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دلالة حروف الجر في الحكم القصار للإمام علي (عليه السلام)
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حروف الجر هي حروف إضافة وروابط تدخل على الأسماء فقط ،فهي من علاماته فتعطيه حكم الجر؛ وبدخولها على الأسماء تجمع معانٍ للكلمات المتفرقة والمتناثرة في جمل متناسقة مفهومة في ذهن القارئ والمتلقي وتوصل معاني الافعال إلى الأسماء التي لا تستطيع الوصول إلى مفاعيلها، وهذا يدل على أن حروف الجر حروف عاملة وإن كان بعضها يأتي زائداً ،ولكل حرف من هذه الحروف معانٍ ودلالات قد تنفرد بها أو تشترك مع الحروف الأُخر فتضفي هذا المعنى على الأسماء الداخلة عليها مما جعل هذهِ الحروف أهمية بالغة في القرآن الكريم وكلام أهل البيت (عليهم السلام) ؛لانها كونت مع الافعال والأسماء التي تخللتها جملاً ذات معانٍ مفيدة مختلفة فتيسرت الكثير من المعاني التي تصعب على القارئ وقد أعطت هذه الحروف أهمية بالغة لمستعمليها من جهة حاجة هذه الحروف إلى مابعدها ؛تقسم إلى عدة أقسام حرف جر أصلي وهو ما لا يمكن حذفه من الجملة؛ أو استبداله بآخر، أو لأن المعنى لايتم بدونه وحرف جر زائد وهو ما لا يظهر على معنى الجملة لذلك بالإمكان حذفه والاستغناء عنه، وحرف جر شبيه بالزائد لا يمكن حذفه ؛لان المعنى لا يكتمل دونه، ونجد أن حروف الجر تدخل على الأسماء والضمائر وتشترك في معانيها فمثلا عندما نتحدث عن القسم نجد أن له عدة حروف يؤدين هذا المعنى ؛كالواو والتاء واللام والباء وفضلاً عن الاستعلاء فله العديد من هذه الحروف التي تؤدي معناه مثل (من، على، في، الكاف، الباء).

Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effective administrative leadership in the implementation of public policies: Analytical look at the Baghdad Provincial Council
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      The current research aims to find out the role of administrative leadership in the implementation of public policies and their effectiveness and their ability to do so, As well as analysis and testing of influence and correlations between research variables, The researcher has the descriptive and analytical approach, And several tools used to gather information consisted of personal interviews and field visits, While distributed questionnaire tool that consists of (35) items on a sample consisting of (147) individuals formed of staff of the Baghdad Provincial Council.

The research was based on a set of assum

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Requirements of talent management in high- containment organizations/ field study in Technology and Science Ministry
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Human resources constitute the most important recourses that the organization owned today, as it may have developed financial and technology resources to achieve their goals, but they are not able to use it with required efficiency and effective and quality desired unless there is human resources that have good skills, experiences and talents that able to directing and exploited ideally that compatible  with market requirements, where today's market and business organizations which compete naturally inherent talent, so the task is to attracting and developing talented resources and preservation these talented resources from the challenges that facing organizations. 

The research seek to achieve

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of cognitive sharing on strategic anxiety: Analytical research into the Iraqi Airways Company
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The current research aims to test the effect of knowledge sharing in its dimensions represented by(individual dimension, organizational dimension, and technological dimension), In reducing the strategic Anxiety of Iraqi Airways, In view of the importance of the two variables for the company from the perspective of society and the sample resulting from directing various organizational phenomena to reduce its strategic Anxiety, As a goal, it should be viewed from multifaceted perspectives(uncertainty, relational disorder, competitive disorder, resource depletion), And it was embodied by choosing the descriptive, exploratory approach, as it is the most appropriate in that aspect, so that the research questionnaire is one of solid scientific

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Exploitation decision and impact factors in improvement in stock exchange markets proportion investment small
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The purpose of the search definition on factors superior this whoever  impact on the improvement the exploitation  decision this  detect on stock exchange markets  assumption , and using  questioners to data accumulate  and the Iraq market of financial papers  battleground to search annoy chose the eyeball extension (47) peoples from peoples employees on the market , and using the bought statistic program (SPSS) on input and analysis search  data , and machinate the search outputs to their group of factors internal and external which impact on exploitation  decision on financial papers markets , and the search commend on necessary rise  the incumbency direction  in the stock exchange

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
أثر معايير الخصائص للمدقق الداخلي في تحقيق المسائلة: دراسة ميدانية في البنك العربي
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The research aims at introducing international standards of internal auditing standards, including properties, performance, and special focus on the role of internal auditors abide by the standards of properties in achieving better accountability of the various actors in the Arab Bank and its branches in Jordan. The researcher to gather information on the questionnaire that was designed in accordance with the pivotal first measure the degree of compliance with the standards of properties and the second measures the following criteria for properties to achieve accountability is through the use of statistical methods to researcher concluded that 42.5% of the changes to achieve accountability back to the standard features and more standards

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Grammar Lesson in  The Book of Al-Zahir in My Meanings         Words of the people to Abu Bakr al-Anbari (d. 328 AH
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, and upon his family and companions as a whole. Now, the research deals with the grammatical issues mentioned in the Book of Al-Zahir in the meanings of people's words to Abu Bakr Al-Anbari (d. 328 AH). Two parts of the book have more than one edition, it was printed by the Iraqi Ministry of Culture and Information Beirut in 1979 AD, and the Al-Resala Foundation issued the second edition in 1992 AD The third edition was printed in Dar Al-Bashaer in Damascus in the year 2003 AD and it was the reliance on the research and the grammatical issues were arranged on topics that are: interrogation - Deletion, exclusion, marbling, call and Wallace Relief and

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
Journal Name
The Application of Experimentation in the Iraqi theatre shows "Othello in the Kitchen" As a model: عادل كريم سالم
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The researcher tackles the most outstanding conditions of experimentation, the importance of the study lies in being helpful to the workers in the field of theatre in general and directors in particular which the conditions of experimentation that should be taken.The study aims at knowing the experimental basis which the director (Sami Abdulhamid) followed in the realization of this.The researcher tackles in the First inquiry the concept of experimentation and the second tackles the conditions of experimentation.In the methodology of study the researcher analyzed the show of the "Othello in the Kitchen" and comes up to the following: 1. the dhows has cone with the nature of the previous shows experienced the methods that were not familia

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
استخدام محاسبة التكاليف في أحتساب تكاليف المؤسسات التعليمية: دراسة تطبيقية في جامعة بغداد
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The institutions of higher education and scientific research are the strategic institutions in the field of investing the human resources.


Expenditure on such institutions is considered a long – term investment. Thus, the financial balancing in such institutions is not a traditional one.

These institutions are not for profit organizations.

Accordingly, they need to have accounting data that are calculated on an agreed upon cost basis due to the continuous growth in the expenditure on the services rendered by these institutions. These calls for the availability of tools that help rationalize the expenditure.

Cost Accounting system is capable of providing the useful data for such purposes an

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
The International And Political Journal
Constitutional Amendments in Oman and Their Impact on Internal and Foreign Policy
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The Sultanate of Oman is located in the far southwest of the Arabian Peninsula and enjoys a distinctive geographical location as it overlooks the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. The Sultanate has good relations with various countries of the world and enjoys an important regional position. At the beginning of 2020, Sultan Qaboos bin Said died, and Haitham bin Tariq assumed power after him, according to the will of his cousin, the late Sultan. The new Sultan had held some important positions before 2020, including: Minister of Heritage and Culture since February 2002, Chairman of the Supreme Committee for the Future Vision (Oman 2040), Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs f

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Establish Growth Curve in Light of Body Mass Index for Infertile Women in Baghdad City
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Objective: To establish growth curve for a sample of infertile women and to assess Body Mass Index.
Methodology: Non-probability (purposive sample) of (100) infertile women, who visit Kamal Al-Samaraee
Hospital/ fertility and IVF center . The data are collected through the use of constructed questionnaire, which
consists of two parts. Part 1: consists of (5) items about demographic characteristics, part 2: consists of (4) items
about reproductive status, descriptive statistical analysis procedures (frequency, percentage, Contingency
coefficients, polynomial cube order).
Results: Revealed that the infertile women in the study group had decrease in their Body Mass Index with aging
(with increase of infertility duration

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