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Crosstalk-Aware Multiple Error Detection Scheme Based on Two-Dimensional Parities for Energy Efficient Network on Chip
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Achieving reliable operation under the influence of deep-submicrometer noise sources including crosstalk noise at low voltage operation is a major challenge for network on chip links. In this paper, we propose a coding scheme that simultaneously addresses crosstalk effects on signal delay and detects up to seven random errors through wire duplication and simple parity checks calculated over the rows and columns of the two-dimensional data. This high error detection capability enables the reduction of operating voltage on the wire leading to energy saving. The results show that the proposed scheme reduces the energy consumption up to 53% as compared to other schemes at iso-reliability performance despite the increase in the overhead number of wires. In addition, it has small penalty on the network performance, represented by the average latency and comparable codec area overhead to other schemes.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Performance of Corrosion Inhibitors Blend for Simulated Industrial Cooling Waters under Dynamic Conditions
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   The inhibitive action of a blend of sodium nitrite/sodium hexametaphosphate (SN+SHMP) on corrosion of carbon steel in simulated cooling water systems (CWS) has been investigated by weight loss and electrochemical polarization technique. The effect of temperature, velocity, and salts concentrations on corrosion of carbon steel were studied in the absence and presence of mixed inhibiting blend. Also the effect of inhibitors blend concentrations (SN+SHMP), temperatures, and rotational velocity, i.e., Reynolds number (Re) on corrosion rate of carbon steel were investigated using Second-order Rotatable Design (Box-Wilson Design) in performing weight loss and corrosion potential approach. Electrochemical polarization measurements

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Trajectory Tracking Control for a Wheeled Mobile Robot Using Fractional Order PIaDb Controller
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Nowadays, Wheeled Mobile Robots (WMRs) have found many applications as industry, transportation, inspection, and other fields. Therefore, the trajectory tracking control of the nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots have an important problem. This work focus on the application of model-based on Fractional Order  PIaDb (FOPID) controller for trajectory tracking problem. The control algorithm based on the errors in postures of mobile robot which feed to FOPID controller to generate correction signals that transport to  torque for each driven wheel, and by means of dynamics model of mobile robot these torques used to compute the linear and angular speed to reach the desired pose. In this work a dynamics model of

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Hybrid compensation of polarization-multiplexed QPSK optical format for high bit rate networks
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<span lang="EN-GB">Transmitting the highest capacity throughput over the longest possible distance without any regeneration stage is an important goal of any long-haul optical network system. Accordingly, Polarization-Multiplexed Quadrature Phase-Shift-Keying (PM-QPSK) was introduced lately to achieve high bit-rate with relatively high spectral efficiency. Unfortunately, the required broad bandwidth of PM-QPSK increases the linear and nonlinear impairments in the physical layer of the optical fiber network. Increased attention has been spent to compensate for these impairments in the last years. In this paper, Single Mode Fiber (SMF), single channel, PM-QPSK transceiver was simulated, with a mix of optical and electrical (Digi

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of chemotherapy upon quality of life for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia
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Objective(s): To determine the impact of Chemotherapy upon the quality of life for patients with chronic myeloid
leukemia in Baghdad city.

Methodology: A descriptive study design was carried out The study was initiated from 30 January 2011 to October
2011.A purposive (non–probability) sample consisted of (130) patients with a chronic myeloid leukemia ,Who
attended to Baghdad Teaching Hospital and National Center for Research and Treatment of Hematology. The
sample criteria was the patients who were 18 years old and above, excluding the patients who suffered from
psychological problems and other chronic illnesses .A questionnaire was adopted and developed from European
Organization Research and treatment of Can

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Some Robust methods for Estimates the power Spectrum in ARMA Models Simulation Study
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Robust statistics Known as, resistance to errors caused by deviation from the stability hypotheses of the statistical operations (Reasonable, Approximately Met, Asymptotically Unbiased, Reasonably Small Bias, Efficient ) in the data selected in a wide range of probability distributions whether they follow a normal distribution or a mixture of other distributions deviations different standard .

power spectrum function lead to, President role in the analysis of Stationary random processes, form stable random variables organized according to time, may be discrete random variables or continuous. It can be described by measuring its total capacity as function in frequency.


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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculation of Modes Properties for Single-Mode and Multimode Fibers at 633 nm
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The need for optical fibers has emerged for its ability to transmit information with less attenuation and over long distances. In this work, four optical fibers with core radii from 1 μm to 4.75 μm in steps of 1.25 μm and a numerical aperture of 0.17 were studied and their modes properties have been calculated at a wavelength of 633 nm by using RP Fiber Calculator (free version 2022). Also, the effect of increasing the core radius on these properties has been studied. Multimode fibers can be obtained when the radius of the fiber core is large compared to the operating wavelength of the fiber which is less than the cutoff wavelength of the mode. Otherwise, a single-mode fiber is obtained. It has been concluded that all the calculated p

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study the Feasibility of Alumina for the Adsorption of Metal Ions from Water
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The present work describes the adsorption of Ba2+ and Mg2+ions from aqueous solutions by activated alumina in single and binary system using batch adsorption. The effect of different parameters such as amount of alumina, concentration of metal ions, pH of solution, contact time and agitation speed on the adsorption process was studied. The optimum adsorbent dosage was found to be 0.5 g and 1.5 g for removal of Ba2+ and Mg2+, respectively. The optimum pH, contact time and agitation speed, were found to be pH 6, 2h and 300 rpm, respectively, for removal of both metal ions. The equilibrium data were analyzed by Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models and the data fitted well to both isotherm modes as indicated by higher correlation of deter

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 25 2015
Journal Name
Comptes Rendus Chimie
A novel method for the synthesis of biodiesel from soybean oil and urea
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The increasing demand for energy has encouraged the development of renewable resources and environmentally benign fuel such as biodiesel. In this study, ethyl fatty esters (EFEs), a major component of biodiesel fuel, were synthesized from soybean oil using sodium ethoxide as a catalyst. By-products were glycerol and difatty acyl urea (DFAU), which has biological characteristics, as antibiotics and antifungal medications. Both EFEs and DFAU have been characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique. The optimum conditions were studied as a function of reaction time, reactant molar ratios, catalyst percentage and the effect of organic solvents. The conversion ratio of soybea

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Frequency Domain Analysis for Geometric Nonlinear Seismic Response of Tall Reinforced Concrete Buildings
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This paper aims to study the second-order geometric nonlinearity effects of P-Delta on the dynamic response of tall reinforced concrete buildings due to a wide range of earthquake ground motion forces, including minor earthquake up to moderate and strong earthquakes. The frequency domain dynamic analysis procedure was used for response assessment. Reinforced concrete building models with different heights up to 50 stories were analyzed. The finite element software ETABS (version 16.0.3) was used to analyze reinforced concrete building models.

The study reveals that the percentage increase in buildings' sway and drift due to P-Delta effects are nearly constant for specific building height irrespective of the seism

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Malaysian Journal Of Science
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A spectrophotometric determination of azithromycin was optimized using the simplex model. The approach has been proven to be accurate and sensitive. The analyte has been reacted with bromothymol blue (BTB) to form a colored ion pair which has been extracted in chloroform in a buffer medium of pH=4 of potassium phthalate. The extracted colored product was assayed at 415 nm and exhibited a linear quantification range over (1 - 20) g/ml. The excipients did not exhibit any interferences with the proposed approach for assaying azithromycin in pharmaceutical formulations.

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