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Publication Date
Sun Sep 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation the Effect of Bio-Fertilization on Some Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) Growth Parameters under Drought Conditions

       Field experiment was conducted during 2018- 2019 in loam soil at the research field of the Department of Biology, College of Science, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq, to study the effect of bio-fertilizers and two levels of chemical fertilization ( 50% and 100%) in some agronomic traits of wheat Triticum aestivum L. cultivar IPA 99  by the genus Azotobacter chroococum and AMF Glomus mosseae singly or in combination under drought condition. The experimental design was a Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD)with three replications. The results revealed that the application of bio-fertilizers reduced the negative impacts of water deficit. However, &nbsp

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The effect of Tabata exercises on the development of stamina and achievement for female athletes running 100m hurdles under the age of 18 years

يعد علم التدريب الرياضي الحديث عملية تربوية علمية مبنية على اسس صحيحة هدفها وصول اللاعبين الى التكامل في الاداء الفني وهذا يتم عن طريق التأثير المنظم والدقيق بواسطة استعمال التمارين البدنية التي تحدث تغيرات خاصة في عمل اعضاء واجهزة جسم الرياضي والتي بدورها تؤدي الى رفع كفاءة الاعضاء والاجهزة لتحقيق الانجازات الرياضية العالية ولقد استعملت الباحثتان اسلوب حديث من اساليب التدريب الرياضي من اجل تطوير تحم

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of public expenditure and public revenue on some of the intangible components of social development in Iraq for the period 1985-2008

تحتل أدوات السياسة المالية (الإنفاقية والإيرادية) مكانة مهمة بين أدوات السياسات الاقتصادية الأخرى لما تتمتع به من تأثيرات اقتصادية واجتماعية على مجمل النشاط الاقتصادي .

     وفي بحثنا هذا سنركز على الآثار الاجتماعية لأدوات السياسة المالية (الإنفاق العام والإيراد العام) لما للتنمية الاجتماعية من أهمية متزايدة في عالمنا اليوم خاصة فيما يتعلق بمقوماتها غير المادية المتمثلة في خدما

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determination of the standard cost of raw materials for the activity of extracting crude oil and gas by application in the North Oil Company

There are many problems facing the economic entities  as a result of its mass production &variation of its products  , the matter which had  increased the need & importance of cost accounting which is regarded a main tool for the managerial control.

The actual costing system is unable to meet the contemporary management needs ,so the Standard costing system appear to provide the management  with required information to perform its functions by the best use& way.

This research aims to determine  the standard cost for the  direct material for oil extraction activity by applying it in the north oil company.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of Tiger-Therthar channel and groundwater on the quality of Tigris river water at meeting point

This study was done to find the effect of Tigris-Therthar channel on the water quality of Tigris River to face the climate change which causes decreasing in water resources, in addition to decreasing in its quality. Nine stations were chosen located on Tigris River, Tigris-Therthar channel, Groundwater, and Therthar lake. The results indicated that the TDS increased in summer season, and the effect of Tigris-Therthar cannel was limited, also the effect of groundwater was limited, but there was an indication refers of possibility of increasing these effects on the quality of water. The study recommends observing the Tigris River through a programme to identify any change in water in future.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Evaluation of in vivo and in vitro protective effects of quercetin on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation and cytotoxicology

Quercetin, one of the flavonoids family member, can be found in many vegetables, fruits, and beverages with a noticeable nutritional pharmacological properties. This study was aimed to evaluate the ability of quercetin to inhibit lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that induced lethal toxicity in vivo, and to elucidate the importance of the quercetin as an antitumor agent in breast cancer cell line MCF-7.In vivo experiments included the effect of hesperidin and LPS on the liver and spleen of male mice. In the liver, the antioxidant activity was measured by estimating the concentration of glutathione (GSH), and catalase (CAT), while in the spleen, the concentration of cytokines was measured including IL-33 and TNF-α. In vitro experiments included MTT

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives

The study was carried out in plant tissue culture laboratory, University of Baghdad during the period 2017-2019, as factorial experiment in complete randomized design, to study the effect of PEG at (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8%) on physiological and chemical changes in callus of three sunflower (Ishaqi 1, Aqmar and Al-haga) induced by the cultivation of the young stem in vitro under water stress. The content of callus cells of SOD, POD, CAT and APX enzymes as well as content of hydrogen peroxide were determined as indicators to determine the effect of PEG in callus tissue cells cultivated on medium equipped with the PEG concentrations. The results showed that cultivars were differs significantly and Al-hajavariety was superior in increasing SOD to 24.

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 31 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Evaluation of Sodium Chloride and Acidity Effect on Corrosion of Buried Carbon Steel Pipeline in Iraqi Soil

In this work, corrosion parameters were evaluated using potentiodynamic polarization curves. In order to determine corrosion parameters of potential and current density of the interesting metal, carbon steel, environmental conditions of external corrosion of buried carbon steel pipeline in Iraqi soil were prepared in the laboratory using simulated prepared conditions. Solutions of sodium chloride at different concentrations (300, 1100, 1900, 2700, and 3500 ppm) were used. pH of solution were acidic at pH =5, and alkaline at pH = 9. Laboratory conditions were similar to those of Iraqi soil where the pipelines were buried. Temperature was constant at 20 °C. Potentiodynamic polarization curves, of potential vs. log current density, were ob

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 08 2024
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Evaluation of the Dynamics of Psychological Panic Factor, Glucose Risk and Estrogen Effects on Breast Cancer Model

Contracting cancer typically induces a state of terror among the individuals who are affected. Exploring how glucose excess, estrogen excess, and anxiety work together to affect the speed at which breast cancer cells multiply and the immune system’s response model is necessary to conceive of ways to stop the spread of cancer. This paper proposes a mathematical model to investigate the impact of psychological panic, glucose excess, and estrogen excess on the interaction of cancer and immunity. The proposed model is precisely described. The focus of the model’s dynamic analysis is to identify the potential equilibrium locations. According to the analysis, it is possible to establish four equilibrium positions. The stability analys

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Classification of the Projective Line over Galois Field of Order 31

Our research is related to the projective line over the finite field, in this paper, the main purpose is to classify the sets of size K on the projective line PG (1,31), where K = 3,…,7 the number of inequivalent K-set with stabilizer group by using the GAP Program is computed.

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