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Automated Glaucoma Detection Techniques: A Literature Review
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Significant advances in the automated glaucoma detection techniques have been made through the employment of the Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) methods, an overview of which will be provided in this paper. What sets the current literature review apart is its exclusive focus on the aforementioned techniques for glaucoma detection using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines for filtering the selected papers. To achieve this, an advanced search was conducted in the Scopus database, specifically looking for research papers published in 2023, with the keywords "glaucoma detection", "machine learning", and "deep learning". Among the multiple found papers, the ones focusing on ML and DL techniques were selected. The best performance metrics obtained using ML recorded in the reviewed papers, were for the SVM, which achieved accuracies of 98.31%, 98.61%, 96.43%, 96.67%, 95.24%, and 98.60% in the ACRIMA, REFUGE, RIM-ONE, ORIGA-light, DRISHTI-GS, and sjchoi86-HRF databases, respectively, employing the REFUGE-trained model, while when deploying the ACRIMA-trained model, it attained accuracies of 98.92%, 99.06%, 98.27%, 97.10%, 96.97%, and 96.36%, in the same databases, respectively. The best performance metrics obtained utilizing DL recorded in the reviewed papers, were for the lightweight CNN, with an accuracy of 99.67% in the Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) and 96.5% in the Glaucoma (GL) databases. In the context of non-healthy screening, CNN achieved an accuracy of 99.03% when distinguishing between GL and DR cases. Finally, the best performance metrics were obtained using ensemble learning methods, which achieved an accuracy of 100%, specificity of 100%, and sensitivity of 100%. The current review offers valuable insights for clinicians and summarizes the recent techniques used by the ML and DL for glaucoma detection, including algorithms, databases, and evaluation criteria.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
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Journal Of The American Medical Directors Association
Comprehensive Literature Review of Factors Influencing Medication Safety in Nursing Homes: Using a Systems Model
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Credit Card Fraud Detection Challenges and Solutions: A Review
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     Credit card fraud has become an increasing problem due to the growing reliance on electronic payment systems and technological advances that have improved fraud techniques. Numerous financial institutions are looking for the best ways to leverage technological advancements to provide better services to their end users, and researchers used various protection methods to provide security and privacy for credit cards. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the challenges and the proposed solutions to address them.  This review provides an overview of the most recent research on the detection of fraudulent credit card transactions to protect those transactions from tampering or improper use, which includes imbalance classes, c

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 23 2018
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Methods and Challenges in Shot Boundary Detection: A Review
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
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International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
Survey on distributed denial of service attack detection using deep learning: A review
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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on Web-based services have grown in both number and sophistication with the rise of advanced wireless technology and modern computing paradigms. Detecting these attacks in the sea of communication packets is very important. There were a lot of DDoS attacks that were directed at the network and transport layers at first. During the past few years, attackers have changed their strategies to try to get into the application layer. The application layer attacks could be more harmful and stealthier because the attack traffic and the normal traffic flows cannot be told apart. Distributed attacks are hard to fight because they can affect real computing resources as well as network bandwidth. DDoS attacks

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 04 2021
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Nanotechnology and the Most Important Characterization Techniques for Nanomaterial's: A Review
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Due to the importance of nanotechnology because of its features and applications in various fields, it has become the focus of attention of the world and researchers. In this study, the concept of nanotechnology and nanomaterials was identified, the most important methods of preparing them, as well as the preparation techniques and the most important devices used in their characterization.

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Review of Assured Data Deletion Security Techniques in Cloud Storage
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      Cloud computing is an interesting technology that allows customers to have convenient, on-demand network connectivity based on their needs with minimal maintenance and contact between cloud providers. The issue of security has arisen as a serious concern, particularly in the case of cloud computing, where data is stored and accessible via the Internet from a third-party storage system. It is critical to ensure that data is only accessible to the appropriate individuals and that it is not stored in third-party locations. Because third-party services frequently make backup copies of uploaded data for security reasons, removing the data the owner submits does not guarantee the removal of the data from the cloud. Cloud data storag

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 04 2024
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Recent reports of new pollution issues brought on by the presence of medications in the aquatic environment have sparked a great deal of interest in studies aiming at analyzing and mitigating the associated environmental risks, as well as the extent of this contamination. The main sources of pharmaceutical contaminants in natural lakes and rivers include clinic sewage, pharmaceutical production wastewater, and sewage from residences that have been contaminated by drug users' excretions. In evaluating the health of rivers, pharmaceutical pollutants have been identified as one of the emerging pollutants. The previous studies showed that the contaminants in pharmaceuticals that are widely used are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ant

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2023
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Nondestructive Evaluation of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Using Microwave Techniques: A Review
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Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) is widely acknowledged as a leading advanced material structure, offering superior properties compared to traditional materials, and has found diverse applications in several industrial sectors, such as that of automobiles, aircrafts, and power plants. However, the production of CFRP composites is prone to fabrication problems, leading to structural defects arising from cycling and aging processes. Identifying these defects at an early stage is crucial to prevent service issues that could result in catastrophic failures. Hence, routine inspection and maintenance are crucial to prevent system collapse. To achieve this objective, conventional nondestructive testing (NDT) methods are utilized to i

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 02 2023
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Applied Sciences
Machine Learning Techniques to Detect a DDoS Attack in SDN: A Systematic Review
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The recent advancements in security approaches have significantly increased the ability to identify and mitigate any type of threat or attack in any network infrastructure, such as a software-defined network (SDN), and protect the internet security architecture against a variety of threats or attacks. Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) are among the most popular techniques for preventing distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on any kind of network. The objective of this systematic review is to identify, evaluate, and discuss new efforts on ML/DL-based DDoS attack detection strategies in SDN networks. To reach our objective, we conducted a systematic review in which we looked for publications that used ML/DL approach

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Techniques and Challenges for Generation and Detection Face Morphing Attacks: A Survey
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      Face recognition system is the most widely used application in the field of security and especially in border control. This system may be exposed to direct or indirect attacks through the use of face morphing attacks (FMAs). Face morphing attacks is the process of producing a passport photo resulting from a mixture of two images, one of which is for an ordinary person and the other is a judicially required. In this case, a face recognition system may allow travel of  persons not permitted to travel through face morphing image in a Machine-Readable Electronic Travel Document (eMRTD) or electronic passport at Automatic Border Control (ABC) gates. In creating an electronic passport, most countries rely on applicant to submit ima

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