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Impact of Nitrogen Rate in Conventional and Organic Production Systems on Yield and Bread Baking Quality of Soft Red Winter Wheat
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Soft red winter wheat (SRW) is characterized by high yield and relatively low protein content. In Kentucky, there is growing demand from local artisan bread bakers for regionally produced flour, requiring production of grain with increased protein content and/or strength. The objective of this two-year field experiment was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen (N) management on five cultivars of winter wheat on yield and bread baking quality traits of modern and landrace SRW cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.). All five cultivars were evaluated using two N application rates in conventional and organic production systems. All traits measured were significantly affected by the agricultural production system and N rate, although plant height and other quality traits varied by study year. Significantly higher yields were achieved in the conventional system at a relatively low N rate (67.2 kg ha−1) in both study years (2017–2019) (p < 0.01). Results were variable by cultivar and a locally bred, high-yielding cultivar (Pembroke 2014) had the highest lactic acid solvent retention capacity score and thousand kernel weight of the cultivars evaluated. In addition, a landrace cultivar (Purple Straw) had the highest grain N and plant height. A French soft wheat, Soissons, had the highest sedimentation value and Pembroke 2016 achieved the highest yield. The findings from this study suggest the possibility of attaining a desirable grain with quality traits of SRW wheat that meets the needs of local bread wheat production in Kentucky through improving the optimization of cultivar selection, N management and specific considerations for conventional and organic systems.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Different garlic forms: (lobster, mashed, crushed) and their effect on quality qualities And the molecular life of the fermented cucumber and flavor
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This study aimed to isolate and identifye the growth of microorganisms and
their effect on pickled cucumber and cabbage, the study also investigated the effect of
garlic (in the form of segments, chopped or crushed) on the mentioned pickled –food
features . Furthermore, a sense based comparison is made between vinegar-preserved
samples and vinegar-garlic preserved ones.
The following results have been obtained:
1- The isolation of staph. aureus alone from the samples and the study of its physical
and biochemical features.
2- The fresh garlic (segments, chopped and crushed) with concentration of 5%, 7.5%,
and 10% showed a damaging percentage of 100% to bacterial growth of staph. Aureus
after 24 hours of inc

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Empirical Formula for Neutron Yield for (α,n) Reactions from 63cu and 65cu
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  The calculated neutron yields from (α, n) reactions are very important in analyzing radiation shielding of spent fuel storage, transport and safe handling. The cross sections of 63Cu (α, n) 66Ga and 65Cu (α, n) 68Ga reactions are calculated for different α-energies using different sets of programs using Matlab language. The values deduced energy is from threshold to Eα= 30 MeV and to Eα= 40 MeV for 63Cu (α, n) 66Ga and 65Cu (α, n) 68Ga respectively. The weight average cross section was then  used to calculate the neutron yields y0 (n/106α) for each reaction .The empirical formula was then suggested to calculate total neutron yield to each isotope.

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The battle of Dumat al-Jandal And its impact on the era of prophecy And the righteous caliphate
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The research in Islamic history is considered a title for the glory of the nation and a mirror for the intellectual and mental maturity of the men of the Islamic state who played an important role in saving humanity from darkness to light and from ignorance to knowledge and to show their position in building the Islamic state, and to highlight the importance of their conquests of neighboring cities and the expansion of Islam, and for this reason they appear The importance of writing on the topic (The Battle of Dumat al-Jandal and its impact on the era of the Prophethood and the Rightly Guided Caliphate). The reason for choosing this topic was to show the status of Dumat al-Jandal and its importance in the Islamic state and its great role

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 24 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Differential Equations
The Impact of Media Coverage and Curfew on the Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Model: Stability and Bifurcation
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In this study, the spreading of the pandemic coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is formulated mathematically. The objective of this study is to stop or slow the spread of COVID-19. In fact, to stop the spread of COVID-19, the vaccine of the disease is needed. However, in the absence of the vaccine, people must have to obey curfew and social distancing and follow the media alert coverage rule. In order to maintain these alternative factors, we must obey the modeling rule. Therefore, the impact of curfew, media alert coverage, and social distance between the individuals on the outbreak of disease is considered. Five ordinary differential equations of the first-order are used to represent the model. The solution properties of the system ar

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Radioelectronics And Communications Systems
Optical CDMA Coded STBC Based on Chaotic Technique in FSO Communication Systems
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Free-Space Optical (FSO) can provide high-speed communications when the effect of turbulence is not serious. However, Space-Time-Block-Code (STBC) is a good candidate to mitigate this seriousness. This paper proposes a hybrid of an Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) and STBC in FSO communication for last mile solutions, where access to remote areas is complicated. The main weakness effecting a FSO link is the atmospheric turbulence. The feasibility of employing STBC in OCDMA is to mitigate these effects. The current work evaluates the Bit-Error-Rate (BER) performance of OCDMA operating under the scintillation effect, where this effect can be described by the gamma-gamma model. The most obvious finding to emerge from the analysis

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of the Iraqi dinar exchange rate on inflation and economic growth using the joint integration methodology "a standard study"
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The exchange rate is of great importance at the global and local levels alike, as this importance increases with the increasing rates of development of economic relations between countries of the world due to openness and integration into the global economy, expressed by the expansion of the volume of trade and financial relations between countries. The Central Bank of Iraq has set the need to stabilize this price as a goal to reduce inflation rates and reduce them to the internationally accepted rates by using the foreign currency sale window to achieve a balance between the forces of supply and demand for foreign currency and to preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar. The research concluded that the central bank was It has a maj

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management
A review study summarizes the main characterization techniques of nano-composite photocatalysts and their applications in photodegradation of organic pollutants
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Investment in higher education and its impact on the labor market: Applied Research in private colleges
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      Investment in high education is considered to be most important factors of production which the return an individual and social than economic returns found by searching the growing problem of unemployment, especially among youth graduates, where the unemployment rate in 2010 (50%) of these high rates have led to increased migration of scientific minds graduate recently, "to search for job opportunities outside Iraq for not hiring functions and this is in vain" clear "in the human and financial resources lead to structural imbalances in the Iraqi economy.  When calculating the correlation coefficient between the graduates and the unemployment rate where it reached (0.21) emerged from the results of

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fish Assemblage and Impact of Oscillation Between Drowning and Drought on Fish Size-Spectrum in the Al-Chibyaish Marsh, Southern Iraq
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The present study was implemented in the period from January to December 2017, to assess the assemblage of fish, with the effects of some environmental factors and knowledge the impacts of annual periodic fluctuations between drowning and drought on the abundance and size-spectrum on the fish community in Al-Cibyaish marsh. Water temperature ranged between 13 ͦ C in January to 35 ͦ C in July, salinity from 2.90 PSU (Practical salinity unite) in February to 4.14 PSU in August. Hydrogen ion ranged between 7.60 in July to 8.30 in February. The present study appears contribution of environmental variables in the distribution, widespread and occurrence of fish assemblage in the Al-Chibyaish marsh. A total of 3294 specimens were collected re

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Premiums and compensations and their impact on the financial solvency of insurance companies: applied research in the Iraqi General Insurance Company
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The collected premiums and the compensations paid are among the main variables that have a prominent role in determining the level of financial solvency of insurance companies, as the higher the financial solvency of the insurance company, the more attractive it is to the target audience to acquire the company's insurance services.

Hence the importance of the issue of the solvency of insurance companies, as it is one of the critical matters on which the effectiveness of the insurance company and its continuation in the labor market depend.

In this research, we try to clarify the role of collected premiums and compensations paid in determining the level of operational solvency of t

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