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Utilizing the ATM technology in e-distance learning
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<p>There is an Increasing demand for the education in the field of E-learning specially the higher education, and to keep contiuity between the user and the course director in any place and time. This research presents a proposed and simulation multimedia network design for distance learning utilizing ATM technique. The propsed framework determines the principle of ATM technology and shows how multimedia can be integrated within E- learning conteext. The first part of this research presents a theoretical design for the Electricity Department, university of technology. The purpose is to illustrate the usage of the ATM and Multimedia in distance learning process. In addition, this research composes two entities: Software entity by using image, sound and a mix between them to be transfered across the ATM network.. The MATLAB was used to validate the implementation of the required design objectives: (hardware entity) where a prototype is designed (experimental trial) , which aims to carry out the connectivity process between the user and course director, where multiple PCs are connected via unshielded twisted pair (UTP) and a web camera with microphone have been attached to PCs. To finalize this stage, an interface is implemented to show the data transmission process for multimedia by the ATM network and it has been realized through the Visual Basic language. Finally, to validate the level of success by using the ATM technique, some important factors have been determined through the analysis phase, which are: time delay, throughput and efficiency. The propsed design manages to minimize the impat of noise and improve the throuput ratio by 30% while minizing the delay with a ratio of 22%.</p>

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Impact of Operating System on Bandwidth in Open VPN Technology
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The internet is a basic source of information for many specialities and uses. Such information includes sensitive data whose retrieval has been one of the basic functions of the internet. In order to protect the information from falling into the hands of an intruder, a VPN has been established. Through VPN, data privacy and security can be provided. Two main technologies of VPN are to be discussed; IPSec and Open VPN. The complexity of IPSec makes the OpenVPN the best due to the latter’s portability and flexibility to use in many operating systems. In the LAN, VPN can be implemented through Open VPN to establish a double privacy layer(privacy inside privacy). The specific subnet will be used in this paper. The key and certificate will

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences &amp; Humanities
The Role of Human Resources Management Professionals' Skills in Information Technology
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The current research aims to measure the impact of the skills of human resources management professionals in information technology in Iraqi private banks, as the skills of human resources management professionals constitute the modern trend of banks' interest in employees with outstanding performance, and the presence of information technology in banks is a prerequisite for dealing with the huge amount of data. And converting it into information to support the decision-maker in light of a complex environment, and the field research problem was the presence of a clear lack of interest in the skills of human resource management professionals and the weak adoption of information technology, which was reflected negatively on the compet

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2017
Journal Name
Ieee Sensors Journal
Calibrating Distance Sensors for Terrestrial Applications Without Groundtruth Information
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
2016 International Conference On Advances In Electrical, Electronic And Systems Engineering (icaees)
Efficient routing algorithm for VANETs based on distance factor
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There has been a great deal of research into the considerable challenge of managing of traffic at road junctions; its application to vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) has proved to be of great interest in the developed world. Dynamic topology is one of the vital challenges facing VANET; as a result, routing of packets to their destination successfully and efficiently is a non-simplistic undertaking. This paper presents a MDORA, an efficient and uncomplicated algorithm enabling intelligent wireless vehicular communications. MDORA is a robust routing algorithm that facilitates reliable routing through communication between vehicles. As a position-based routing technique, the MDORA algorithm, vehicles' precise locations are used to establish th

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 17 2021
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De PsicologÍa Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte
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The research aims to identify the impact of using the electronic participatory learning strategy according to internet programs in learning some basic basketball skills for middle first graders according to the curricular course, and the sample of research was selected in the deliberate way of students The first stage of intermediate school.As for the problem of research, the researchers said that there is a weakness in the levels of school students in terms of teaching basketball skills, which prompted the researchers to create appropriate solutions by using a participatory learning strategy.The researchers imposed statistically significant differences between pre and post-test tests, in favor of the post tests individually and in favor of

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 05 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Biotechnology Research Center,
A review of the Prevalence of Enterohemorrhagic E. coli in Iraq
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance of 2- Link Robot by utilizing Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller
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The Sliding Mode Control (SMC) has been among powerful control techniques increasingly. Much attention is paid to both theoretical and practical aspects of disciplines due to their distinctive characteristics such as insensitivity to bounded matched uncertainties, reduction of the order of sliding equations of motion, decoupling mechanical systems design. In the current study, two-link robot performance in the Classical SMC is enhanced via Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller (ASMC) despite uncertainty, external disturbance, and coulomb friction. The key idea is abstracted as follows: switching gains are depressed to the low allowable values, resulting in decreased chattering motion and control's efforts of the two-link robo

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Practice Periodical On Structural Design And Construction
Utilizing Emerging Technologies for Construction Safety Risk Mitigation
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Utilizing Load and Loss Factors in Determination of the Technical Power Losses in Distribution System’s Feeders: Case Study
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This study uses load factor and loss factor to determine the power losses of the electrical feeders. An approach is presented to calculate the power losses in the distribution system. The feeder’s technical data and daily operation recorded data are used to calculate and analyze power losses.

This paper presents more realistic method for calculating the power losses based on load and loss factors instead of the traditional methods of calculating the power losses that uses the RMS value of the load current which not consider the load varying with respect to the time. Eight 11kV feeders are taken as a case study for our work to calculate load factor, loss factor and power losses. Four of them (F40, F42, F43 and F

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 19 2019
Journal Name
Engineering, Construction And Architectural Management
Influential safety technology adoption predictors in construction
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Existing literature suggests that construction worker safety could be optimized using emerging technologies. However, the application of safety technologies in the construction industry is limited. One reason for the constrained adoption of safety technologies is the lack of empirical information for mitigating the risk of a failed adoption. The purpose of this paper is to fill the research gap through identifying key factors that predict successful adoption of safety technologies.


In total, 26 key technology adoption predictors

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