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Estimation of the Rock Mechanical Properties Using Conventional Log Data in North Rumaila Field
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Hydrocarbon production might cause changes in dynamic reservoir properties. Thus the consideration of the mechanical stability of a formation under different conditions of drilling or production is a very important issue, and basic mechanical properties of the formation should be determined. There is considerable evidence, gathered from laboratory measurements in the field of Rock Mechanics, showing a good correlation between intrinsic rock strength and the dynamic elastic constant determined from sonic-velocity and density measurements. The values of the mechanical properties determined from log data, such as the dynamic elastic constants derived from the measurement of the elastic wave velocities in the material, should be more accurate than that determined by direct strength tests with core samples. This can be attributed to the scale effect and sampling disturbances. The aim of this study was to present methods of determining measures of some mechanical properties, from available well log data (conventional sonic, density, and gamma ray) for a well in North Rumaila field. The mechanical properties include formation strength and Poisson’s ratio. For the formation strength, combined elastic modulus (Ec) and shear modulus (G) were determined. The Poisson’s ratio was determined by using three different techniques to permit the accuracy of their values. The elastic modulus, shear modulus, and Poisson’s ratio were then correlated with depth and effective stress. The results show that combined correlations are important source of the prediction of overpressure zones which represent a major problem encountered in drilling and production process.

Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Estimation of the Rock Mechanical Properties Using Conventional Log Data in North Rumaila Field
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Hydrocarbon production might cause changes in dynamic reservoir properties. Thus the consideration of the mechanical stability of a formation under different conditions of drilling or production is a very important issue, and basic mechanical properties of the formation should be determined.
There is considerable evidence, gathered from laboratory measurements in the field of Rock Mechanics, showing a good correlation between intrinsic rock strength and the dynamic elastic constant determined from sonic-velocity and density measurements.
The values of the mechanical properties determined from log data, such as the dynamic elastic constants derived from the measurement of the elastic wave velocities in the material, should be more a

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 31 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Estimation of Rock Mechanical Properties of the Hartha Formation and their Relationship to Porosity Using Well-Log Data
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The physical and elastic characteristics of rocks determine rock strengths in general. Rock strength is frequently assessed using porosity well logs such as neutron and sonic logs. The essential criteria for estimating rock mechanic parameters in petroleum engineering research are uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus. Indirect estimation using well-log data is necessary to measure these variables. This study attempts to create a single regression model that can accurately forecast rock mechanic characteristics for the Harth Carbonate Formation in the Fauqi oil field. According to the findings of this study, petrophysical parameters are reliable indexes for determining rock mechanical properties having good performance p

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Estimation of rock strength from sonic log for Buzurgan oil field: A Comparison study
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It is very difficult to obtain the value of a rock strength along the wellbore.  The value of Rock strength utilizing to perform different analysis, for example, preventing failure of the wellbore, deciding a completion design and, control the production of sand.  In this study, utilizing sonic log data from (Bu-50) and (BU-47) wells at Buzurgan oil field.  Five formations have been studied (Mishrif, Sadia, Middle lower Kirkuk, Upper Kirkuk, and Jaddala) Firstly, calculated unconfined compressive strength (UCS) for each formation, using a sonic log method.  Then, the derived confined compressive rock strengthens from (UCS) by entering the effect of bore and hydrostatic pressure for each formation.  Evaluations th

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon May 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Mechanical Rock Properties Estimation for Carbonate Reservoir Using Laboratory Measurement: A Case Study from Jeribe, Khasib and Mishrif Formations in Fauqi Oil Field
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Estimation of mechanical and physical rock properties is an essential issue in applications related to reservoir geomechanics. Carbonate rocks have complex depositional environments and digenetic processes which alter the rock mechanical properties to varying degrees even at a small distance. This study has been conducted on seventeen core plug samples that have been taken from different formations of carbonate reservoirs in the Fauqi oil field (Jeribe, Khasib, and Mishrif formations). While the rock mechanical and petrophysical properties have been measured in the laboratory including the unconfined compressive strength, Young's modulus, bulk density, porosity, compressional and shear -waves, well logs have been used to do a compar

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sun Oct 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Estimation of Mechanical Rock Properties from Laboratory and Wireline Measurements for Sandstone Reservoirs
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Mechanical rock properties are essential to minimize many well problems during drilling and production operations. While these properties are crucial in designing optimum mud weights during drilling operations, they are also necessary to reduce the sanding risk during production operations. This study has been conducted on the Zubair sandstone reservoir, located in the south of Iraq. The primary purpose of this study is to develop a set of empirical correlations that can be used to estimate the mechanical rock properties of sandstone reservoirs. The correlations are established using laboratory (static) measurements and well logging (dynamic) data. The results support the evidence that porosity and sonic travel time are consistent i

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Estimation of Lifting Capacity for Selected Wells in Rumaila Field
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          This paper deals with studying the effect of hole inclination angle on computing slip velocity and consequently its effect on lifting capacity. The study concentrates on selected vertical wells in Rumaila field, Southern Iraq. Different methods were used to calculate lifting capacity. Lifting capacity is the most important factor for successful drilling and which reflex on preventing hole problems and reduces drilling costs. Many factors affect computing lifting capacity, so hence the effect of hole inclination angle on lifting capacity will be shown in this study. A statistical approach was used to study the lifting capacity values which deal with the effect of hole

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
2D and 3D Modeling of Rock Mechanical Properties of Khasib Formation in East Baghdad Oil Field
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Knowing the distribution of the mechanical rock properties and the far field stresses for the field of interest is an important task for many applications concerning reservoir geomechanics, including wellbore instability analysis, hydraulic fracturing, sand production, reservoir compaction, and subsidence. A major challenge with determining the rock's mechanical properties is that they cannot be directly measured at the borehole. Furthermore, the recovered carbonate core samples for performing measurements are limited and they provide discrete data for specific depths.

   The purpose of this study is to build 2D and 3D geomechanical models of the Khasib reservoir in the East Baghdad oil field/ Central area. TECHLOG.2015.3 softwa

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
Rock facies classification and its effect on the estimation of original oil in place based on petrophysical properties data
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The most significant function in oil exploration is determining the reservoir facies, which are based mostly on the primary features of rocks. Porosity, water saturation, and shale volume as well as sonic log and Bulk density are the types of input data utilized in Interactive Petrophysics software to compute rock facies. These data are used to create 15 clusters and four groups of rock facies. Furthermore, the accurate matching between core and well-log data is established by the neural network technique. In the current study, to evaluate the applicability of the cluster analysis approach, the result of rock facies from 29 wells derived from cluster analysis were utilized to redistribute the petrophysical properties for six units of Mishri

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 22 2020
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad
Feasibility of Water Sink-Based Gas Flooding to Enhance Oil Recovery in North Rumaila Oil Field
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 09 2009
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad
Estimation of Reservoir Rock Properties from Well Measurements
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Porosity and permeability are the most difficult properties to determine in subsurface reservoir characterization. The difficulty of estimating them arising from the fact that porosity and permeability may vary significantly over the reservoir volume, and can only be sampled at well location. Secondly, the porosity values are commonly evaluated from the well log data, which are usually available from most wells in the reservoir, but permeability values, which are generally determined from core analysis, are not usually available. The aim of this study is: First, to develop correlations between the core and the well log data which can be used to estimate permeability in uncored wells, these correlations enable to estimate reservoir permeabil

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