Source of energy and protein Field crops considered an important needed for human
beings Due of this fact increases should appear in the quantities of their production in order to
meet the needs of continuous increasing in the population of the glope year after year ;
otherwise, an increase in the gap between the amount of production and consumption will
occur .
This study aims to reveal the geographical distribution of the potato crop in the district
of Abu – Ghraib. For this purpose, a study conducted about the cultivated areas, production
and crop yields per Dunam for period of 7 years lasted from 2005-2011.
The study shows that potato is one of the most important field crops that are grown in
the Abu –

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